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A/N: Sorry this chapter took a day or two longer than normal. I blame it on a combination of  writer's block and life in general. This is a slightly shorter chapter but it should be able to take us where we need to go next. Also, the next update may take a few extra days because I'll be spending time with family over the holidays. Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it and I hope you enjoy :)

"Catch me if you can!" teases Jay, before pretending to run at his fastest speed around the park. Jaiyana shrieks in response and chases after him, her bright laughter piercing the crisp spring air. 

"Got you!" Jaiyana declares triumphantly, slamming into him and wrapping her tiny arms around her dad's legs. Hailey lets out a laugh as Jay stumbles, almost losing his balance. 

"Come on, let's go take a break" suggests Hailey, seeing her daughter's flushed cheeks and loose ponytail. Jaiyana's expression droops a little until Hailey adds "we can get some ice cream." 

"Ice cweeem!" exclaims Jaiyana happily, before taking off towards the food trucks next to the park. Hailey and Jay look at each other, smiling with slightly raised eyebrows. 

The little girl stands on her tippy toes, trying to see the different flavors. Jay scoops her up so she can see better. "That one!" she exclaims, pointing her tiny finger at the chocolate ice cream. 

"You want that one?" asks Hailey rhetorically, before turning to the server to order. Jaiyana watches in awe as the lady at the stand scoops the ice cream into a perfect ball and places it on a cone. 

The lady passes her the cone and Jaiyana grins as she takes the cone with her little fingers and immediately starts licking it greedily. 

"What do you say?" reminds Hailey. 

"Thank you!" she chirps, before continuing to devour the treat. 

"You guys have a lovely family" compliments the server. "She's adorable. The perfect blend of mom and dad" she smiles. 

Hailey and Jay look at each other for a second, unsure of what to say. "Oh...thank you" she replies with a small smile.

They wave goodbye and head to a bench so they can rest and Jaiyana can eat her ice cream. Jay is silent as those words replay themselves in his head.

You guys have a lovely family.


Hearing someone call them a family...it felt weird, but not in a bad way. He supposes they do look like a family. It's funny, because he's never really stopped to consider how they look to other people. To be honest, he's not quite sure what they are. They don't live together, but him and Hailey co-parent well and get along. Well...after this morning it's probably safe to say they more than get along.

Could they really give it a go? Explore that side of them and try being a proper family with both parents together? His heart wants it, that's for sure. But he can't help but think of what would happen if it didn't work. Would they be able to co-parent as efficiently as they do now? He knows they'd make it work for their daughter, but even the slightest chance of not getting along anymore scares him. Then there's the matter of work. They're no longer partners, given their situation, but they would still be in the same unit. Could they handle seeing each other everyday?

What if it does work? he reminds himself. 

Jay is pulled back down to earth by Hailey's voice. "Do you have any tissues or wipes?"

"Um...no" he replies, checking his pockets. He looks down and sees Jaiyana's ice cream covered face staring back up at him, smiling innocently as if to say I didn't do anything

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