28, Addison

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Liked by hdavis91 and 51.6k others

addidavis These selfies are definitely my favorite that hdavis91 sends me, because it means he's on his way home to us <3 #forevermy91 #thatsmyhusband #hesthebest #hockeywife #hockeylife #iloveyousomuch #davispartyoffive

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cammano.ava My FAVORITE selfies!

b.rielle Seriously the best selfies from the boys ever.

username1 I'd die for this selfie.

tomscap17 Girl you know it! 

username2 I'm like omg because all the wags in one place right now.

waglife11 Seriously the best ever!

username3 I'm here singing 'I'm coming home, I'm coming home, tell the world I'm coming home." and full on ugly crying at how cute y'all are! 

May 11th

Twenty-Eight Addison

I'm a new mom all over again. It is pure craziness at home, I feel like I'm losing my mind. I wouldn't change a single thing about it though. Dane is already a little over three months old, my parents moved to Texas full time after traveling back and forth for months. They bought a house right in-between mine and Ava's, she and Colin also just had a baby boy, a few days ago, so needless to say, even my mom is exhausted.

Houston's parents have also been a blessing, they're helping out us and Ava and Colin. They didn't move down here, but they have been staying with us since Dane was born. Colin's mom passed when he was young, and the Davis' basically took him in. Thank god we all have this help of our parents because if we didn't, I wouldn't know how to do it. I would never want a nanny taking care of our kids when I'm perfectly capable of doing so. Just helps to have the extra hands while Houston is away, you know for dance classes, hockey practices and games, doctors' appointments. Everything.

Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with having a nanny at all. Because there isn't. I just like that I'm raising my kids, the help from the parents, that raised us that's just a huge bonus.

"Mommy! Daddy come home today!" I smiled at Braelynn as she was gently rubbing Dane's little head while he was laying on the floor, staring up at her.

"Yes, baby he does."

"Are Nani and Pap coming over?" Houston's parents.

"Actually, I think everyone is coming over tonight." Her eyes went wide and we both heard the garage door open. She jumped up and ran, crashing into a body I couldn't see since I was still on the living room floor.

"My girl! I missed you pumpkin!" Houston's voice rang through the house. Even Dane perked up and attempted looking around with his little smile. I stood and saw Braelynn with her arms wrapped tightly around Houston's neck as he held her back with his eyes closed. He was gone for a 12 day stretch. The long stretches are the hardest for us all.

"I miss you too daddy." I could hear her little tears by the shakiness in her voice.

"Dad!" Brent ran in slamming himself into Houston's legs. He didn't budge though, he just put one of his arms around him and held him close as well.

"I missed you guys so much, where's mommy and little man?" Braelynn lifted her head and pointed. Houston's eyes came to mine and his smile was blinding. "I'm going to go say hi, why don't you guys go grab a game or something before we need to leave for someone else's hockey game." He ruffled Brent's hair as he put Braelynn down. They both took off running and after Houston watched them go his eyes came back to me. I giggled as he ran over to me lifting me up in the air and spinning me around once before kissing me. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, loving husband of mine. So did this little guy." He put me back down on my feet before laying overtop of Dane.

"You missed me too?" Dane giggled and cooed at his Daddy, the interaction had my heart melting. As if I didn't already know what an amazing dad Houston already was to two kids that weren't biologically his, watching him with Dane was a different game entirely. He had a mini version of him staring back at him. The other two had him around their finger, and you could tell Dane had him wrapped in knots. It was a beautiful site to watch. Houston looked at me smiling. "We have the most amazing life ever. Seriously, you are amazing." I rolled my eyes.

"I am not. I'm just here taking care of kids."

"Taking care of our family. Our kids, our home, me." He winked and I couldn't help but smile.

"It isn't that crazy."

"I know what you do baby. It amazes me how much you do without taking time for yourself or credit." He laughed pulling my body up against him. This is where I belong, in Houston's arms, in our home, with our amazing family. I wouldn't be here if I didn't go through all the bullshit with Gavin. I wouldn't be here if I would have ignored that super weird man at the coffee shop a year ago. Devon helped push this relationship to a level neither one of us thought possible.

The fact that Houston and I knew one another and had crushes on one another back in school was miniscule compared to how we feel about one another now. Living life to the fullest since we came back together is by far the best way to live.

I refuse to take a single day, a single second of my beautiful life for granted. I know there are women out there who have been raped and beaten and still somehow manage to wake up the next morning and push forward with their lives. My life was nothing like that, I never needed to be as strong as those women are every single day, but my life still mattered.

Houston and I started a foundation a few months back, to help out those women, women who just didn't know where to turn. Single moms that just needed a break from their kids to be able to date, be able to move on. Our foundation has helped thousands of women get away, be free, and know that they are enough. We are proud of what we have done and how far we have come, and we will continue to grow together...as a family forever.

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