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It's been a few weeks since we got here. A few weeks since Ruel announced that we were dating. I can't really tell if anything has changed. It feels like just before he told everyone. Sure, I got more followers on Instagram. Sure, I get at least 40 dms daily. But it isn't something that I hate or feel uncomfortable with. All of the dms I get on Instagram are all positive. Some of them even said that they kinda knew from the day we met over 2 years ago. Those messages actually made me happy. It just showed me how good Ruels supporters are. I haven't gotten any hate yet, which was something I was prepared to get but I didn't.

Ruel has been working a lot lately. He just finished his festival tour with laneway.

We got to spend the Valentine's Day together, it was fun. All we did was watch movies and make valentines cookies, but we decided that we didn't want to take it so ceremoniously.

It got closer to the shows Ruel was gonna preform in Asia. Ruel was also working on his new album. He just released a new song with Cosmos midnight. It was pretty good.

These last days I've been pretty much alone. It was getting a bit boring to walk around in the house alone, so I decided to go out and try to socialize even though I had zero friends here in Australia.

I walked to the mall first. I needed new shoes so I could as well just go there first. I walked into every store and none of them had shoes that I wanted. I gave up and walked to the first coffee shop that I saw. I ordered my coffee and sat down on one of the tables by the big window.

I sighed and looked out. People were either walking around with their boyfriend, parents or friends. My boyfriend was working all the time. My parents are almost on the other side of the world. Friends was something that I didn't have at the moment, well not in Australia.

I pulled out my phone and called Ruel. Thought I could just FaceTime him and see what he was doing.

"Heyy baby" he smiled.

"Hey, are you still working?" I asked. The screen got unclear and I could barely see him.

"Yeah, where you at?

"At the mall" I answered.

"Alone?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yup, I was bored and had to get out of the house" I said trying to sound unbothered by the fact that I'm alone.

"Aww baby, I'm sorry. I'll come next time when I don't have so much to work with. Ok?"

I just nodded.

"I love you Elly, but I'll have to go now. I'll see you later" he kissed the screen and I chuckled.

"Love you too, bye"

I sighed and turned my phone off.

"Now what?" I asked myself and sank deeper into the chair.

"Hey," a tall girl with brown ish hair and light streaks greeted me.

"Hey?" I said but more like a question.

"Shit sorry, I'm Corey" she said and stretched out her hand so I could shake it.

"I'm Elly" I smiled and she sat down on the chair across from me.

"I couldn't help but come over, I heard you talking to who I guess is your boyfriend and you seemed off. I also heard that you were lonely, but now you're not" she smiled after saying all that in one breath.

"You heard all that?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, well it's not like I sat on the other side of the room. I sat right behind you" she smiled and I just chuckled.

Hard sometimes - Ruel Vincent Van Dijk Where stories live. Discover now