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I laid in bed scrolling through every social media on my phone, including tiktok. Tik Tok is so soothing to watch. Kinda satisfying, it's almost like the new asmr, but for the eyes. That did not make sense. I downloaded the app just because of Lovisa, she convinced me to get the app and follow her.

I was now obsessed with it and I had to take a break from it eventually.

Lovisa suddenly FaceTimed me and i answered the call.

"Heyy baby" she greeted me and I smiled back.
"Sooo where's mr handsome?" She teasingly ask.
I roll my eyes. "First of all his name is not Mr handsome, second of all he's not here" she huffed and laid down on her back.

"Anything happened between you two yet?" She tiredly asks. "Uh yeah something actually happened" she got up extremely quick and her eyes were as wide as it could ever be.

"What do you mean something happened? Did he take your virginity? Did he asked you to marry him? Are you pregnant?" Her questions raced in like a jet and I looked at her in confusion.

"What? Lovisa no. None of that happened." She was confused. "He just asked me to be his girlfriend, and fun fact: we're actually sharing a room" I grin and she sighed. "Really? I thought something bigger happened."

I looked at her with my jaw open in disbelief. "I'm joking El! I'm so happy it finally happened! I was waiting for it, plus Ruel actually seems like a nice guy." She laughs and I roll my eyes, but I joined in.

We talked for what felt like hours and Ruel wasn't back yet. I know that he's on a writing session with Nate, but I really wanted him to just come here and cuddle with me before I fall asleep.

"I just thought of something" Lovisa said serious. "Doesn't Ruel live in the country down under? The time zone is crazy, and you live in New York. How is that gonna work?" My heart started to beat faster by that question. I never really thought about that. Yes, I'm having the best time of my life here with Ruel. And yes, I wish for it to last forever. But it won't, and there's nothing I can do about it. We're leaving Norway in a couple of days, but the whole trip is over in almost 2 weeks. That means 2 weeks, and we'll never be able to see each other again.
It broke my heart to even think about it. It'll break me more when we say our last goodbyes.

"We'll figure it out" I tried to laugh it off, but it was obvious that the thought broke me. Lovisa noticed and tried to apologize. I said it wasn't her felt. And I eventually said I had to go.

I was curled up in bed, balling my eyes out. I laid like this for the last hour.

But then Ruel bursted through the door with the biggest smile and I quickly dried off my tears before he could notice. But my eyes were red and I couldn't hide it without making him suspicious.

He jumped on me and kissed me all over the face. "Have you missed me" he asks and laughs.

He immediately stopped when he saw that I've been crying. "Hey, it's ok. What happened?" He asked and stroke the side of my face.

"What's the plan after this trip?" I ask him and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Like what are we gonna do? You live in fucking Australia, and I live in New York!" I could feel the tears roll down my cheek again.

"Ok, so someone once said: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.." Ruel said passionately while looking me deeply in the eyes.

"Who said that?" I sniff. "Me, two seconds ago." I giggled at his response.

"My point is that even if our lives will be separated by time, circumstances and distance, we will still find a way to work it out because if things are not at their best times right now doesn't mean that we should give up." He grabs my hand I look up to meet his eyes.  "If all you want is to be friends because it's easier for you, then sure. I'm more than happy to even be a part of your life. You're truly amazing and I don't want to loose someone like you."

Hard sometimes - Ruel Vincent Van Dijk Where stories live. Discover now