[Mother] Rosie x [Child] Reader

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For Theonebrutalboi

(Warning: This story contains abuse and period-typical sexism)

Third Person's P.O.V

When (Y.N) was born, the sky was dark and it rained heavily, almost like an omen.

Rosie was unmarried at the time, and she was already pushing twenty. She knew her family was very disappointed, not only at this fact but also because she managed to get pregnant out of wedlock. Her parents didn't kick her out of their house though, much to her surprise and relief. At least she had somewhere to raise her child.

She was thankful, of course. But her mother and father's treatment of her truly made her question if homelessness was a better option. They didn't use to act like this before. It was because of the baby, no doubt.

Still, it was senseless to take her anger out on the kid. After all, they didn't ask for any of this. She couldn't forget that, even as she sat on the edge of her bed, right eye black and cracked lips bleeding, and rocked them gently in her arms.

She sang them a lullaby that she made up herself. Being as they were, they were too young to understand the words and just liked the sound of her voice. She took full advantage of this fact, making up all the kinds of sick and twisted rhymes that she wanted.

"Rockabye baby, please don't be sad

One day I'll snap and kill Mom and Dad

And if you are willing, you can help me as well

Then we'll both be free while they burn down in Hell."

They hiccuped, causing her to giggle. They laughed along with her, though she doubted they knew why she was laughing to begin with. She heard yelling come from down the stairs, and snapped her head up, smile falling from her face.

Mother and Father were arguing again. She could barely discern what they were screaming in each other's faces for, straining to catch snippets of their conversation. She heard Mother shout what she assumed was a snappy remark. Then Father hurled an insult back at her, and then she heard a shatter.


She held her child closer to her, listening intently for footsteps that would indicate either of them approaching, but nothing came. After a few minutes, she sighed in relief.

(Y.N) yawned and rested their head against her bosom. She smiled, playfully pinching their cheek and kissing their forehead. "You know I love you, right?", she whispered, as they closed their eyes. "And don't worry, I will never let those mean old sons of bitches hurt you. I promise."

If only she had known that was a promise she couldn't keep.


"Where the hell are you, Roseanne?", Mother shrieks downstairs, causing her to jolt up. She glances at the clock. She was supposed to be up fifteen minutes ago, cooking breakfast. Panic surges through her entire body. She jumps out of bed, still in yesterday's garments- thankfully, she didn't have to get dressed- and nearly trips over herself running out of the door and down to the kitchen, hopping down the stairs three at a time. 

She was in such a hurry that she didn't even bother checking on (Y.N), who was asleep in their cot next to her bed. No matter. She'll deal with them later.

She practically lunges into the kitchen, slamming the fridge door open and pulling out ingredients. She hastily cracks eggs into a frying pan as Mother stalks into the room, looking significantly more pissed than usual.

Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss) x Reader (Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now