My Beautiful One (Jonathan Morgenstern Fanfic)

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Jonathan Morgenstern never got the chance to live. Not when he had demon blood burning in his veins. He died in his mother's arm and yet somehow, he found that he didn't get thrown straight into hell for every thing he had done. He finds himself trapped in between, invisible to the mortal world as he watches his sister.

He discovers that he isn't completely alone and invisible when a young girl strikes up a conversation with him, seeming very used to spirits. There is more than meets the eye with the young girl and Jonathan finds himself very much intrigued when secrets come to life. He realizes that there is more planned for him ahead and Jonathan will have to make choices that will affect the lives of those he cares about.

© 2015 by EndarkenedWarrior


AN this fanfic isn't going to be Jonathan's POV through the books but about him coming back as a ghost after the War. Actually, technically, the first two chapters are of his POV through after he died so yeah. Sorry if it sucks.

The theme songs for this book is Wings by Birdy and Ghost by the ever lovely Halsey

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