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Gabriel opened the door, holding nathalie close. Nothing, absolutely nothing came back. Nathalie was exhausted, Gabriel saw how upset she was. they wanted to figure out what was wrong that they can actually live and know what to do, instead of living in fear of what could happen to her. He sets her on the bed and smiles slightly, she didn't. "Honey..." He kissed her head. "I won't let you get hurt, I'm here for you and that won't change." He caressed her, gently kissing her neck. Nathalie went alittle red. "Love..." A small smile escaped her, he chuckles. "Let's get you a warm bath." Gabriel lays a tinyyyyy kiss on her head before going to run a nice warm bath for her, nathalie stays in bed. Gabriel puts a few rose petals in the water, lighting a small candle on each corner on the tube, then went to get her. "It's ready hun." He smiles and takes off her shirt, she blushed hard. "Aw, your adorable when you blush." He chuckles as he takes off all her clothes gently, before picking her up. "G-gabriel..." She giggled holding onto him. Gabriel smiles and carefully puts her in the rose petal water, she smiles and lays back, she felt alot better. "Like it, my love?" Gabriel stays out of the bath as he placed his hand on her cheek. "Very much, I needed this." She coos happily like a peacock, gabriel placed a rose petal on her head, gently kissing her neck. "Thank you..." She giggled. Gabriel chuckles. "There's no need to love, I'm doing this to make you happy." He says Petting her head gently, looking at her Sapphire Ring, the one he proposed with.  She then looked to the ring as well. "I'm still shocked that you did it, I don't know anyone that would love me like you do." She smiles holding both his hands in hers, getting the tips of his shirt wet. "You risked your health for me, all because I was so blind to see it..." He gives her a small peck on the lips. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize it sooner..." He says softly, that was the best day of her life. It was sunset, it was a date, and she didn't expect it as he pulled out the beautiful ring. She still dreams about it, and will never forget. "Please don't be sorry." She kisses his hand before letting out a small smile, so did he. "Would you like a drink?" Gabriel asks with a grin, nathalie giggles. "Why not, get one for yourself." Nathalie rests her head on her arms, he kisses her nose and went to the kitchen, getting a small bottle of red wine, then coming back. Nathalie smiles and kisses his lips gently, then taking off his clothes. "Please, join me." She whispers. "Only for you, peahen." He says putting her in the water, then placing the wine glass in her fingers. Nathalie carefully helps him in the water, then he got position so she's on his chest. Gabriel took a small sip from his glass, nathalie smiles Doing the same, laying on his soft chest. "I love you..." She says quietly, "and I love you too, peahen."

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