Chapter 22

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"You don't know if you love me yet Arjun. But soon you will. Aashi doesn't love you - she's with Prem now. You need to take what's in front of you and not dream about things that won't happen"

Arjun could not believe what Elina just dared to say. He tried not to loose his temper with her, but she was making it hard for him. Aashi was Arjun's wife after all and nobody could change that so easily. Not Prem, not Elina, nobody could and he would not let anybody do so! Arjun loved her way too much for that. He could not bare losing her.

"Elina for the last time Aashi is my wife, not only that she's my life, I love her and only her. You could never replace her! Now please leave my office!" Arjun hissed while trying to remain calm.
"You'll see Arjun, you will change your mind!" She snapped and left his office.


The next few days went surprisingly well. Elina had called in sick, which Arjun was relieved about. Not the fact that she was sick, but that he would not have to listen to her insane stories anymore. Unfortunately Arjun still had no idea how to get Aashi back. In fact he had not heard of Prem or her in a while now, he just hoped Aashi was well. He wondered if she had remembered something and if she did, why she did not call. Arjun would love a hug from her right now. Arjun missed her presence. He could not wait till she gains back her memory, so he could just hug her, apologise and take her home.

Around an hour later someone quietly knocked on the door.
"Come in." Arjun mumbled, while being buried in his work.
"Did you miss me?" Elina said.
He really did not want to see her or in fact deal with her. Arjun was quite annoyed.
"I thought you were sick?" He asked.

"That's not a nice way to greet me!"
"I don't care Elina, what do you want? tell me how Aashi doesn't love me anymore, seriously again?" He said.
Elina went on his nerves lately.
Arjun did not want to hear the same old story again.
"No, I came for something more important." She said with a cheeky grin.
"You know why I called in sick?" Elina asked with big eyes.
"Got the flu?" Arjun said.
"No, guess again."
He just shrugged.
"Look I don't have time for your games. Either tell me, or leave me alone." He hissed.

"That's not a nice way to treat someone who's carrying your baby!"
Arjun thought he did not hear correctly.
She must be playing some sick kind of game.
"What do you mean?" Arjun stuttered.
"I'm pregnant and you're the father!" She admitted.
Arjun was flashed. No that could not be possible. He never slept with her. It as just impossible. She must be lying.
"Elina leave now, I don't care anymore you're fired! You can't come up with these lies. Stop ruining my life!" He yelled.

"I'm pregnant if you want it or not and I'm going to keep it!" She yelled back.
"You're not, we never slept together, I would never do something like this to Aashi!"
Elina was visibly pretending to be mad.
She handed him a fake positive pregnancy test and hoped he would believe it.
"Remeber the night you came over and drank a lot? You were drunk and unable to resist me!" She explained.
Arjun was shocked. He could not believe it. Was he that drunk not to remeber? No he did not cheat on Aashi he was sure of that! He was struck by lightning. His whole world was collapsing. If Aashi would find out about this he would leave her for sure.

"Elina please tell me this is some kind of joke!" He almost begged.
"No! I'm pregnant Arjun, we're going to have a baby!"

Before Arjun could say anything Aashi busted through the door with tears streaming down her face.
"Great just great! Instead of caring for your own wife you just go around and bang other women!"
"This is the thank for everything I've ever done to you? Arjun how could you do this to me!" She yelled.
"Aashi please calm down, just accept the truth." Elina said.
"You have nothing to say to me so you better shut up." Aashi hissed.
Arjun was unable to say or do anything.
He just froze.

"Just because I couldn't give you a child,  shouldn't have given you any reason to do this to me Arjun, you really didn't have to!" She cried. Aashi was deeply hurt.
She wanted to visit him and tell her she gained back her memory and was ready to discuss the situation, but as it seemed he had already moved on. Never in her life had she felt such an ache. Her heart broke. She could no longer look him in the face. Aashi felt so alone. Prem was right. Aashi wished she would not remember Arjun and everything he had done to her. One thing was sure, this marriage was over. She deserved better and not a cheating prick as a husband.

"Aashi, please we can talk about this!" Arjun finally managed to say after being shocked. He was afraid he had lost her forever now.
And Elina, well she just secretly enjoyed this.
"You disgust me Arjun! I hate you and I never want to see you again." She angrily said and run out of that office.
She had nowhere to go, but it did not matter now.

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