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C'mon Curelean city should be near here. I said to Brock and Leaf.
Ugh, I wish we were there already. Said Leaf

We then heard a girl yell out bubble beam and water gun. We rushed towards the sound and when we got there we saw a girl maybe a year older than me training her Pokémon. The Pokémon she had with her were Starmie, Seel, and a horsea.
We walked up to her and asked if she could show us the way to Curelean city. She said yes seeing that she was the gym leader there along with her sisters. She said that we would have to go through mount moon which we agreed to.
When we got there we saw a bunch of Zubats attacking a scientist. Brock sent out Geodude and told Geodude to use rock throw. When Geodude did the attack all of the Pokémon left but one which Brock managed to catch.

The man thanked us and he told us to call him seamore.
"Why'd they attack you?" Asked Misty.
"Because of the construction in there" answered seamore.
"Someone just came here and started construction which is ruining the Pokémon habitat." Seamore said with worry. He then told us he'll show us.
When we got in we saw the crooks from team rocket.
"Look who it is Jessie" said James in a annoying voice.
"Not again" She then sent out Ekans and James sent out Koffing. I told Pikachu to send them flying with a thunderbolt which he did causing them to fly out of the cave.
Then out of nowhere a sandshrew walked up to me asking to join since he wanted to get strong. I said yes and he started to follow us.
We the saw a clefairy and started to follow it.
When it stopped we saw a huge moonstone.
We then saw a bunch of Clefairy dancing around it and out of nowhere the crooks popped up and stole the huge stone with their hot air balloon.
Brock and Leaf got on Onix and went on an underground root. I sent out Pidgeot and told him to use air slash and pop that balloon. When he did so the stone started to fall on the ground and Onix caught it and brought it back to its original position. The crooks then sent out their usual Pokémon and I told sandshrew to finish it with earthquake which it did. It was so happy that it had won that it evolved into Sandslash.

The clefairy then danced around the stone once again and some evolved into Clefable. The clefairy that brought us there had evolved too and asked Leaf if it could join her team which leaf said yes excitedly.

Seamore the. Decided to stay with the clefairy and Clefable and we parted ways. Once we got out the other side we saw Curelean city and rushed towards it.

Once we got there leaf challenged the oldest sister and won but here's how the battle went.

Battle POV

This will be a 3v3 Pokémon battle vs leaf and the oldest Curelean sister.
The oldest sister sent out Golduck and leaf sent out Clefable. Leaf used psychic and then dazzling gleam. This did much damage but then Golduck used a powerful hydro pump.
Leaf then told Clefable to finish it with pound which it did. The gun leader then sent out Seaking. Seaking finished Clefable with a peck. Leaf then sent out Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff finished it with brick break then a Shadowball.
The gym leader sent out her final Pokémon Tentacruel. Tentacruel used double slap. The. It finished it with a hydro pump and then a sludge bomb. Leaf sent out her final Ivysaur.
Ivysaur used a leaf storm then a vine whip. Tentacruel then used a hydro pump.ivysaur then finished it with a razor leaf.

Normal Pov

Well I guess you won. Here have the cascade badge. Said the sister as she gave leaf the badge.

Well we don't have any more Pokémon to battle you. All the sisters said to me.

So here you go. Said the oldest as she gave me the badge.

Hold it there. Yelled misty as she challenged me to a battle.

Go Starmie.
Go Charmander.

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