Angel Dust

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Note: I do not own any of the characters from either Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, both owned by Vivziepop.

Reader's P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since I joined the Happy Hotel. Three, maybe four. After hearing that they were understaffed, I decided to sign up to help with the cleaning. It's not like I have anything better to do. Turns out, it wasn't a bad idea. If nothing else, I managed to make a couple of new friends. There's Charlie, the princess of Hell, who was extremely welcoming, her girlfriend Vaggie, who was significantly less welcoming, and Alastor, the Radio Demon, who's the reason I sleep with one eye open at night.

There were a few others, but my closest friendship is with Angel Dust, the adult actor. I had only seen him a few times on T.V before when I'd accidentally turned on the porn station. Needless to say, it made out first real interaction rather awkward, considering I'd seen him naked multiple times before I'd actually met him. We did get over it quickly, though. We've become good friends, I'd say.

I don't think Vaggie likes me very much. It might be because she'd caught me hiding behind the hotel building smoking spice with Angel more than once. There's no denying he's a corrupting influence, and yet, being with him brings out the best side of me; the carefree, fun side.

It's not my fault that my carefree fun side happens to also be a coked-up junkie.

After getting myself involved in several such scandals, I decided to take a day off. I sit on the couch in the hotel lobby, a novel in one hand, a glass of grape juice in the other (I had asked Husk for wine but he said Vaggie told him not to serve me any after that time I accidentally ran a client over while drunk). It's a quiet day in the hotel. Mellow. A good day to relax. Vaggie is signing a few documents related to the hotel, Husk had passed out at the bar covered in his own puke (as usual), and the others were nowhere to be found.

V and I don't exchange a word. Fine by me. She's usually friendly- or at least neutral- when I'm not getting myself into any trouble, and most of the time we just don't get in each other's way. I sip my juice as I read, though I'm not too focused on the words. Boring, boring, boring. Is there nothing fun to do? God, I need something to happen. Anything.

And God delivers.

Angel Dust busts through the hotel doors, abruptly cutting the silence. V looks up, but Angel doesn't notice her at first, his eyes focused on me. "(Y.N), guess what I got!" He waves around a stack of cash in his hand. My eyes light up."Woah! Where'd ya get that?", I ask. He simply shrugs. "Eh, some rich asshole forked it over after I-" His eyes catch Vaggie's, who's glaring at him with a facial expression akin to that of somebody who'd just downed an entire bottle of vinegar. He pauses for a long moment before smiling way too wide to be natural. "Ahem, uh, heya, Toots. Didn't see ya there. I, um-"

"I don't want to hear it. Now tell us, where'd you get the money?"

Angel glances at me. I bite my lip and look away. He's alone in this one. Sorry man. He looks back at V. She's fuming. He clears his throat. "Uh, would you believe me if I told you he paid me to mow his lawn?"


"Wash his dishes?"


"He was so moved when he saw me feeding homeless orphans on the street?"

"Yeah, nice try!"

He balls up his fists. "Ugh, fine! I gave him a blowjob for money, alright? Look, I need it for... erm, personal reasons." He turns to me. "C'mon, (Y.N), it's past noon! You know what that means!" I jump off the sofa. "Let's go to Jenny's!", we chirp in unison.

Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss) x Reader (Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now