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A/N (More like a rant): [SPOILER ALERT FOR 7x13] Ok I know this isn't Upstead related but OMG DID THE WRITERS REALLY HAVE TO DO THAT TO BURZEK??? They literally JUST sorted everything out, plus the whole miscarriage storyline is so overused (first Gabby, then April, now Kim -_-). I really hope they can get through this...

"All good?" Hailey checks one final time, turning to Jay for confirmation.

"We're good," he replies, gesturing towards Jaiyana in his arms.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?" 

"Seriously Hailey, we're going to be fine," he says. "Now go enjoy your day out with Nat."

She feels a slight twinge of guilt, since that's not the actual reason she's going out. Natalie knew this and agreed to cover for her in case Jay couldn't reach Hailey while they were supposedly out and tried to call her. It's a small white lie for a good cause, she reminds herself. 

"I'll see you when I come home," she promises, voice suddenly soft. As she says these words, she realises they're true. This has become her home. Their home. And it's scary how much she suddenly wants to come back to their home every night for the rest of her life. 

"Ok," he whispers, eyes suddenly intense as if recognising the change in her, and the gravity of the moment. 

A sudden loud and demanding "food!" has them both snapping out of it. 

"Well, someone's hangry" Hailey jokes. 

"Yup," Jay chuckles.

"You better feed her an early lunch. I should probably go," she declares.

"Yeah," he agrees.

"Bye Ana!" Hailey calls, stepping out the front door. 

"Bye Mama!" Jaiyana waves.


Jay is deep in thought as he watches Jaiyana eat. He glances at the empty seat opposite him and he's a little disappointed that Hailey's not there. At the same time, he knows that she really deserves some time off, working a full-time job in intelligence and being a mom to their daughter. 

That being said, it doesn't mean he wouldn't rather be spending their Saturday together as a family, in their own little bubble. Ever since that kiss in the hallway followed by the period where Jaiyana and Hailey fell sick, they'd built a new sense of closeness. Something has shifted in these last few weeks, he can feel it, and he thinks she can too. 

Whatever's next, he's ready for it.


Hailey sits down and glances around at the dark leather and wood furnishings, taking everything in. It's been a while since she's been in her solicitor's office. Last time she was here, it was a quick two day trip shortly after Jaiyana was born for one purpose only: updating her will. It sounds grim, but you never know if something will happen, especially working in the police force. If something were to happen, her daughter was counting on her to make the proper arrangements so that she'd be taken care of. 

In the draft of her will drawn up that day, sole custody of Jaiyana would have gone to Natalie had something happened to Hailey, and all of Hailey's assets would have gone to trust for her daughter. Natalie would have had access to that trust to provide for Jaiyana, but the majority of it would have been signed over to Jaiyana once she became of age. 

Jay's name was on Jaiyana's birth certificate from the start, so had he found out about Jaiyana and decided to contest the will, he probably would've got full custody of their daughter, but Hailey didn't think at the time that Jay would want any form of custody. She knows different now, though, and so today, she intends to amend her will so that Jay will have full custody of Jaiyana and control over the trust should something happen to her. She's set aside some small inheritances for her brothers - even if she hasn't had contact with them in a while, they're still family. Other than that, the entire estate will go to Jaiyana. She completely trusts Jay to manage that trust, and more importantly, to raise their daughter with love, and she hopes to make sure he knows that.

"Ms. Upton, right this way," the office manager calls, indicating her solicitor is ready to see her. She rises and follows the woman into a large office down the hallway.

"Detective Upton!" her solicitor beams, reaching out and shaking her hand in welcome. 

"Just Hailey, please," she reminds the older gentleman, politely.

"Hailey," he amends. "Good to see you! What can I do for you today?" he asks, gesturing to the chair on the opposite side of his large, wooden desk. 

"I'd like to update my will, with regard to the trust we set up for my daughter," she explains. 

"I see," he replies, nodding and flipping through the documents in front of him. "So would you like to change the age at which your daughter will receive her trust or the person who will be in charge of your daughter's trust?"

"My good friend Natalie Manning will no longer be the one to control the trust," Hailey explains.

"Okay," he replies. "And who would you like to designate in her place?"

"I would like to designate Jay Halstead." 

"Name sounds familiar. You already have him in here, don't you?" he says, flipping through more pages. "Ah, here he is," he says, answering his own question. "In the event of your death, Jay Halstead is to receive your Chicago Police Detective badge." He looks up at her then, over the top of his glasses. "This is your former partner, is it not?" he asks.

She nods before taking a deep breath and saying, "He's also the father of my daughter."

"I see," he says. "I presume you want him to have full custody of the child and the trust should something happen to you then?" At her nod of confirmation, he asks, "Is he named as the father on the birth certificate?"

"Yes, he is," she says, grateful that she hadn't decided otherwise at the time, given the hurt.

"Well, it's just a simple matter of drawing up a new draft with the name change and having you sign it," he states. "We can get started right now, if you like."

She's aware of how messed up this all sounds to someone on the outside, and she's thankful the man is nothing but professional.

"I was hoping to get one more thing sorted out today, actually, if you don't mind," she says.

"Of course. What else can I help you with?" he asks, kindly.

"I need help with the legal process of having Jaiyana's last name changed."

The old man's expression softens, and he smiles knowingly. "To Halstead?" he asks.

She returns his friendly expression and nods. "I'd like to hyphenate her last name, actually, to Jaiyana Trudy Upton-Halstead." 


Hailey slips through the front door and immediately notices the quietness in the apartment. It shouldn't be unsettling, since it's Jaiyana's nap time. Something didn't feel quite right, though she couldn't put her finger on what, specifically.

She silently makes her way down the hallway and sighs in relief when she sees Jaiyana peacefully sleeping in her little bed. She then continues towards the master bedroom in search of Jay.

She finds him sitting on the edge of his bed, head bowed. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks, and when he lifts his head, she immediately knows something is very very wrong. His eyes are glassy and rimmed red, and although he isn't actively crying, she can tell that he definitely has been and probably will again soon. She kneels down in front of him, thinking of all the possibilities of what could be wrong. Was it a flashback? Was Will or someone from the unit hurt? She'd be worried about Jaiyana if she hadn't just seen her sleeping moments earlier.

He finally looks her in the eye and takes a deep shuddery breath, and her heart gives a painful twist in response. "Remember Mouse? I told you about him." She nods, remembering the stories she's heard of the guy who served with Jay and worked alongside Intelligence before reenlisting. "He was killed in action, Hailey. He's gone."

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