staying home sick?

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"no way I'm staying home on a Saturday, it just rained." Nathalie crossed her arms cutely and turns her head.
"Honey." Gabriel places her on his lap. "It's not safe, you'll get even more sick."
"I'll be fine." She pouts.
"Fine, but I'm bringing your medicine." Gabriel says, they had planned a 'walk' in the morning, but nathalie fell ill. So gabriel didn't want to. "I love you, Nath."
Gabriel holds her close. "I'm sorry... I'm going back to my old ways..."
"Your not." Nathalie puts her arms around him. "Your just worried." Nathalie nuzzles him with her nose.
"I'm very worried." He stroked her hair.
"Please don't be, I mean I survived the peacock miraculous."
"Barely." He added.
"I promise I'll be fine." She smiles.
"All right..."

Gabriel brought her into the forest, but deeper into it. Both were excited to get each other muddy.

both looked over, there was a mud bog, but there was a tiny waterfall, but mud.
"Hm?" Both were confused, the Gabriel immediately trapped Natalie in his arms.
"Gabriel-" nathalie tries to move, unable to in his grasp. Gabriel gets in the chest deep mud and goes towards the mud fall.
"Gabriel don't you dare!" She tries to move.
"Sorry, my little muddy peacock." He smirked, gabriel was close to petting her under the falling mud, but nathalie knew what to do. She moved her legs up, climbing the rocks around them, then turning their bodies, pushing gabriel backwards into the mud fall. She had won that round.
"Nath-!" Mud covered him, he tried to wipe his face but only failing. "Oh my little muddy butterfly." Nathalie grinned evily sitting on the edge of the mud pit. Gabriel walked forward getting the mud out of his eyes. "Your going to regret that!" He hissed.
"Am I?"
"Yes, you are."
"Says the one stuck waist deep in mud."
Gabriel froze, he tries to move, but suspended in the thick muck. Nathalie giggled evily like mayura.
"Ugh..." Gabriel groaned.
Nathalie got back in the mud, she truges over and helps him get unstuck. She wasn't going to let her love stay in the cold mud. "Thank you." He kissed her cheek.
"Y-your welcome." She got a fever.
"Nathalie?" Gabriel looks her over, seeing how unwell she was. "Nathalie we are going home NOW." He picked her up and got out of the mud.
"N-no I'm fine..."
"Nathalie, don't lie. Your more sick because of me." He says walking home.
"N-no it's my fault..." Nathalie cuddles her head against his chest. "Not..."

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