Valentino x Reader x Vox

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Second Person's P.O.V

"For the last time, I'm not going to your stupid party with your privileged asshole friends!"

"Oh, come on, Babe! I promise it'll be fun!", Valentino begs.

He's been trying to convince you to attend this little festivity of his for hours. You weren't up for it, though. Val's overlord friends were all terrible people. Why would you want to spend any time with those guys? He clearly won't take no for an answer, however. Which is why you're standing in your room and he's on his knees in front of you, pleading like his life depends on it.

"Go with someone else", you scoff, examining your nails. "Why don't you show up with one of the sluts? I won't mind."

He gawks. "I can't do that! My reputation will be ruined! Do you know what they'll say when they see Valentino at a high-class get-together with some random whore? I'll never hear the end of it! Besides, Lucifer and Lilith and everyone else love you! You know that, right? You're one of the most respectable demons in Hell! You have to go with me! Come on, just this once!"

You sigh in annoyance. "Fine! I'll do it! Just get up off the floor, you look silly like that." He jumps up and squishes you in a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought I was going to have to attend with some useless harlot!" He grabs your face and kisses you quickly before setting you down. "Now, go on, find something to wear! We mustn't be late, you know. Lucifer doesn't like it when people don't show up to his parties on time."

"Pfft. Whatever."


This party is just as boring as you'd thought it would be. Fancy parties are always boring. It seems that, even in Hell, elitist assholes don't know how to party properly. There's no obnoxious disco music, there's no beer pong, and there certainly isn't some drunk guy swinging off the chandelier. How does one stand around with a glass of champagne, chatting idly with others, and call that a party? And they couldn't even get good snacks like normal people. Instead, the snack table was laden with weird flavorless crackers and those gross tiny chocolates with fruits that you never thought anyone would willingly put in their mouth.

Well, at least you weren't wearing a tight dress.

Val had bought you a new dress; high-waisted, with an assortment of drop-cut gems glued all over the chest area. The fabric was a rich blue. It was beautiful, really. But it looked to constricting. And you didn't even like wearing dresses. Val insisted.

"If you like it so much, why don't you just wear it?", you scoff, flinging it at him. And so, the two of you arrived at the party. You, wearing a simple white jumpsuit and black party coat, and him, the tight dress. It was a bit short for him, barely reaching down to the middle of his thighs, but it still looked really good. 

"You should wear dresses more often. They suit you", you remarked in the limo to the party. He squeezed your hand tightly. "Honey... I can't... breathe!", he sputtered. You shrugged. "Eh. I didn't want to wear it, so it was either me or you."

"I'm being serious!"

You made a clicking noise with your tongue. "Fine. I'll make up for it. But you'll have to stop with the complaining."

You knew what he wanted you to do to get him to shut up. You slid off your seat onto the carpeted floor, re-positioning yourself so that you were on your knees with your head at his crotch. While lifting up the hem of the dress, you looked him straight in the eyes.

"Let's make this quick, alright, Babe?"


Why did Val have to wear that specific top hat? Of all of them, why the stupid showoff-y one with all the feathers? You sighed in annoyance as you flicked a piece of feather fluff off your shoulder for the umpteenth time. Being paraded around by Val wasn't any fun, and no amount of sparkling wine was going to change that.

Hazbin Hotel (and Helluva Boss) x Reader (Under Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now