Coronation Festivities

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April 15, 1574

It has been two days since I've arrived in Scotland. Today I am to be crowned Queen of Scotland. "Emilia, please fetch my gown." My lady's are putting my gown on me and all I'm thinking about what is to come after this.

"Your majesty, we are ready to travel to Edinburgh castle for your coronation." I step into the carriage and my ladies are in a carriage behind me. I am left alone to think about what the future will bring me.

Horns are being blown, I hear people cheering. I take a deep breath in, and remember that I was born to be a Queen. My life had been decided for me while my mother was pregnant with me. I know I can do this. I step out of the carriage and see my people all around me. I wave to them and smile. I walk into the castle with my head held high so the people can see their Queen.

I walk down the long hall and feel the eyes of every person on me. After I take a knee and the crown is placed on my head. I hear the voices of my people for which I have waited so long to hear.
"GOD SAVE QUEEN IZABEL, OF SCOTLAND." Is being chanted by each and every person in the room. I stand and look at my people and I vow to myself that I always do what is right for my country.

After the ceremony, a celebration was held in Stirling castle for me. There was beautiful music, dancing, great food, everything I wished it to be. I am sitting on my throne, where my mother once sat and I feel so many emotions.

I see a handsome man walking straight towards me, he bows in front of me and looks me straight in the eyes. "Your majesty, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Lorenzo, Duke of Savoy. I have traveled from Italy to meet the new queen I hear so much about." He kisses my hand, and before I say something, "Dance with me." He says, at first I'm a bit reluctant but I stand up and take his hand.

"Tell me Lorenzo, what are you really here for." he spins me and I can feel everyone's eyes on us. "I heard of your beauty and I want nothing more than to serve you." I can feel myself blushing."Is that so? You wish to serve me." I let out a laugh and he grabs hold of my wrist a little tighter, "Izabel I wish to serve you as a husband, I want you to bare my children and I want to be able to kiss you when I'd like." I feel myself getting hot inside and don't know what to say.

"We have just met! How you can possibly even think of a future with me? You don't know me. Its absurd that you want me to be your wife when we have only just met. You must know that I cannot just marry anyone, I'm a queen and my country MUST come first." He looks at me with curiosity in his eyes, he spins me one more time and bows as the song finishes. "Your majesty, it was a pleasure. I do not give up easily and I hope you see that." he winks at me then walks away. I look around and see everyone's eyes on me. "Music!" I say and everyone gets back to dancing and eating.

After the festivities are over my ladies prepare me for bed. "Who was that handsome man you were dancing with? He seemed to fancy you." Emilia says while undoing my hair. "His name is Lorenzo, Duke of Savoy. He asked for my hand in marriage." The girls are all in shock and stop what they were doing. "WELL, what did you say?!?" Claude asks me. "I told him that It was absurd he asked for my hand in marriage, when we have only just met. How can he love me I am not just anyone. I do find him very handsome but I told him that I must think of Scotland first." They all get back to helping me undress and into my night gown. "I'm sure he will be back, he seemed to really fancy you." Margot tells me, as she slips my nightgown on. "He told me he would." As they finish, I make my way to my bed and lie down.  They all bow before me, before they begin to exit my chambers. "Stay. Please." They all smile and jump into bed with me.

"Do you really think Lorenzo can really love me?" I can't help but replay  the whole night over and over in my head. "I think he already loves you." Claude says. I fall asleep thinking about the dance Lorenzo and I shared.

Izabel's Coronation Gown

Izabel's Coronation Gown

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