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Ruels pov

Days have passed and it's now New Year's Eve. Christmas as fun, Eleanor and I decided to not give anything to each other, but instead doing something nice together. We haven't figured out what yet, but I bet it's gonna be fun.

I haven't seen her since Christmas. She was busy celebrating this holiday with her family and I was busy celebrating with my family.

My aunt, uncle and cousin came all the way from the Netherlands so I wanted to spend as much time as I could with them.

But this New Year's Eve I wanted to spend time with Eleanor. I'm so excited to end this year with Eleanor and at the same time start the new year with her.

I wish that next year will be our year. A year without drama, fights and sadness. All I want is a perfect year and a perfect life with her. She's all I can think about these days and I hope that she's  all I can think about for the rest of my life.

I booked a suite at Shanghai-La hotel for Eleanor and I. The room there was insane and so was the price. But it was definitely worth it. I got the chance to be with Eleanor at this amazing place.

I told her that I would pick her up at 5pm. It's 10 minutes until i I'm supposed to leave. I was so excited and I've just been in bed waiting for the second I was leaving to pick up Eleanor.

I almost ran to my car before speeding out to on the road.

After about 10 minutes I pulled over at her house. I walked out of my car and Eleanor opened the door and came out with her bag of clothes I assumed.

Her mom followed after. "Hey Ruel!" She said with a huge smile. I said hey back and helped Eleanor with her bag. "Hope you guys will have fun! Enjoy the last hours of this year kids" she said and winked at us. Eleanors face scrunched up, I find it so cute when she does that face.

"Ew mom. Don't ever say it like that" I just laughed at Eleanors response before we said our goodbyes and drove off.

"I can't believe you still drive this Nissan Micra" she said.

"What? It's my baby, why wouldn't I drive her?" Eleanor easily cringed at that and I just laughed.

"It's literally too small. It's like someone pressed their ken doll in a small toy car."

"You shouldn't complain, you're literally a dwarf" she playfully punched my shoulder as I laughed.


"RUELOF VINCENT VAN DIJK." She yelled as we opened the door to our suite. "YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT YOU BOOKED A SUITE! I THOUGHT WE DECIDED ON GETTING JUST A NORMAL HOTEL ROOM?!" She walked around the room admiring everything still in shock.

"Thought it'd be fun to try something new" I answered and she ran towards me. She jump into my arms and gave me a tight hug. "This is amazing" she whispered.

"OMG I WANNA SEE THE BATHROOM!" She said and I remembered how much she loved hotel bathrooms. That was literally the first thing she would check out when we were on our photo shoot trip 2 years ago.

I followed her to look for the bathroom and we eventually found it.

We opened the door and we both froze. It was amazing. It had a big bathtub or more like a jacuzzi, and the view from the jacuzzi was amazing. We could see the beach, the city and everything we would want to see.

I looked down at Eleanor as she turned around and looked up at me

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I looked down at Eleanor as she turned around and looked up at me. There was tears rolling down her cheek and I got really worried for a second.

"What's wrong baby?" I said wiping the tears away.

"The jacuzzi and the sink is so beautiful" she answered and I responded with a laugh. She hit my shoulder and I raised my hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were so passionate about sinks and bathtubs" I could see her getting offended.

"I'm sorry? You can't say you're sorry when you just called this jacuzzi a mother ducking bathtub" she crossed her arms.

"You're cute" I said and pulled her hair bun so it fell down in front of her face.

"Idio-" I playfully closed the door in front of her before she could finish that sentence.


Eleanors pov

I just got out of the shower and I was getting ready to celebrate this New Year's Eve with the love of my life.

I'm sorry for not updating so often, it's just that school is killing me atm. There's so much I have to do for school plus I have football practice almost every day so I'm trying to write when I have the time to☺️ thanks for being so patient<3



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Hard sometimes - Ruel Vincent Van Dijk Where stories live. Discover now