little fun

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The next morning was odd, Natalie would feel good for 10 minutes and then vomit without feeling anything. Then the next minute she would be in horrible pain and then she would be fine, she felt relieved that she finally got her work done in the afternoon.
Gabriel had told her about the medication and what she needed to do, nathalie was also having trouble eating. But it wasn't too hard when Gabriel was putting soup in her mouth.
"Better?" Gabriel asks
Nathalie swallowed and nodded, her fever wasn't as bad as it was yesterday.
"I want to eat but it's so hard..." Nathalie says quietly wrapped in a blanket, Gabriel gave her more soup.
"I'm sure it will be over soon, but I don't think it's a flu or pneumonia."
Nathalie thinks
"What if it's a magical sickness?" She asks, of course she thought that it wasn't.
"Well..." Gabriel froze for a few seconds
"I-im sorry i brought it up..." Nathalie says
"Please don't be sorry, it's a possibility. Eat alittle more then you can rest."
Nathalie nodded as he helped her eat

Later on when she was done eating Gabriel took her off her feet and into his arms, Natalie wasn't sure if she could walk or not. She blushed, she loved it whenever he picked her up.
He brought her into the room and gently laid her down, making sure not to hurt her, he knew how delicate she was.
"Thank you sweetheart..." Natalie said quietly
"Please don't thank me."
Gabriel Got in bed,  gently pulling the blanket over her.
"Did I ever say how beautiful you look muddy?" Gabriel says out of the blue
Natalie looked over to him
"N-no... And I don't I just look... Muddy and not put together..." She blushed.
"It's just the way the mud goes over your skin, and when it's on your cheeks I want to nuzzle you."
Nathalie hid under the covers to hide her blushing.
"And you looked adorable~" Gabriel messes with her
"I'm not cute!"
"Say that to me again. I won't hesitate to pick you up and put you in the mud again." He jokes pulling the covers off of her red face.
"Another thing, the mud hides how much you blush."
"I thought you hated mud." Nathalie says
"That was before I put you in the mud, and of course before you pulled me in."
"It just feels odd, one day I came in muddy and you looked at me with disapproval, and now you're saying I look 'adorable' muddy."
"That's the truth~"
Nathalie rolls her eyes but in a friendly way.
"You should change into your night gown." Gabriel suggested, recently he had designed a purple nightgown for her. It would have also been way more comfortable than the uniform she has been in all day.
"A-alright..." she remembered the way he looked at her when she changed into it for the first time, he couldn't take his eyes off her.
Nathalie carefully got up but fell into his arms, unable to feel her legs.
"Looks like I'm going to need to help you change." Gabriel says, he gently laid her down and went to go get her nightgown.
He returned after a few minutes holding it, he sat on the bed next to her.
Gabriel proceeded to gently remove her clothes, going from my sweater down to her heels.
Nathalie was blushing as he slipped off her bra, but his touch was very gentle.
He proceeded to unfold the nightgown and place it on her, kissing her neck.
Nathalie hugged him intensely both falling onto the bed, Natalie was on top of his chest.
"Something wrong my peacock?" Gabriel asks
"Nothing, nothing at all." Natalie then proceeded to also take gently off his clothes, Gabriel grinned.
"You want it so bad?"
"I do." She says
"Then come get it." Gabriel says
Nathalie took off his pants, she had nothing but the nightgown on.
"In that case, You know I like it rough."

The night went by quickly, nathalie woke up to see herself cuddled into his chest.
Both weren't wearing any clothing
Nathalie smiles seeing how tightly she was wrapped into his arms, he was holding on like it was the last time they would ever see each other. Nathalie looked over and saw that it was 5:24 am, but she wasn't tired.
Gabriel also woke up and saw her, messy hair and all.
"Good morning nathalie." He says giving her a nuzzle, nathalie giggled.
"And good morning to you too, hawkmoth."
Nathalie sat up as the blanket around her chest fell, she also noticed how Gabriel had her hair tie around his wrist.
"Ack-!" She realized that her hair was down, she never took it down in front of him. Even though she was his wife.
"And my hairs down..."
"Yes it is, we were having so much fun I needed to."
Nathalie groans and lays back in bed underneath the sheets, Gabriel laughed.
"I don't see why you're so insecure, but now I can't stop imagining you with your hair down in the mud, that would be adorable." Gabriel said
Natalie took one of the smaller pillows and threw it at him, knocking him off of the bed.
"Ouch mayura." He says getting back up
"I'm. Not. Cute. In. Mud."
"Yes you are~"
"Oh it's a yes."
Natalie threw another pillow at him.
"How are you feeling?" Gabriel immediately remembered.
"Energetic and awake."
"That's good, do you think you can do a little work?"
Nathalie nodded. "I should probably put some clothes on first."

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