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"Daddy?" asks Jaiyana hopefully as soon as Hailey picks her up from daycare. "Daddy's at work, remember?" Hailey reminds her gently, and the little girl's face drops. "We're gonna see Daddy tomorrow, Ana" Hailey says, placing her daughter in her car seat. "We're picking him up from the airport. We're going to see the airplanes."

"Airpane?" Jaiyana asks, little eyebrows furrowed.

"Mmhmm" Hailey confirms as she buckles the mini seatbelt in. "We'll see him tomorrow, but right now it's time to go home" she says, before shutting the back car door and settling into her spot in the driver's seat.

As she drives back home, she thinks about the day to come. Jay and the rest of the unit, excluding Kim and Hailey (because of Brayden and Jaiyana), had to fly to New York for a case. Trips like this were pretty normal. Jay has worked with the NYPD a handful of times before. So for him, it was no big deal.

At least, it hadn't been before.

He seemed really bummed to have to leave Jaiyana for the whole working week, which Hailey knows is something he's never had to worry about before. She understands the struggle all too well - she's said no to countless opportunities during her time in New York simply because she couldn't leave Jaiyana for any extended period of time.

He told her he'd catch a taxi straight home, but there was definitely a hint of hope in him that she'd offer to pick him up. She purposely ignored the subtle implication, planning to surprise him at the airport before going for a family day at the beach. She hasn't told Jaiyana that last part yet because if, heaven forbid, something happens and they can't go, Hailey will never hear the end of the whining that will follow.

She tries to ignore the tiny spark of excitement and the thought of seeing Jay tomorrow, as well as the fact that she's really missed him this week, having gotten used to being together practically 24/7 over the past month since she and Jaiyana had moved in. She wonders if he's missed her too.


It's 10 o'clock by the time Jay arrives in baggage claim, and he'd just managed to spot and pick up his bag when he feels a small person bump into his leg. He looks down in shock and confusion until he sees his daughter smiling up at him. "Hi daddy!" she says brightly.

"Hey kiddo!" he replies, happily surprised, and immediately drops his bag and reaches down to lift her into his arms. He buries his face in Jaiyana's soft hair and breathes in her sweet scent - a mix of toddler shampoo, clean fabric and just the faintest hint of Hailey.

He scans the crowd for Hailey and finds her standing a few feet away, smiling at them.

"Daddy airpane?" she asks, curiously.

"Yep" he says. "I went on the airplane" he confirms, reaching down to grab his bag with the other hand.

"Ready to get out of here, kiddo?" he asks.

She giggles in response, but doesn't say anything, so he navigates them in Hailey's direction.

"Hey, didn't expect to see you guys here" he says when he reaches her side, smiling.

"Did you really think I was going to let you catch a taxi home by yourself?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Ehhh, well you certainly wanted me to believe so" he shrugs.

"Oh hey guys" greets Hailey, spotting the rest of the unit coming their way.

"Hi Jaiyana" Voight waves at the little girl in Jay's arms. "Good to see you here, Hailey" he says.

"Halstead's been a pain this trip. The amount of times he's whined over having to be apart from you and Jaiyana" Atwater starts.

"Hey! I did not whine" protest Jay.

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