Serpent in My Edom

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"I apologize, for the sins, for the pleasure but is it any worth to act otherwise if all that awaits us is an empty infinity, void of pleasure and sin?"

-(this quote may or may not have been created by me)


AUGUST 2008 (continuation)

"It's bigger than I thought."

Jonathan and Beth were staring at one of the glass towers in Alicante. They were breathtaking to say the least. Growing up, Valentine hadn't raised him in the Glass City but on the far outskirts of Alicante, where the grounds were rocky and barren and prettiest thing to look at if you were lucky was rain. As a child he had always loved watching the glass towers from afar, amazed by how they glowed with what had to be heaven's light.

They had always looked like crystals to him, a beauty to be reckoned with even when he had climbed them to take down the wards.

"Try climbing it," Jonathan scoffed, crossing his arms. He remembered scaling past the guards of the demon glass towers before climbing them. It had been difficult and tiring to haul himself up the large towers made completely of adamas. The smooth surfaces of the glass tower made it hard for proper climbing.

"Its impossible to climb," Beth said, almost as if she was daring him to prove her wrong.

"Hard, but not impossible." Jonathan mused. "Actually, with the right amount of upper body strength and suitable footwear..." Beth narrowed her eyes slightly before turning to look at the glass tower again.

"Hard to believe that such beautiful fragile things-or big sticks stuck into the ground, as you put it-are the only things that protect our Idris from ravenous demon hordes." Beth said casually.

"Beautiful things are easily broken," Jonathan sighed.

Beth laughed. "Well, that was deep,"

"I'm a ghost. I'm filled with forlorn, depressing thoughts and that will make you appreciate life." he shifted his tone to a Shakespeare imitation. "I died with still a million ideas only mind...I died in my youth, a young man who still expected so much from life...I died without experiencing a thousand things."

Jonathan hadn't realized that Beth was no longer smiling until he looked down at her. Instead, she was wearing a hard glare, her hands shoved into her pockets. "Staring at this is giving me a headache. Let's move on." Beth said abruptly, all traces of a good mood dissapearing before she turned away.

"Hey! Wait a moment," Jonathan groaned and lightly jogged after Beth. Her sudden movements were going to give him whiplash.

"You know, I've never understood why people said 'give me a moment'" Beth muttered as Jonathan caught up to her. "Did you know that a moment is sixty-fourth of a second? Really, what can anyone do in sixty-fourth of a second. Blink?"

"You're random facts amuse me," Jonathan stated lightly.

Beth rolled her eyes. "I'm hilarious even when I'm not trying to be. I am just that good, am I?"

"I have never understood people who have asked themselves questions out loud. If you're the one giving the question, shouldn't you know the answer already as it is directed to yourself?" Jonathan carried on, keeping his hands behind his back.

"Here's another random fact. One of an octupus's eight tentacles is actually it's pènis." Beth said in a monotone, her face void of emotions. An elderly woman with graying ginger hair shot Beth a scandalized look of horror as they past them, one she didn't see.

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