Chapter 24

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Aashi had no where else to go, so she decided to stay at Prem's house. Though she felt like betraying Arjun with it, she had to stop caring about him. After all he was the one cheating on her and leaving her devastated. For once and for all she had to stop feeling sorry for herself. Aashi's strain of thoughts was interrupted by Prem.
"Are you thinking of him again?" He asked. Prem was very supportive of her. Even with the lie Aashi forgave him. She understood why he did that. Prem just wanted to protect Aashi's heart getting even more broken. But it was too late. Her heart had been shattered into million tiny pieces. And still Arjun did not care, he was too busy with Elina she assumed. Aashi sometimes felt like everything was her fault, but no he was the one who cheated, he should apologise, he should be the one who suffers not her.
"I can't help it, I love that idiot.." Aashi sighed while holding back tears.

Prem sat down next to her and slowly took her hand in his and stroke it.
"You need to move on Aashi, as you said yourself, you deserve better."
"I know the truth hurts, but soon he will start a family and what about you? Do you want to stay miserable for the rest of your life?" He continued.
Aashi did not know what to say.
She felt alone, hurt and lost.

"I know what you could do!"
"Aashi, think logical, divorce him, you will feel so much better!" Prem suggested.
Aashi was shocked. Divorce him? No she could not possibly do that or could she? Aashi loved Arjun, but their marriage obviously was falling apart. Maybe a divorce would not be the worst idea. Her head started to hurt. She really did not know what to do. Arjun would not mind it for sure. With a divorce he could easily care for his new family. Aashi felt sad. How often did she wish to have a child with thim, but unfortunately they were unable to conceive. If she knew that this was all he wanted they could have a adopted a child. But no she had mistaken him, Arjun turned into a stranger in front of Aashi's eyes.

"I don't know Prem, wouldn't that be too irrational?" She said.
"No! It would be for the best Aashi, trust me, in fact I can take you to file the divorce papers."
Aashi looked at him sadly. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was the only thing left to do.
"Then let's go.."

Quickly later they left the house and went into Prem's car. Aashi could not believe that she was truly filing for a divorce. She had prayed this day never come, but apparently everything comes to an end and this was just another ending. Half and hour later they arrived at Prem's solicitor's office.
Aashi did not really want to set a foot in this building, but Prem pushed her towards it.

It took some time to get all the papers done, all that was left was his signature.
Another chapter in her life just ended. This was the one chapter she never wanted to end. On the way to their old house Aashi remembered all the beautiful times they had together. Their first date, their first kiss, the proposal, the marriage. All these beautiful things they went through, why did he have to do this to her. Why did he want it to end so bad? He could have at least talked to her if he felt bad about the marriage. Questions over questions. Answers she would never get. The solicitor had offered to serve the papers on Arjun but Aashi had wanted to take them to him herself - she just wanted to see him one last time before the divorce.

"You can do this, I'll wait in the car for you!" Prem said.
With that Aashi walked towards to what used to be their house.
She took a deep breath before rining the bell. To her surprise it did not take long for Arjun to answer the door. Arjun looked miserable, like he had not slept, ate or cared for himself for the past few days. Aashi's heart broke a little seeing him in such state, but she had to do what she had to do.
"Arjun.. I came here, because I need you to sign this.." Aashi said quite unsure.
Arjun analysed the folder she had handed him. He could not believe his eyes. Aashi had to be kidding him. No, this could not possibly be it or could it? Arjun's life was over, for a mistake he never did.

"Y-you want a divorce?" Arjun stuttered quietly.
"You know this is long over due, so please just sign it and send it to me." Aashi responded. She could not look him in the eyes anymore. No matter how hard her heart wanted to hug him and kiss him her mind told her it's over.
"Goodbye.." she mumbled before she left. Was that the right decision?

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