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Sophie and Lovisa ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug. Everyone else came out from their hiding spots.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY FACE!" Lovisa shouted in my ear as she hugged me.

"Baby face? Really?" I laughed.

"You do have a baby face, which is wierd since you're 18 now" Sophie chuckled and gave me a hug too.

Aaron, Noah, Nathan, Oliver and Daniel walked up to me and they all gave me a hug too.

"Wow Flores, it's so weird to think that our little baby face is getting older. You're basically an adult. You can actually vote and I know that in some Europeans countries you can drink legally too" Daniel said with excitement like being 18 would be so cool and funny.

"Well, I guess that's cool" I responded.

The night went by with us drinking and swimming. We had chicken fight and Marco Polo. I had way too much fun, but I deserved it and so did my friends.

It was late and the others was about to leave. They all gathered their stuff before leaving for their hotel. Aaron was shitfaced, Sophie had to take him back earlier. Everyone else got tired and decided to leave soon after.

Ruel and I went to the shower before going to bed. We were both trying to sober up.

"Thank you for tonight" I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Everything for my princess" he smirked and I chuckled.

"Was this Lovisas plan?" I asked curious.

"Nope, I planned it all. Was even my idea" he proudly say and I smile.

I look down at his lips as water rained over us making us wet. The glass on the shower wall got foggy.

I was standing on my tippy toes leaning in for a kiss. A small little innocent kiss turned into something more passionate and heated. I was pushed up against the walls and Ruels hands were roaming around my body.

We dried us off after showering and we continued this in bed.


It's been almost 2 weeks after my birthday. I've felt awful ever since and I've been waking up at the middle of the night just to throw up.

Ruel has been here all the time refusing to leave me. I said that I'm probably sick and that I didn't want to infect him. He said that he didn't care and he just wanted to know that I'm ok.

Ive barely been outside, I've barely been other places then in bed. I've had the worst headaches, I'm dizzy all the time and my mood swings are crazy. Ruels joke is getting on my nerves, but there's times where I can actually laugh of them.

Ruels also been making me food. He made me tacos, pizza, sushi and even nuggets but nothing was tempting. Kate wanted me to try something new which was Sandwich with Spaghetti and I've never tasted anything so good as that.

I've also been drinking just straight lemon juice and it was just something that I suddenly wanted.

I've also had this massive pain in my breasts and stomach, but I guess that's normal when you're sick. That's at least what ruel told me.

I was "surprisingly" in bed at the moment scrolling through my phone. Ruel was at the store with Kate. I suddenly remembered that I haven't had my menstruation in weeks, so I went into my menstruation app just to see when it starts.

I got on the app and it said that I was supposed to get it last week. It was weird cause I never used to be late. My menstruation was always regular and I never got it early or late. Maybe it was just this one time.

Ruel came home and it was soon time for dinner. I ate Sandwich and spaghetti as I've been doing for the last couple days.

I've been struggling to fall asleep too due to the pain and my nausea.

I woke up at the middle of the night again and ran to the bathroom. Vomit came out of my mouth and I coughed it up. I got the aftertaste if acid and I was exhausted and didn't feel good at all. I've never felt this bad before. I was sweating a lot too.

The door opened and Kate walked in with a sympathetic look.

"Hey... you ok?" She softly asked and bent down to meet my eyes.

I just shook my head and looked down. My eyes were heavy and I felt helpless.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked and I looked up to her and nodded.

"Have you ever felt like this before?" I just shook my head cause I was afraid that if I opened my mouth something else than words would come out.

"So what you're feeling now is your head throbs like a crowded mosh pit, the smell of literally anything makes you nauseous, your breasts and stomach is in pain..." I nodded again and she was thinking really hard.

"You know, it sounds really familiar.. and the last time i ever felt like that was 17 years ago." I looked up at her with wide eyes.

"I don't know if you've done it, but something tells me that you've probably done it before and maybe many times even" she smiles and I chuckled as I looked down in embarrassment.

"I don't know if you're pregnant, but the symptoms you have is showing it pretty well that you might have it" she said and grabbed my hand smiling.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and I was terrified as well.

"But I can't... I'm 18, I still have a lot to live until I finally am ready for a child" I said with a small feeling of panic.

"Listen Elly, this is a gift given to you! I know you may feel like you're not ready, but I know you! I know how strong you will be." She said and a tear rolled down my cheek. I was not mentally ready for this.

"From what I remember when I was pregnant the first time is that I felt helpless and I just wanted to give up. But then I got used to it and I felt more like a superhero, but a really tired and weak one. Pregnancy will make you see life in a whole new different way. You'll experience what it feels like making one!" She passionately say and she couldn't stop smiling.

"Kate... I can't... what if I'm a bad mom! What if I can't take care of the baby?" I said almost having a panic attack.

"Stop Elly. I know for sure the baby will love you no matter what. The baby inside you will talk to you and you will never feel lonely. It'll say; Mummy, can you feel me? I can hear you say that you love me. Mum, I love you too. We'll meet very soon and you can kiss me. You can feel my warm skin touch you. You will hold my little finger, but I'll hold your heart.." Kate said and tears were streaming down her face. I smiled at the comment and tears kept on rolling down my cheek too.

"I can do it"


The sequel will be out as soon as it's ready to be posted.

Meanwhile you can read my other story called "A lie never tells the truth" also a story about Ruel:)

Hard sometimes - Ruel Vincent Van Dijk Where stories live. Discover now