questions and more questions!

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Sisco: Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?

Christina: Wha-What?

Sisco: When women or girls put mascara on, They just stare at the mirror with their mouth wide open. How does that change things?

Christina: Well, it doesn't change anything... We just do it by habit.

Sisco: Do aliens exist?

Christina: Sisco, this chatroom was created for science relatives. Why don't you save these questions and ask something related to the subject?

Sisco: Aliens are known to be scientific. Your point is invalid.

Christina: Then, what is the Periodic Table?

Sisco: The Periodic Table was invited by Dmitri Mendeleev who was a Russian chemist and constructed a table for all elements to fit and even predicted other elements that would sooner or later be found.

Christina: .... Correct.

Sisco: So do you think aliens exist?

Christina: I don't know

Sisco: What is your biggest screw up in the kitchen?

Christina: When I first tried to bake biscuits for Free.

Sisco: What is the closest thing to real magic?

Christina: Giving birth to a from of life.

Sisco: What is the most useless talent you have?

Christina: Being able to bark like a dog.

Sisco: Would you rather fly or stop time?

Christina: Stop time, so if I drop something I can always catch it before it's ruined.

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