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«Fuck» i groan as the alarm kept on ringing. I tried to turn it off so many times that I just gave up. I got up from the bed, it was so freezing I didn't want to get out. But the photo shoot started in an hour so I had to just put on some clothes and leave. I did my make up too, just so I looked presentable. I guess I could just grab some breakfast before leaving.

I walked out of my room and took the elevator down to the buffet where the were now serving breakfast. I took a plate and filled it up with bacon, egg and toast. I tried to find somewhere to sit until I saw Ruel waving his hand at me. He was sitting alone on a table so I decided to just sit with him.

"Hey" he say with a big smile. I said hey back and pulled out my phone.

"That's a lot of food"

"That's something you never say to a girl" I said annoyed, but he just laughs which makes me more annoyed. "Why are you always wearing that bucket hat anyways?" I ask trying to change the subject. "So girls like you can dream about what my hair looks like" he say with a cocky smile. I roll my eyes, this guy really think he is something. How funny.

"Ok, wanna see something cool?" He suddenly ask and I look up from my food. He's holding a knife pointing it at me. My eyes widened and I shake my head slowly.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun" I just sat there staring at his knife with wide eyes.
"Ok, Just hold this banana" he say and puts the banana in my hand. What the fuck is he gonna do? "Throw it" he simply say standing in front of me like a ninja. "W-what?" I ask confused. "Just throw the banana at me" I just looked at him he nodded at me. I decided that I'm just gonna do it. I threw the banana at him, not hard because I didn't know what he was gonna do.

Suddenly as the banana got close to him, he cuts the banana in half like fruit ninja. After the two pieces of banana landed on the floor, I look up at Ruel. He was standing there like the proudest idiot in the whole fucking world. "What the fuck was that?" I ask and his smile fades. "You didn't think it was cool?" He ask sounding kinda worried. Nate comes up from behind Ruel and pats his shoulder. "If this is how you try to impress girls, I might as well teach you how to do it properly" he say and laughs. I tried to hold in my laughter, but I couldn't. Ruel sat down disappointed and puts his knife down.

"Anyways, Luke wanted you guys to meet outside in 10 minutes" Nate say before leaving.

"Well that was embarrassing" I say and laugh. Ruel gave me the scariest look I've ever seen. I swear to god, if looks could kill I would definitely be dead by now.


We were outside on some random street taking "cool" pictures for Luke's Instagram and webshop. Ruel was always messing things up and running around like a freaking kid. It was low key cute.

Our next location was some random cafe. We sat outside on the tables pretending to be cool. Which Ruel found very awkward. I was used to doing this so I didn't really think anything of it, but Ruel was awkwardly sitting in his chair. I could tell how hard he was trying not to laugh, but he wanted to keep it professional. I found myself adore him, adore how cute he was when he didn't act like a dickhead, adore how he didn't feel comfortable taking pictures, adore how he was so down to earth. No, I quickly brushed off the thought and finished our shoot for today.


We just got back from the hotel and I laid in bed just chilling. I was so bored.

I was scrolling through some clothing websites until my best friend Lovisa FaceTimed me. I was so happy, I haven't talked to her for days and it was perfect timing to talk too.

"Heyyy!" She waved hysterically and I laughed at her excitement.

"Wassup?" I asked. "Nothing much, it's really fucking boring here without you El" she sighed and lays down so I can't see her anymore. "You live in New York, Lovisa. There's so much you can do" I say and give her smile. "Plus you can attend so many parties! I'm stuck in London doing some photo shoots with some weird dude" I say and sighed. "Weird dude, huh? Why haven't I heard about this weird dude? Is he cute? Hot? Handsome? Tall?" She asked curious. A part of me was about to say yes, I don't know why. He's none of these things, except tall of course. That dude is taller than my door.

"Lovisa, no. He told me to throw a banana at him this morning. That's not normal, plus he woke me up at 11pm asking me if I wanted to go out for a walk."
She looks at me with "the" look. Like she knew what was going on.
"He's interested" she simply say, like it's the most obvious fact in this whole world. "Why? No, he doesn't fucking like me" I say.

"Eleanor Bright. I never said that he liked you, just that he's interested. If he's cute and show a lack of interest, then you should definitely go for it. Don't hesitate. That will never take you anywhere." I tried to process what she just said, and I guess it might be true. But why do Ruel have to be that guy.

"Hey you wanna pla-" I turn around to see Ruel storm into my room. I was only wearing a silk shorts and tank top. "Get the fuck out!" I scream at him, but all he does is smirk.

"Who are you talking to?" He asks curious and comes closer to my pc. "Is this Ruel?!" Lovisa screams from my pc and Ruels face light up. "No. No! This is Vincent." I try to save myself. "Vincent, can you please leave my room." I ask hinting form him to leave and that i don't have time for him now. "Yeah, hey I'm Ruel!" Ruel tries time wave to Lovisa but i blocks the screen. I physically face palmed myself so hard.

I just gave up at this point. I laid in bed whil Ruel sat in front of the screen.

"So you're the Ruel who El just talk about" Lovisa ask.

Can I die now? Please? It would've been a pleasure.

"She was talking about me?" He asks and looks at me with a smirk. No. I said trying to communicate to him through my mind, but he doesn't have enough brain cells to get my message.

"Yeah! She was talking about how cute, hot and hand-" I cut Lovisa off before she said anything else which wasn't true.

"Ok, ok that's enough!" I say trying to reach my computer.

"Oh really? You should've seen her at the photo shoot today, she was drooling all over me" he say trying to keep the computer away from me. Wait, omg he noticed? Shit. I need to be more careful.
"Lovisa! Please hang up!" I scream trying to reach the computer. "No this is too much fun!" She yells back.

I finally managed to reach the computer so I quickly hang up. I fell down on my bed trying to catch my breath. That was exhausting and traumatizing.

"So you wanna play fifa or?" I look up at Ruel with a death stare. "I'll let you win the first game" he say putting his hands up in surrender. "I would've won anyways" i say. "Prove it" he say before walking out my room. I sighed before following him.

We've been playing for 3 hours and I've only won one game. One fucking game. It's embarrassing. But I just used the "I'm on my period" excuse. It didn't really seem like he believed, so I had to actually try to win.

Oneruel (Twitter)
You suck at fifa.

234 retweets 347 comments 1,583 likes

EllyJelly dude shit your ugly ass mouth up. That's so unfair, I definitely dominated.
*load 43 comments*
Oneruel first of all whys your username EllyJelly? And second, it is what it is.
EllyJelly I made this account when I was 10.
Oneruel ok, I get it. Just please stop kicking me.

Third chapter! Yay. I post chapters frequently for my 12 readers☺️ you're welcome!

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