Pokemon League

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Ash, Leaf, and Gary were super excited. They were excited since the Pokémon league was going to start in a week from then. Ash, Gary, and a leaf promised to not battle each other until the league when they all came home from their journey. They wanted to save their battles against each other for the league.
Brock and Misty stayed with them and trained along side them to get stronger to. They all decided that since the league was in Viridian City that they would go there today and stay there until the league started and ended. They all got their Pokémon and left the small town names pallet town.

Time Skip Near Viridian City

They've been walking for two hours and are now almost arriving when all of the sudden a blue portal opens up. They all start getting sucked in so they hang on to a tree. All of the sudden and rock that was about to be pulled in the portal hit ash's head which knocked him out. Ash was then sucked in the portal along with Pikachu who was holding on to him and all his other Pokémon. Everyone else just waited until ash came back out because they knew he would pull through and find a way out of his problem.

With Ash

I was hanging on to a tree when all of the sudden everything went black. When I opened my eyes I saw Pikachu and nothing else. Just black. Then me and Pikachu heard a voice. It was a mans voice. Then I saw a face. It looked like a face. I saw it through a screen. It was a blue one. The man introduced himself as Sir Arron. He said he was an aura guardian that lived thousands of years ago. He told me he sacrificed himself for his kingdom and family. He had a child. A baby boy. His wife was a beautiful elegant women who was a person of the water. She had the powers to make and manipulate water. I asked the man his story and he explained. He told me that a war broke out between the water people and the aura people. It started because of him and his wife. It was forbidden to marry one that was not of your kind. We both did not want to break up which enraged both sides even more. When we had a child it looked more like me than her which again enraged the water people. One day Arceus came down and my son the chosen one in the middle of a battle. The water people could not accept that a baby made by two different kinds was named the chosen one. In their prophecy's it always said the chosen one was a descendant if a king or queen but this was not the case at all. The war was hurting Pokémon habitats and homes which legendaries did not agree with. We were even using Pokémon in the war. I knew it all had to come to a stop. Then one day I went to the tree of beginnings and I told Mew that I would give her all of my aura which was very strong to stop the war. I told her that when I did this she would need to do something for me. I told her she would need to tell the legendary Pokémon celebi to timetravel to the future and place my child and wife there. In a nice simple home it a great region. Mew agreed to this with a little hesitation since we have met before and we had become good friends. I also told Mew to send this message to my wife and child. I love them both with all my heart and that they should only trust the ones they no much about like family friends. Only Pokémon can be trusted at the fullest unless they have been deceived by its trainer. They should get to know the person before just trusting them like I did long ago with a human who ended up stealing my best friend Lucario.
I then asked the man what was his child's name and his wife's too. He slowly replies ash and Delia. Before I could say anything else everything went black and he disappeared again.
I sat there speechless and in seconds I broke down in tears. It was no wonder why I had never met my father. At least I know how he was. He was a kind and loving friend, father, husband, and trainer. He saves many Pokémon and more but while doing so he sacrificed himself but still managed to save his family.

With Ash's Companions/ Leaf POV

We waited for over thirty minutes until right above us a blue portal opened up and out from it Ash and Pikachu dropped. We all asked if he was ok and when I was about to put my hand on his shoulder he immediately dodged it and jumped back. We all looked at him and were worried for him. We then looked at each other and we all knew something was wrong.
Ash suddenly spoke and said get away from me. This surprised us all and then Gary went up to him and said ash it's me your best bud. Ash then widely opened his eyes and allowed Gary to get to him. He then spoke and said he only trusted Gary, Professor Oak, and his mom.
This surprised us all once again and when we asked why he said he didn't want to talk about it.
We all then agreed to move off the topic and get back on track.

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