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Shu: Welp I'm grounded

Wakiya: You can't be serious? The famous Kurenai Shu grounded?

Valt: What did you do?

Daigo: Didn't your parents came back recently after their overseas working place?

Shu: They did

Valt: Don't ignore me, what did you do?

Honcho: Yah, I'm dying to know

Shu: My mom asked me to do the laundry and threw a sock at me

Honcho: And?

Shu: Believe it or not I ran away screaming 'master had presented Dobby with clothes, Dobby is free' So yeah....

Honcho: Dude....  W H E E Z E 

Daigo: You did that? XD

Valt: I taught you right 😎

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