Best friend to boyfriend

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I drive to Shawn's house which is literally a minute because we are neighbours. I beep the horn so he can come into the car. He finally comes inside and he says, "eyy girly, how's it going?" "It's going alright mate." And I drove off to school as we blast John Mayer's album.

After school
Shawn and I walk back to my car and we go to the ice cream shop that we always go to.

We take our seats and Shawn sits closer than usual. "Shawn..." "What's up?" "Why are you sitting so close to me today?" "Ohh, ugh sorry." He still doesn't move. "Shawn, what's going on?" "What do you mean?" "Your acting weird." "Umm no I'm not." "Yes you are, I know because you stutter." "Ok fine, I'll tell you." "Ok..." We sit in silence until Shawn breaks the silence by saying..

"I have feelings for you." I blush and look down. Why would he have feelings for me, he is SHAWN MENDES. "Say something please." "I'm shocked really, like why would you like me, you could have any girl yet you choose me why?" "Your serious right, your seriously asking why you. You have been there for me since I've moved in next door to you. And have you seen yourself, your beautiful and I'm not only saying that to be nice I'm saying that cause it's true." I blush and look down again. "Shawn, you honestly don't know how long I've liked you for even before we became friends I've had a crush on you." "Really?" He looks at me with eyes of hope and happiness with a smile on his face. I nod and he jumps up and picks me up and spins me around while hugging me. "SHAWN PUT ME DOWN." I say while laughing. Shawn puts me down and he grabs my hand and pulls me outside of the ice cream shop and behind it. "Shawn what are we-" he interupts me by kissing me.

A few minutes later
I finally pull away from the kiss before it gets a little to heated, if you know what I mean 😏😂. "Shawn what are we?" "Well I was thinking of taking you on a date, if your available tonight?" "Shawn you know it's Wednesday I have nothing on you idiot." I say while laughing. "So..." "Yes I'll go on a date with you." Shawn pecks my lips and we drive home so I can get ready for our date as Shawn is picking me up at 6pm.

Shawn Mendes Imagines - on holdWhere stories live. Discover now