The big secret

818 30 172

Lui: The fuck

Free: Good morning to you too

Sasha: Tehehehe

Lui: The hell did you say? Shu is gay for who?

Valt: I'm confused what's a gay?

Daigo: Gay means happy

Wakiya: Nice save Daigo

Honcho: Duh...go get a life Wakiya

Wakiya: I already have one. The best one of course

Honcho: Bite me

Wakiya: Sure but where?

Honcho: 0-0

Sasha: Screenshot, this is golden

Valt: :3 don't know what's going on but isn't it good if Shu's happy?

Sasha: Oh Valt

Cuza: Yeah, I agree Shu should be happy

Kurtz: That gay mess should die

Cuza: Being happy is a mess?

Christina: Protect these Children

Daigo: Agree

Sasha: Agree

Free: Agree

Lui: You two go and have some common sense duh...

Christina: Don't! they are better the way they are

Shu: Gooooooooood moooorning

Lui: Now you wake up

Shu: -_-

Valt: Shu, are you happy? 

Shu: What do you mean? I'm perfectly happy

Sasha: They're asking whether you are gay or not and you said yes

Shu: What a great morning I'm head to practice

Wakiya: Wait young man you did not answer the question

Shu: I'm tired

Lui: You just woke up

Kurtz: I gave him a good beating yesterday

Lui: What did you say you fucker? What did you do

Shu: 0-0

Sasha: Oooooooooh and Kurtz what did you do?

Kurtz: I beat his Requiem

Valt: You did?

Shu: Lui are you sick?

Lui: I'm perfectly fine that message was suppose to go to another group chat

Sasha: :( you broke my little brother's heart

Free: Little brother?

Sasha: Him

Sasha: Him

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Shu: This is your family, I'm a stranger

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Shu: This is your family, I'm a stranger

Sasha: Nuuu big sister is here for you

Cuza: I don't know what's going on anymore

Xander: Lui I'm gonna send that message to Zac

Lui: Don't you dare I'll kill you fucker

Boa: He use such strong words

Wakiya: No, seriously Shu you okay?

Shu: I'm fine

Kurtz: Sure you are gay boy

Shu: Shut up

Kurtz: Gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Shu: You're annoying me

Honcho: Did he really beat you?

Shu: No he lost in seconds

Kurtz: Hold on we had a deal

Sasha: What deal

Shu: I have to save my pride

Kurtz: I'm gonna reveal your secret

Wakiya: Ooooh the one Sasha talked

Shu had left the chat

Free: What's the secret?

Kurtz: I don't know either but he has one

Honcho added Shu

Shu : Don't add me, I'm busy

Xander: Sure *makes kissy faces*

Shu: Go to bed kid it's too early for you to wake up

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