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"Shut up Theodor!" I say as I slam the door. He was playing video games and he was screaming like hell. All I wanted was for my summer holiday to just be chill, but how am I supposed to chill when the dumbfuck next to me is screaming to his computer 24/7?

I laid in bed thinking about all of the stupid shit I could've done this summer, but am I going to do anything? No, probably not. My mom is barely home, because she is always on some kind of business trip and my dad has a company to lead so it's hard for them to make room for a little vacation trip. It's cool tho, because that means I have the chance to work. All. Summer. I'm a model for a clothing brand called soseapparel, so I guess I can't really complain. This summer I know they have a lot of things planned out for photoshooting, and I also remember them talking about making like an aesthetic short video in Italy and France.

Tomorrow is the first meeting about what's going to happen this summer. Sadly the meeting is at 9am, which means that I have to be up early. 

And now I guess it's time for me to introduce myself. My names Eleanor, I'm 16 and I'm living my best life in New York. I live here with my parents and my 6 year old brother, Theodor. I don't know why my parents gave us long names like that, but most people just call us Elly and Theo. I'm homeschooled, but my brother isn't. He's living the most normal life.

*7am in the morning*
I groan as I roll over to turn my alarm off. It sucked that I had to wake up this early, but it does actually feel good. I take a quick shower, put on some light make up and just a simple outfit.

I walk out the building and called an Uber. I could for sure drive, because I do have my license and I do have a car. But it's New York and my anxiety increase to another when I drive in a city like this with so much traffic. So I usually just gets an Uber when I'm going places.

I was driving for 10 minutes until we finally reached the place where the meeting was supposed to be at. I walk upstairs listening to some random playlist. I was now listening to a kinda sick song which was called Thinkin about you or not thinking about you, by some dude I don't remember the name of. The elevator ride was pretty long, but I finally reached the top. I walked to the meeting room and opened the door to be met by Luke Pond, the boss. He was pretty cool, not like other bosses which I really liked. He was a hipster kinda lookin dude, like me.

I walked in and noticed a few new faces. I guess there's a reason they're here and we're definitely gonna talk about it.

"Hey guys! Welcome, I'm Luke Pond. Today we're talking about what our plan for this summer is. This is something we've been planning for a really long time and we're finally ready for the action!" He laughs and continues. I could feel like someone was staring at me and it made me uncomfortable to even think about the fact that someone was staring at me, so I casually looked around in the room. Every single one of them was watching and listening to Luke, but I could still feel someone staring at me. And that's when my eyes land on one of the new guys that I've never seen before. He had beautiful hazel emerald eyes, the kind you could get lost in and that was definitely what I did. His hair was messy, but it looked so soft. His face looked so smooth and his lips were plumped like god really used time to make this kid perfect. He noticed my stare back at him and winks at me. I quickly turned back around and tried to focus on what Luke had to say.

"This summer we're happy to collaborate with the one and only Ruel Vincent Van Dijk! We're having photo shoots in France, Italy, London and Norway." I felt so dumb, I'm sitting here in the same room as Vincent Van Dijk, I cant remember his first name, but I don't even know who he is. Is he like the old man in the corner? Or he is he the younger one sitting next to Luke? Why didn't they just point at him when they said his name?

"Eleanor and Ruel will be our models for this photo shoot trip, and we've already booked everything we need so all we need to do now is leave" he says with a happy voice and closes his book where he had everything he wanted to talk about. "Any questions?" I raised my hand. "Yes Eleanor?"
"When will we leave and for how long will we be gone?" I ask so I can tell my parents all the details so nothing is left out.

"We'll leave on Friday, which is tomorrow actually. And we'll be gone for 3 weeks. The short movie we're making about our brand will take a lot of time, and we also of course need a few days off while we're there so it will take around 3 weeks." I nod at his response. I look down at my phone and wrote it down so Ill remember it. "Ruel?" I hear as I was writing on my phone. "is this like something secret or can we post about this announcement?" A little bit darker voice asked. His accent was something I could die for. It was a mix between Australian and British accent. I slowly look up to see who this Ruel was, it was the guy I was staring at like 3 seconds ago. His voice fitted him so well and his side profile was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. My side profile could never.

"Well, for now we want our collaboration to be a secret. So no you can't post anything about the announcement, but you can post whatever you'd like whenever you'd like." Luke answers and finished off the meeting.

I grabbed my jacket and walked to the door. I bumped into someone as I tried to get out the door at the same time as someone else "oh shit sorry" I say and I can hear a cute giggle. I looked up to see the Ruel, but he was very much taller than I'd expected him to be. I awkwardly giggled too and walked out the door.

"Eleanor huh?" I hear him say as he tries to catch up with me.

"Elly" I correct him.

He looks at me weirdly, which made him 10x cuter.

"Wow Elly, is that your nickname or?" He asked pretending to be dumb.

"Yes Vincent, it actually is" I say with an attitude.

"Oh ok, well my name is not actually Vincent. That's just my middle name. I'm Ruel"

"Oh I'm sorry Ruelio, but I don't really feel like I could care less." He stops and grabs my wrist and this obviously took me by surprise. I look at my wrist, which he was holding, and up to him with a surprised face.

"Listen Elly, we're workmates now, so you should get used to being friendly with me or this is not gonna work" he said pointing back and forth between us.

I look at his serious face and I couldn't hold it in. I burst into laughter and he just looks at me confused. "W-workmates?" I try to say as I laugh loosing my breath. He rolls his eyes and let go off my wrist.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry dude. Won't be mean to you, I promise." I said, but his face told me that he didn't believe me. I giggled as I looked at his face, which was priceless.

"See you tomorrow, Ruelio" I wink at him before I leave him just standing there.

Ruels pov

Shit. What just happened? Is she high or something because that energy and that attitude, Damn.

"I guess you just met Eleanor" Luke says coming up from behind. I just nodded and smiled to myself. This girl really is something else.

"She can be rough sometimes, but you'll get used to all of the bullying" he laughs and pats my back before leaving.

Dude. This is weird. I've met him twice and I'm writing my first wattpad story about him oml hahahah

Anyways I hoped you like it!! And please vote and comment if you want me to continue:)

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