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Jay should be thankful he wasn't stopped by some patrol car, or worse: a 21st district patrol car. Although, his driving wasn't technically unsafe; he's an experienced detective, plus that conversation with his brother definitely knocked him completely sober. He knew Hailey would've long left the grocery store by now, so instead he was heading back to his apartment to think things through before trying to find her first thing tomorrow. The apartment he bought two and a half years ago is only 10 minutes from Molly's.

He'd just made it in five.

He springs out of his car, jumping the stairs two and a time to the 3rd floor, not even bothering to wait for the lift. He fumbles for the keys, trying to get inside as quickly as possible. He opens the door and hurries inside. 

The interior is mostly empty, with only basic furniture and limited belongings. He continues into his master bedroom, throwing open the closet door to change out of his going out clothes. He pauses when he sees that black jacket. The one Hailey always stole on long shifts. It covered her small frame like a blanket. 


He misses her like a severed limb. They were partners, best friends...and almost more. Three years ago, she was his everything. But now...

He can't even wrap his head around what happened. He'd shut her out. He didn't mean to, but she doesn't know that. She's somewhere out there, believing he abandoned her and their child. If he were to find her tomorrow, would she even stop and listen long enough to hear him out? 

Jay's a swirl of conflicting emotions: shock, loss, guilt, disbelief, and some anger too. How could she believe he'd leave her and their child like that? He knew first hand what it would be like for a child to grow up with only one parent. He would never let any child go through that, especially theirs. 

He endures a restless night, in a swirl of memories and emotions, until the first rays of sunlight begin to peek through the curtains. 

'Please' he thinks as he leaves the front door. That's all. 


"Aunt Nat and Owen are here, Ana!" Hailey calls over her shoulder as she opens the front door to let Natalie in. "Nat!" Jaiyana squeals with delight as she runs towards the front door, hugging Natalie's legs. The little girl has always known Natalie and Owen from regular video calls, but since moving to Chicago, she's gotten even closer to them. 

Jaiyana begins dragging Owen into the living room so he can play with her. The little girl might be younger, but with her stubborn nature, she was definitely in charge. As the daughter of Hailey and Jay, one can expect nothing less. 

The two adults sit down on the couch with their morning coffee, as they watch their kids play together. 

"So, I ran into Will yesterday..." Hailey begins.

"Will Halstead?" Natalie gasps in surprise. 

"Yeah" sighs Hailey, placing her coffee mug back on the coffee table. 

"Did you have Jaiyana with you? What happened?" questions Natalie, eyes wide with worry.

"Yeah, she was there. I was at the grocery store, the one close to Molly's. I probably should've just went to the local one like usual, but I wanted to go back to somewhere I was familiar with-" She catches herself rambling. "Anyway, long story short, we ran into each other. I didn't even check out my groceries after the shock of that, by the way. Thanks for coming over to watch Jaiyana for the morning."

"No problem, go on" Natalie presses.

"Obviously, Will looked at her and figured out everything in about two seconds...It wasn't fair for him to find out like that, but I don't know what I was expecting. Of course Jay hadn't told anyone."

Three Years and One LifetimeWhere stories live. Discover now