Chapter 29 - Aashi/Arjun

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Divya had practically begged Aashi to meet her at the restaurant. Aashi wasn't in the mood to see anyone let a lone be social and go out. But she found it hard to say no to Divya. She had offered Aashi a place to stay once she had moved out of Prem's place. So after some hesitation Aashi agreed to meet Divya later on during the day once Divya had clocked off from work.

Arjun was nervously setting up everything for his plan. He wanted to make everything perfect - he wanted her to remember everything from the night he proposed to her. He hoped that the memories would reignite her feelings for him. He knew there was a long way for him to go before she fully forgave him but this was a start.

6pm approached rapidly and Aashi regretted saying yes to this meet up. She forced herself out of Divya's place and called her.

"I'm on my way Di"

"Don't be late okay, I'm starving" Divya said with a giggle. She hoped Aashi wouldn't murder her once the truth got out.

"I'll be there in 15 don't worry" Aashi said starting her car. She was sort of feeling hungry too but she felt anxious about being outside. This whole ordeal had really left her scarred in so many ways.

She parked 15 minutes later and walked inside. Looking around the restaurant she couldn't spot Divya. What a fancy restaurant for Divya to choose - a restaurant that held so many memories for Aashi. Although she had been there many time's after, this place still held memories of the night Arjun proposed to her. She tried to suppress those memories because they hurt way too much. She walked further inside and noticed a huge bouquet of flowers on a table at the back of the restaurant. Funnily enough it looked like the same place she and Arjun had their dinner date that night. She shook her head and tried to brush the floor of emotion that hit her. But wait, was that Arjun walking toward her? Was she dreaming? She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She turned away from him and started to walk away quickly.

"Aashi wait! I know you hate me but I love you more than my life. Give me a chance, just tonight. If you feel nothing after tonight I won't chase you again - I'll let you go." He pleaded hoping she would stop walking away.

She sighed and turned around. His pleading and begging was starting to get to her. One night would be okay? It couldn't hurt. She could walk away from him forever after this. She also made a mental note to kill Divya.

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