The puppy

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The little tail wagged frantically when it saw me. Patton unhooked the leash and the dog ran to me, I got on my knees to pet it. Just being in the presence of a dog made me feel happier.

After a while Patton asked, "What are you going to name it?"

I had to think for a moment, "Buddy."

"Aww," Patton said, "that's a really cute name!"

We chatted for a bit before I was to tired to do anything else. I went to my room calling my dog inside with me. I got into my bed and was about to fall asleep I saw Buddy came up on the bed and lied down on the other side of me.

The next morning

I woke up to the sound of my dog barking. I opened my eyes and my dog ran straight for the door.

"I don't want to get up," I told him.

He looked back at me and grabbed my sleeve trying to pull me out of bed. I picked up the little animal and set him on my lap.

"Okay I'll get up," I said as I got out of bed.

After I got dressed in my usual clothes I opened to door, but to my surprise Roman was the only one up.

"Wait are you the first one up?" I asked.
"Ya Patton and Logan where up after I went to bed last night," Roman said then drank from his coffee mug that had tea in it.

I made myself some cereal, and then sat down. I looked at Buddy and then realized that I didn't give him his breakfast yet. I got up and got a plastic bowl from the cabinet and filled it with water, I did the same except filled the second bowl with food. I set them both down in a corner by the table. I sat back down at the table, Roman sat down across the table from me with his mug in hand.

"Where are they," I asked not looking up from my cereal.

"There in Logan's room," We both look towards Logan's room. When we looked back at each other we where trying to hold in our giggles.

I continued eating my cereal, wondering how innocent Patton really was. After I was done eating I noticed that Roman didn't look like his confident self.

"Are you okay Roman," I asked after putting my bowl in the sink.

Roman looked up, "Ya I'm just thinking."

"About," I asked sitting next to him.

"Never mind, it doesn't really matter," He replied. I didn't want to push him but I really wanted to know what he was thinking about.

"Just that I might never find anyone," He said in the weakest voice. I wanted to tell him how I wanted to stare into his eyes, and let him hold me in his arms forever.

"I don't think that is true," I said.

"But you don't know that," He got up and put his mug into the sink.

I didn't know how to reply to what he said. I wanted to tell him so bad, but I didn't want to hear his reply. I already knew what he would say.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," Roman said walking into his room.

"Wait," I didn't know what I said, Roman turned and looked towards me, I could feel my face getting red, "I'm here for you."

I didn't have the courage to tell him that I was the someone who loved him. Roman walked into his room and shut the door. I felt an all to familiar emptiness in my stomach.

I heard a little bark come from the floor, I looked down to see Buddy with his leash. I hooked his leash to his collar as I headed to the door I put on my shoes and shouted to Roman that I was going on a walk with Buddy. Roman didn't reply.

Sorry I haven't been writing a lot, my mental heath hasn't been the greatest. Not to mention anxiety is telling me to just quit XD

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