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Natalie woke up the next morning, cuddled up into the blanket. She was about to get up when all of a sudden she heard Gabriel. "Don't move, get back in your position." He says lightly, "why?" She got back in her cozy position.
"I'm drawing my peahen." He says quietly, nathalie loved it when he called her 'my', or peacock. "Finished, you may move now." Gabriel lays a kiss on her forehead, Nathalie smiles and goes to change. Luckily, they had nothing they needed to do that day. "Where would you like to go today?" Nathalie asks sitting back onto the bed, there were so many things that they could do.
"You know everything about Tokyo." Gabriel kissed her cheek. "You tell me."
"There's sekaido, an art store?" She recommends.
"We can stop by." Gabriel looks at the drawing he made of Natalie.
"I'm also interested about the bullet train, sweetheart."
"I've only been on it about once, it's really unique." Nathalie smiles
"You know what else is really unique?" Gabriel says.
"What else?"
"You, my little peacock."

Both walked out of sekaido, holding too bags. Both have went on the bullet train, walled around Tokyo station, and looked at kimonos.
"Where would you like to go next?" Gabriel asks holding Natalie's hand as they walked around the city, nathalie smiles. "Well I am kind of hungry, you?"
"I could go for something to eat."
"Alright then." Nathalie took him to a small place in the city, both walking in.
there was a small girl at the counter, Natalie looked at her and immediately smilies.
"Kon'nichiwa, yōkoso- nathalie!"
The Young bubbly girl ran from the back of the counter and immediately hugged her, Natalie hugged back.
"It's been so long!" The girl squealed, Natalie giggled. "So I guess you recognize your old friends, Ami."
"How have you been?" Ami took both of them to a small table, smiling ear to ear.
"We've been doing great, as you can see I'm no longer single." Nathalie laughs, Gabriel looks at ami with curiosity.
"Gabriel agreste?" Ami was shocked to say the least.
"Yes?" He smiled slightly.
"My God you're lucky nath."
Nathalie punches her shoulder gently, both holding back laughter.
"Gabriel, this is Ami. I met her when I came here and she's like a sister to me."
Natalie introduces her friend, gabriel smiles.
"I don't really think I have to introduce myself." Gabriel says. "You really don't." Ami laughs. "What can I get you?" Ami asks.
"Raman, I think Gabriel would like sushi." Nathalie says.
"Done, be back soon." Ami goes off leaving the two.
"Bubbly, you never told me about your little friend." Gabriel looks to her with a smile.
"She's a little crazy, but really sweet when you get to know her."
Nathalie pours him some water, staring off into space. Gabriel did the same, drinking his water. Ami came back with the food.
"So nathalie, are you still playing violin or singing?" She asks, nathalie went red.
"Violin? Singing?" Gabriel looks to Ami, very curious.
"Yeah! She's great, she would sing and play the violin for hours at a time!" She smiles.
"A-ami!" Nathalie hid her face, a blushing mess.
"She never told me." Gabriel takes her face in his hands, holding her cheeks gently.
"Why did you never tell me?" He asked gently.
"I-i stopped years ago..."
"But you loved it so much!" Ami says.
"Love-d." She sighs.
"I see, I must go but please enjoy the food." Ami smiles and goes, nathalie ate her Raman and smiles. Gabriel did the same with his sushi rolls. "Do you like it?" Nathalie asks, she tries to forget about her violin. "It's great, yours?" He took a bite of her Naruto, he giggled. Nathalie ate one of his rolls. "Great." She smiles.

Both went back to the hotel later, gabriel went on the bed falling asleep peacefully. Nathalie, she looked under the bed. Pulling out a case. Gabriel woke up but stayed quiet, he saw what she had.
A small violin case.

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