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A/N: Just reached over 1K (yipeeee)! Thank you to everyone for reading, voting, commenting and sharing. I'm trying to update more but each chapter is getting longer and longer... If you have any suggestions or any ideas you'd like me to write about, please leave a comment down below :)

Over the next couple of days, they discuss Hailey and Jaiyana visiting intelligence. He gives her an update on everyone in the unit, so that she'd feel more prepared. 

Voight is still...Voight.

There was a girl named Heather who was Hailey's replacement, but she transferred recently, hence the opening for Hailey to rejoin if she chose.

Atwater and Rojas...well they weren't technically dating, but everyone can clearly see how much they like each other. Hailey isn't surprised by this after witnessing their initial chemistry, but understood first hand the complexity of dating at work.

Burgess and Ruzek had a little boy a month or two older than Jaiyana, and got back together shortly after his birth. Hailey smiles, genuinely happy for her old friend and ex-boyfriend. Jay also confessed that he told them about Jaiyana and they helped him prepare his apartment. Hailey makes a mental note to thank them later.

So, a week later, Hailey finds herself standing outside the 21st District Police Department for the first time in three years. 

Jay had to come to work early, but told them to text him when they arrived so he could take them in. 

The front doors swing open and Jay walks down the stairs, making his way to Hailey and Jaiyana. "Hello Jaiyana" he says. "Hi daddy" she replies and he smiles in response. He then turns to Hailey. "Feel weird to be back?" he asks. 

"Kind of" she replies. "Everything looks the same, except I've got this one over here as a reminder that it's not 2019 anymore" she says, gesturing at the little girl perched on her hip. Jaiyana is currently staring curiously at the building in front of her, oblivious to the significance of this place. 

"You've explained the necessary details to everyone, right?" checks Hailey, making sure she isn't about to walk in and give everyone a heart attack. 

"Yup" confirms Jay "I talked to everyone yesterday. You should've seen their reactions". They'd all been shocked at first, but once he explained the situation, they were all very understanding. After they all wrapped their heads around it, they were genuinely happy for Jay and excited at the thought of seeing Hailey again and meeting the little girl. 

"Ready?" he checks before stepping inside. 

"As I'll ever be" she replies, taking a deep breath before the door opens.

As soon as they step foot inside, Platt immediately spots them and ditches her position at the front desk to come greet Hailey and Jaiyana. 

"Hey Sarge" says Hailey, as if no time had passed. "Detective Upton, back at last" she replies, smiling, before turning to the little girl. "Hello" she greets. "Hi!" waves Jaiyana happily. "Sarge, this is Jaiyana Trudy Upton" reveals Hailey. With that, the older woman's eyes well up with tears and she walks up to hug Hailey. "She's beautiful" says Platt, smiling. "Looks exactly like you, except those eyes" she comments, looking up at Jay. She then switches to looking Hailey and Jay both in the eye. "I still can't believe you guys did that" she deadpans, nodding her head towards Jaiyana. The two laugh uncomfortably. 

And just like that, it felt like old times again. 

"Hey Halstead and Hailey, everyone's waiting for you." All their heads turn towards Voight walking down from the unit headquarters. He stops in front of them and looks at Jaiyana. 

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