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The night at this hotel was perfect. I just woke up and turned to Ruel who was sleeping peacefully. Our bare skins touched and I could feel the butterflies of love. It sounds very cliche, but it's the truth.

He was perfect. He had cute flushed cheeks, plumped lips which was slightly parted and his golden hair fell over his eyes. He breathed so lightly that it was almost satisfying to listen to.

I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling with a smile plastered on my face. I was thinking about what we did and how my first time could be this perfect. Everything felt right and I was definitely doing it with the right person too.

I was comfortable the whole time and nothing felt rushed. Cole used to stress about being my first. I told him that I didn't want too and he obviously respected that even though I know that he deep down was annoyed. I guess that was one of the many reasons he broke up with me.

I'm sure Ruel knows that it was my first time having sex, but me on the other hand doesn't know if he had sex before or not. I know he dated Charlotte for a long time. It would be weird if they didn't have it, but at the same time not. Like Cole and I didn't have sex.

Ruel and I never talked about our previous sex life or anything like that at all. He was very good, that's something I must admit. It looked like he knew what he was doing while I felt lost at the start.
That's also what made me think that I wasn't his first.

The thought about Ruel having sex with someone else made me sick. I got up and put on the hotel robe. I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water to my face.

I leaned on the sink and looked at myself in the mirror.

I had two hickeys on my neck and a trail of hickeys from my breast to my midline.

I stroke my fingers over them until I saw Ruel in the mirror walk in.

"Hey princess" he said and kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Everything alright?" He said and turned me around to face him.

"Yep" I smiled and tried to not think about his ex.


He gave me a concerned look, but I made sure that he had no reason to be concerned.

"Yes Ruelio! Let's go eat, I'm starving" I pay his shoulder and walk past him.

"You can eat my-"

"Don't even dare to finish that sentence" I yelled from the living room and all I could hear was Ruel chuckling.


We had eaten breakfast for over an hour now and I was ready to go up to our comfortable bed again.

Ruel was telling me about that one time he and Sylvie had the biggest fight about who was going to sit in the front seat. They fought for 2 hours apparently and they both ended up sitting in the back with Wilbur while Coco got the front seat. They had to sit like that for a 3 hour road trip. It was torture to sit next to Wilbur for 3 hours. Him and Wilbur aren't exactly best friends.

He had so many stupid stories in his pocket that I just wanted to listen to all day. But it had to come to an end eventually and we would do things that's on our list.

We had to check out from our room in 30 minutes.


"Bye baby" I said and kissed his cheek before going out of the car and closing the door.

"Hey!" Ruel shouted after me as he rolled down the window.

I walked to the car and leaned down so I could see Ruel.


"The boys and I are going out for a surf tomorrow, can you ask if Theo maybe wanna come?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Yes, that's what I said"

"Why do you want to hang out with Theo?" I asked confused.

"I wanna get to know your lil bro a bit more" he playfully says and I roll my eyes.

"You just called him "your lil bro", no I'm not gonna ask"

"Oh come on" he pouted and I roll my eyes.

"Ok, fine. I'll text you what he says"

"Yes, cool! See ya later honey" he winked before racing away in his Nissan Micra.

"Idiot." I mumbled on my way in to the house.


I had been sitting in bed all day watching "one direction funny moments that will make you miss them even more". It was honestly ridiculous to watch cause even if it was funny I would still be sitting there crying.

One direction was my childhood and I lived my best life listening to them.

Theo suddenly came bursting through the door and scared the living shit out of me.

"Theo! God. Don't scare me like that" I said and closed my laptop.

"Mom wants you to come downstairs to help her and Auntie with dinner" he said.

"Why can't you do it?" I asked annoyed.

"Because they said "Eleanor" and not "Theodor"" he stayed and I rolled my eyes as a response.

"Ugh Fine." I sighed and got up from my bed.

Theo was about to close the door before I called his name again.

"What?" He answered.

"Ruel asked if you wanted to go out surfing with his friends tomorrow"

"Yeah, sure. When?"

"I don't know, but I'll ask him and let you know later"

"Ok" he said before leaving.

I unplugged the charger from my phone before walking downstairs.

"Hey sweetie, can you help us cut the chicken breasts into smaller pieces?" Mom asked and I nodded as I grabbed the plate, knife and the breasts.

"How's Ruel doing?" Aunt May asks, and I swear to god that's literally all they care about these days. Ruel here and Ruel there.

They're more obsessed with him than me, Jesus Christ.

"He's fine" I simply answer.

"Are you and Ruel gonna be alright?" The question surprised me. What is she talking about?

"What?" I asked not knowing what she was trying to emphasize.

My mom stopped cutting the onions and looked at me.

"Elly, baby. We're leaving in two days. Our holiday in Sydney is over. We have to get back to our normal life again. How are you and Ruel going to cope with distance and the time zones? I know you've been scared of this before.." she stroke my hand while asking this question knowing that it's a very sensitive question for especially me.

"We... haven't really talked... about it..." I answered, but it was so low that they could barely hear me.

"Aww my precious little bean..." she said and pulled me into her chest. "Talk to him about it, ok? It's important to do it sooner or later" she said pulling me away again. I just stood there watching her eyes filled with love and comfort.

"Now!" She said pointed out.

"Ok, ok" I said and grabbed my phone before running out.

YAY new chapter again. It will get juicy pretty soon🤓

Hard sometimes - Ruel Vincent Van Dijk Where stories live. Discover now