18, Addison

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Eighteen - Addison

"I couldn't stop him, well them from taking shots, I got him up here before he caused a scene and he passed out on our way up. I don't know his room number or anything and I'm kind of freaking out here!" I blinked. As he giggled.

"You've never dealt with him drunk before?"

"Oh, yea plenty of times, just not drunk and angry or this drunk. Ooo pizza!" I tried to hold in my smile of a partially drunk Tommy as he grabbed the pizza out of my hands and set it on the coffee table in front of where Anthony was sitting, and Houston was passed out. Tiana went to sit down next to Tommy and grabbed another slice. I however lost my appetite.

"I'll go figure out his room and just go there."

"Wait! He's already passed out just stay." Tiana begged. I shook my head and walked out the door after grabbing my bag.

After finding out the room number from Coach and getting a key I went in and laid down in the bed fully clothed pretty confident I wasn't going to be sleeping. I had only been in here for about an hour or so before the door loudly burst open and a giggling Anthony dropped a giggling Houston down on the floor. I couldn't help but smile, these two were hilarious sober, so now drunk was side splitting.

"Okay bye!" Anthony giggled again leaving and closing the door behind him. I could see them through the doorway of the bedroom the entire time. Houston now alone tried to get up to his feet a few times, laughing every time he didn't quite make it and then just crawled to the bedroom. He climbed up into the bed quietly still giggling and I was trying my hardest not to laugh. When his arm went around me, I froze.

"I'm a fucking idiot." He said snuggling up close my back to his front. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, I can't lose you. Fuck please don't leave me over this." I knew he was saying this because of the alcohol, yea that means he probably meant it I get that. But realistically I knew he wasn't going to remember this in the morning. I waited until he was knocked out and snoring before getting out of the bed. I changed my clothes and headed out of the hotel room.

Today was game day. I was down eating breakfast as the guys were coming and going to grab some as well. Anthony, Tommy and Tiana walked over to the table I was at and sat down.

"So, did you make up?" I glared at Tommy.

"No but thank you for dumping a wasted Houston in the room with me." I pointed at Anthony.

"No problem. I know that was sarcasm but I'm going to pretend it wasn't." Anthony said as he took a bite of his breakfast and smiled pointing his fork at me.

"Did he say anything to you?" Tiana asked. "Because he was mighty talkative last night." I rolled my eyes. Trying to still contain the tears as I relived the past forty-eight hours for the thousandth time that morning.

"I was in bed with my eyes closed he said he was an idiot and said he can't lose me."

"See!" I looked at Anthony eyes wide, but couldn't say anything because Houston walked in. I kept my eyes to the table as he grabbed food and sat down with us. I was finished so before anyone said anything I got up, threw out my trash, and went back to the room.

The game tonight was terrible. Coach must have yelled Houston get your head out of your ass!' at least a dozen times if not more. We heard a lot 'Davs seriously!' and 'Let's go Davey bring it back!' pretty much everything and it was pissing Houston off even more. Tiana and I sat with the other girlfriends and wives that came along. Her and I kept sharing knowing looks. Meanwhile my brother was texting me.

Colin - Seriously what the fuck, why's he playing like shit.

Colin - Dude! Addison get your man back in the game!

Colin - His contract gonna get cut up he keeps playing like shit. Won't have to worry about his rep.

Colin - Omg why the fuck he give it away again!

Me - I swear to everything holy Colin if you do not stop. I'm here watching the game and going to hire a hit squad to kill you before it is over.

Colin - Thank god they benched him, what's the deal?

Me - We fought I don't want to get into it. I'll see you tomorrow. Please just don't.

Colin - Alright here whenever you're ready. Love you.

Me - Thanks, love you too.

Finally, the game was over, and we were flying home tonight once all the guys finished showering and changing. Tiana and I waited in our seats along with some of the other girls, unfortunately Marie was among them.

"Bus is here." Tommy came out to tell us as he took his beautiful girlfriends' hand and I followed them out to the bus. I sat in the front again staring out the window. I didn't even look when someone sat next to me.

"Can I sit here?" His voice instantly calmed me, and I hated that he had this effect on me. I let out a small breath, before giving a small nod. "We don't have to talk, I just want to be next to you." I nodded again and pulled my air pods out of my bag. I handed him one and turned on the show we have been watching together, on my phone, he smiled at me nodding before taking it and putting it in his ear. He sat next to me on the plane as well and I fell asleep on his shoulder like I always did.

The plane landed and we were all stretching and getting off, it was probably around 3 or 4 in the morning by the time we landed back in DC.

"Will you come home with me? I know it is a lot to ask." He asked when we were side-by-side walking back to his car.

"Houston I can't, as much as I want to I just can't."

"We need to talk about this. Not tonight, tonight I just want to, need to hold you. It's too late for you to be out there driving."

"You ended us, so it doesn't matter what you need, and there isn't much else to talk about." I gave him a weak smile as my eyes started to get teary, I turned to walk away from him. "I'll get an uber, I barely squeaked out."

"Addison" He ran over and stood in front of me causing me to stop. "I..." I closed my eyes and looked away as tears slipped out, he brushed them away with his thumbs. "Damnit." I could actually hear his heart breaking for me.

"Not here guys. Press everywhere." Coach said walking past us.

"No worries coach, everything is good." He nodded. Houston pulled me into his arms, and I let him. "Baby, I wasn't trying to hurt you, and I know you don't want to talk about this right now, trust me I don't want to either, but it needs to happen. I thought that girl was you at first because you do that so often, I thought nothing of it. I realized it wasn't after it was just a peck, I knew they weren't your amazing lips, and I did stop it by walking away. They all know I have you so saying anything would have fallen on deaf ears." He kissed my temple before continuing. "You are my world Addison Charlotte Jones, you are the only thing that matters, and if I don't have you and those kids...then I don't have anything." I just nodded understanding what he said.

"I just need time Houston. I've never felt that pain before, and I need to process it."

"Okay." He nodded swallowing hard. "I'll take you to your house, don't uber please." I nodded and we started walking again. He dropped me off at home and walked me to the door even though I told him he didn't have to. "I don't expect anything I just need to know you're safely inside." I just nodded and didn't argue.

I opened my door and turned around to face him. Cautiously he took a step towards me and placed his lips softly on mine. When he backed away, I touched my lips.

"Let me know if you need anything, and when you're ready to talk I guess." I nodded and watched him walk away before I closed the door and leaned against it letting the tears freely fall.

My mom must have heard me because she came running out and pulled me into her arms. We sat there as she rubbed my back shushing me to help calm down.

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