Please be okay

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Roman POV:

I heard Virgil tell me he was going on a walk with his new dog Buddy, but I didn't reply. I walked to the mirror and took off the long shirt, and looked at the scares I inflicted on my arms and the side of my stomach, they still hurt from a few days ago. I thought that a shower would help me forget about cutting.

I walked into the bathroom and started the shower, making sure it wasn't too hot. When I finally got out I grabbed a towel and tied it around my waist. I went back to my room but realized that I didn't wash any of my long sleeve shirts. I'll just steal one of Virgil's he has enough black shirts that he probably wouldn't mind if I took one.

I opened the door to Virgil's room, the inside was pitch black. When I tried to turn on the light, it flickered before turning on. The light probably didn't get used much. I walked to his closet and took out one of the many long sleeved shirts he has. I slipped it over my head and then headed to my room.

I walked to the mirror, I looked so different in Virgil's shirt, I grabbed jean pants from my drawer and put them on. Then I heard the front door open, and frantic footsteps coming towards my room. I opened the door to see Logan with a panicked expression.

"Logan what happened," I asked.

"Patton is with Virgil, he is bleeding out from all his cuts," Logan said then started to run.

I followed Logan out the door and to an alleyway, Logan suddenly stoped. I feel a hand wrap around my mouth and then a sharp object pierce into my neck , my vision started to go black and my whole body collapsed.

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