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They all advanced to the second round after winning their first battles and are now going to check who they are up against. When they got to the board they saw that Ash was against AJ. AJ was the one who he versed why on his journey. Leaf was against a girl named Caitlyn and Gary was against a boy named Bryan.

Ash's Battle

Ash sent out his Pokémon as Charizard and AJ sent out Sandslash. Sandslash used stone edge but Charizard dodged. Sandslash then used rock throw but the Charizard cut them all with slash and finished the battle with a powerful dragon tail. AJ hesitates before excepting defeat and saying to Ash that it was a great battle but next time there will be a different outcome.

Leafs Battle

Leaf greeted her opponent and then sent out Vileplume. Her opponent Caitlyn sent out her Jolteon. Vileplume used leaf storm and it did a large amount of damage to Jolteon. Jolteon used wild charge which hit Vileptbut didn't do much damage. Vileplume used magical leaf which when it hit it was critical hit. Jolteon then used quick attack which did an ok amount of damage and then Jolteon used thunder. Vileplume was very hurt but then used sludge bomb which evened out the score. Vileplume then finished the battle with a powerful razor leaf.

Gary Battle

Gary sent out Blastoise and his opponent Bryan sent out Growlithe. Blastoise used hydro pump which did much damage and almost knocked out Growlithe. Growlithe began to glow white and evolved. It evolved to Arcanine. Arcanine used flare blitz which didn't do much damage but the recoil did damage to itself as well. Blastoise the finished the battle up with a strong surf attack.

Normal POV

They regrouped back at the main lobby sharing the good news and then went to heal their Pokémon. After healing their Pokémon they checked the board to see who they were up against. To their surprise Gary and Leaf were going against each other and Ash was up against a boy named Ritchie.

Later That Day At Leaf and Gary Battle

Leaf sent out her Ivysaur and Gary sent out his Arcanine. Ivysaur used earthquake which did a large amount of damage in Arcanine. Arcanine then used Flare blitz and then flame charge. This did a massive amount of damage and sent Ivysaur flying. Ivysaur got back up and used leaf storm. Arcanine dodged and used flamethrower. Ivysaur then used leech seed which sapped some of Arcanines health and transferred it to Ivysaur. Arcanine then used fire blast which did a critical amount of damage and knocked Ivysaur to the ground. Leaf saw how hurt Ivysaur was and returned it. She then sent out Cloyster. Cloyster used shadow ball which did a good amount of damage. Arcanine used extreme speed which was a strong attack. Cloyster then finished Arcanine up since it was low on health with a powerful hydro pump. Gary who was frustrated returned Arcanine and sent out Alakazam. Alakazam used dazzling gleam and then psychic. These two powerful attacks were just enough to knock out Cloyster. Cloyster then got returned by Leaf and Leaf sent out Ninetales. Ninetales used flamethrower into flame charge which did a large amount of damage. Alakazam then used shadow ball which sent Ninetales flying. Ninetales then used crunch which was very effective. Alakazam who struggled getting back up used psybeam. This knocked Ninetales to the ground but was not enough to take it out. Ninetales then used flamethrower but that didn't take out Alakazam. Alakazam finally used a psybeam attack which headed straight towards Ninetales. When it was about to hit Ninetales, Ninetales jumped over it and finished off Alakazam with a powerful crunch. Gary then returned Alakazam and sent out Blastoise his final Pokémon. Blastoise easily finished Ninetales with a surf attack since Ninetales was already worn out. Leaf then returned Ninetales and sent out her final Pokémon Ivysaur who was worn out from her battle with Arcanine. Ivysaur used leaf storm which did much damage. Blastoise then used hydro cannon which did an ok amount of damage seeing the strength it had. Blastoise then used a powerful ice beam which knocked Ivysaur to the ground. Ivysaur couldn't get up but refused to fall there and then. All of the sudden Ivysaur glowed a white color and evolved to a powerful looking Venasaur. Venasaur then used sunny day and charged up her Solar Beam. Blastoise then used rapid spin and hydro pump to do damage while Venasaur charged up its Solar Beam. Gary then told Blastoise to use its most powerful ice beam. Blastoise launches this ice beam but at the same time Venasaur launched its Solarbeam. An explosion was caused when both Moves met at the middle of the battlefield. When the smoke cleared you could see a very worn out Blastoise trying to stand up and a fainted Venasaur rig hit in front of it. Gary then returned Blastoise thanking it for its hard work as he did with its other Pokémon. Leaf then ran of to Venasaur squeezing it and thanking it for its hard work as well also saying it did it's very best. When both Pokémon were returned both trainers met at the middle and thanked one another for the great battle.

Ash Battle

Ash went to his battle after watching Leaf and Gary's battle. Ash saw his opponent across from him and the battle had began. His opponent sent out Butterfree. Ash then decided he would also send out Butterfree. His opponents Butterfree (Ritchies Butterfree) used gust. Ash told his Butterfree to dodge and it did. Ash then told Butterfree to finish it with Psybeam which it did once again. Ritchies then sent out Charmander. Ash who felt pity for him returned Butterfree and sent out Charizard. Charmander used ember which Charizard took not feeling a thing. Charizard then finished the battle with dragon claw. Ritchie then sent out Pikachu and ash did the same. Ritchies Pikachu used thunder and Ash's Pikachu used thunderbolt. When the two moves collided Ash's Pikachus thunderbolt has overpowered its opponents move making the other Pokémon faint letting Ash and Pikachu win the match.

They went back to the main lobby and saw who they were up against. Ash had a 3v3 battle against a boy named Damien and Gary was against a girl named Francesca.

Ash Battle

Ash sent out Charizard as his Pokémon. Damien then sent out Rhydon. Charizard finished the battle with dragon rage with surprised everyone. Damien then sent out Tentacruel. Charizard then finished this battle with Air Slash. Damien who was now very frustrated sent out Tauros. Tauros used stone edge which Charizard dodged. Charizard then finished the battle with overheat. This again surprised everyone. Damien was very salty now and was talking trash. He had to be escorted off the field. Just like that ash advanced to the next round which was the fifth round.

Gary Battle

Gary sent out his Fearow and his opponent sent out pidgeotto. They both used gust multiple time and they were both tired. Pidgeotto then used peck which Fearow dodged. Fearow finished it with Air Slash. Francesca then sent out Charmeleon. Fearow used air slash which hit and did a decent amount of damage. Charmeleon then used slash which did little to no damage. Fearow then finished the battle with a strong twister attack. Francesca then sent out her final Pokémon Lapras. Fearow used air slash and then steel wing which did a decent amount of damage. Lapras then used surf which did a good amount of damage. Lapras finished Th e battle up with an ice beam attack. Gary sent out his next Pokémon Umbreon. Lapras used ice beam and Umbreon used shadow ball. When both moves collided an explosion occurred. When the smoke cleared you could see two Pokémon at the middle. Umbreon then used giga impact and Lapras used aqua jet. When they finished attacking they both went to their sides and got ready to attack. Lapras then used ice beam and Umbreon Dark Pulse. Umbreon overpowered Lapras making Lapras faint. This meant Gary moves on to the fifth round as well.

When they got to the main lobby they told each other the good news and then saw who they were up against. Ash was up against the girl from the Pokémon Tech school Giselle. Gary was up against a kid named Franky. Ash knew that if both Gary and him won they would face off in the finals which is the sixth round.

Ash went to the battle field and him and his opponent said that they hoped it was going to be a good battle. Gise sent out Golem and Ash sent out Zoroark. Golem used earthquake but Zoroark used protect. Zoroark then finished the battle with a powerful knight slash. Giselle then sent out Marowak. Ash told Zoroark to finish it with earthquake which it did. Giselle then sent out her third Pokémon Gengar. Ash told Zoroark to finish it once again with DarknPulse. Giselle then sent out Blastoise. Zoroark finished it with thunderbolt. Giselle then sent out Venasaur. Zoroark finished it with knight slash. Giselle sent out her final Pokémon Venomoth. Zoroark finished this with knight slash.

Word count- 1550

A/N hope you liked it.

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