Just open up.

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Virgil Pov

That explains a lot. I just... agh I don't know why he tried that!

I walked out of the bathroom and went up to Logan, "I figured out what happened."
He gave me a weird look and then asked, "Okay, what happened?"
"He took my pills and overdosed, I wasn't out of pills but somehow the bottle is empty."
He thought for a moment, "That makes sense, you said he was confused right?"

Roman Pov

I didn't remember much. I remember taking the pills, but nothing else. I opened my eyes and to my surprise I was on the living room couch. My head hurt like hell though.

I sat up and instantly got dizzy. Patton must have noticed me because I heard him say, "Hey he is up." Patton sat next to me, "how are you feeling?"
"Ughhh, fine... what happened Pat?"
"Umm well," he looked back at Virgil.

I noticed that Virgil was holding a pill bottle. The pill bottle I used. Shit.

Logan spoke, "Ro what's up? There must be something that is bothering you, what is it?"

"I love someone who will never love me," I thought.

"I....I don't know." I lied.
Virgil spoke, "Why won't you open up to any of us? We are desperately trying to help you but we have no idea what is wrong, so we don't know how to help you."
"It's not important," I replied back.
"Well it is important enough for you to try to kill yourself," there was a long silence.
"It's dumb." I said breaking the silence.
Logan said, "If your this conflicted about something I highly doubt it is dumb."
Patton added, "Whatever your feelings are they are never dumb."

I contemplated telling them the truth but I knew that they would know right away I was talking about Virgil. I suddenly felt really dizzy again. That's convenient.

"You okay? You seem kinda dizzy Ro," I couldn't make out who's voice it was. The person's voice seemed to fade out as I felt my body go still and my vision go black.

It felt like only a second till I slowly opened my eyes again. I was still on the couch but I felt something cold on my forehead, I grabbed the object and looked at it, it was an ice pack.

My throat was dry so I got up, balancing myself as I stood up, and walked over to the sink to get water. I didn't see anyone around me, I just assumed they where in there room or something. I got water and sat down at the counter.

I should probably at least tell Patton what is wrong, he will probably know who I'm talking about but he is probably the best person to tell. Logan would not understand why I'm so destroyed about the situation, and Virgil.... yeah I think he would suspect I was talking about him, and I'm not about to risk him knowing I like him.

After I finished my water I went up to Patton's room and knocked on his door, "Hey are you busy Pat?"
I saw the door open and Patton said, "No I'm not busy, do you wanna talk?"
I reluctantly said yes and sat down on Patton's bed. I sighed and then told him that I had a crush on someone but I know that the person would never like me back.
"I don't know kiddo... I mean you never know they don't like you till you ask."
"But I can't just ask him, what if he doesn't like me, I'm going to have to stop talking to him."
"No not necessarily-" I interrupted Pat.
"It would be super awkward, I would ruin our friendship. He would probably avoid me. He's avoided me before," I mumbled.
Patton gave me a look like he knew who I was talking about, "Your talking about Virge aren't you?"
I could tell I was blushing, "Uhhh."
Patton gasped, "Awwww."
I could feel my face getting more red by the second, "Shhh. I mean It's not like he would ever like me..."
"Hey don't say that! To be honest he probably does have a crush on you, after all you are basically the only one he will listen to when it comes to his heath. And besides that he has been checking up on you a lot ever sense you haven't been feeling to great."
"He would check up on you if you where feeling sick and passing out."
Patton sighed, "Just trust me, I think he might like you."

I thought about it. I wasn't too sure he had feelings for me, but I needed to know.

Had motivation to write so that's cool XD Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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