Charlie x Reader

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For omegavolta

Third Person's P.O.V

"Come dance with me."

Charlie looked up at (Y.N)'s silhouette. Everything's a blur. She didn't know how or why this happened. All she knew was that she was sitting on her knees with bodies scattered on the ground around her, and that (Y.N) was standing in front of her, hand outstretched, several different colors of blood painting their palm. Charlie stumbles onto her feet, swaying a little. (Y.N) quickly swoops her up in their arms.

The smell of blood and sight of guts makes her nauseous. Had she done this herself? She felt as though she did. She starts sobbing quietly, but her tears come out crimson. (Y.N) holds her in their arms as she continues crying blood onto their chest.

"Shh, it's alright, Charlotte. Don't mourn those who don't deserve it."

They hold one of her hands and put their other on her waist. They take a step forward, and Charlie steps back. "Oh, Charlotte, how I've missed dancing with you." They twirl her around gently. "You look beautiful when you're splattered with guts." They chortle loudly, and the sound echoes through Charlie's head.

Their hands felt unusually cold. She felt frost nipping at her fingertips. (Y.N) smears blood from their hands onto Charlie's, and she gags. They keep waltzing around with her, stepping on gore and giggling maniacally the whole time.

"This is fun! How come we don't do this anymore?!" Their smile fades and they stop dancing. "Oh, I remember. It's because you were too busy with the hotel." They sound hurt and betrayed. "What?", she breathes.

They're no longer playful. "You chose the hotel over me. You want to rehabilitate sinners so nobody has to die. But look. Look at this!" They smash a corpse's decaying head with their foot, and it denigrates into ash. "Look at what you'd done! Do you think you can save those who don't want saving? Who don't deserve redemption? You think you can just leave me for something else?", they spit.

"(Y.N), what are you talking abou-"

"No matter." They stare down at Charlie with a cold expression. "This time, we'll be together, and we'll stay together. This time, you won't leave me for anything."

Charlie starts shrieking when she looks down at her hands. They were stretching and pulling like taffy, melting into (Y.N)'s. They just smile, their teeth now razor-sharp. They're cracked lips and red eyes start dripping black blood. "You're going to stay with me forever!", they howl. Charlie's skin starts going grey and cracking like glass.

 "And this time, you won't escape me."

She wakes with a start.

She's sweating and shivering as she looks down at her hands, then feels her face. I'm okay, she thinks. I'm okay. That was just a bad dream. Heh, I hadn't gotten one those in a while.

She tries to calm her hammering heart. It's fine. Just go back to sleep.

She lays her head back down on the pillow and closes her eyes, but the adrenaline rushing through her veins refuses to let her rest. Eventually, she gives up. She picks up her phone and dials (Y.N)'s number.


(Y.N)'s phone buzzes on the table. They sigh, closing their book and picking it up. It's a call from... Charlie? She hadn't called them ever since the two off them had broken up. They answer.


"(Y.N)! Were you sleeping? I'm so sorry about calling this late!"

"I wasn't asleep. What do you want?"

Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss) x Reader (Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now