Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Strongest Z-Fighter

Kami's Lookout

Goku and Gohan had just walked out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in their Mastered Super Saiyan form. You and everyone else stared at the two in surprise. They were both Super Saiyans, but were more calm than what you would normally expect from a Super Saiyan.

"Good. They're finally done." You said.

'What! They're finished already? It hasn't even been a year yet.' Vegeta thought.

"Alright, now its my turn to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber." You declared. Everyone stared at you in shock.

"You're going in alone?" Tien asked as you nodded.

"You sure you want to go through with this? Training in that room isn't easy, especially if you're alone." Piccolo asked.

"I'll manage." You replied as Goku and Gohan pat you on the back.

"Good luck son." Goku said.

"Good luck brother." Gohan told you as you nodded.

"Just hurry up already! It's not like you're going to be strong enough to defeat Cell anyway. In the end, it will be me who will destroy Cell!" Vegeta shouted arrogantly. You turned to face the Saiyan prince and glared at him.

"Really? Because last time i checked, you just got your ass handed to you by Cell." Tien said as everyone chuckled, much to Vegeta's anger.

"Shut up triclops!" Vegeta shouted.

"Hmph! We'll see who will have the last laugh." You said coldly to Vegeta as you walked into the Room Spirit and Time and shutting the door behind you.

Hyperbolic Time Chamber

Once entering the room, you was immediately affected by the 10x gravity and other harsh conditions of the room and saw the endless white void, but you wasn't going to let that brig you down. You was determined to become a Super Saiyan and go beyond that if it was possible.

Hours of harsh training later

After training non stop for hours, you decided to get some much needed rest and entered the building to get something to eat before continuing your training.

"Man i hope i can become a Super Saiyan soon. But from what i heard, it gets easier the stronger you become, so i will just have to train more." You told yourself you opened the fridge and took out a massive stack of food and ate every bit of it. After that, you went back outside to continue your training. But this time you decided to venture deeper into the endless white void. You heard from Piccolo that the gravity increases by 50 for every mile you go further from the center room, and the temperatures become more extreme and more unpredictable. So far, no one has ever went beyond 3 miles.

After traveling into the white void for 10 miles (the gravity is 510x now), you decided to stop here to as you felt that this was a good spot to resume your training. Before starting, you saw a strange item that was glowing a bright blue color on the ground. Upon closer inspection, you found out that it was a necklace.

"What the heck is this doing here and why is it glowing?" You questioned, picking up the strange necklace of the floor. You found a small note attached to the item as well, so you decided to give it a read, which says 'channel your ki into this necklace'.

"I wonder what would happen if i do this?" You asked yourself before shrugging. "Meh. Only one way to find out." You channeled your ki into the necklace, causing it to glow brighter than before and the next thing that happened shocked you.

"What's happening!? WOAAAAAAHH!!!" You shouted before being sucked into the necklace.

Unknown Location

Next thing you knew, you found yourself in a building that looked similar to the one that's in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so you assumed that you was sent back to the main room before taking a look at the outside area and noticed that it was an endless black void as opposed to the endless white void from before.

"Where am i?" You asked as you found another note sitting on a nearby table. You picked it up and began reading it.

'If you are reading this, then that means that you have successfully entered this hidden time chamber and is ready to begin your training. This room is far superior to the other Hyperbolic Time Chamber since time doesn't flow on the outside while you're in here, you can spend as much time in here as you want and not a single second would have passed in the outside world. Also, you can never age while you are in this room, so you don't have to worry about getting too old. Also, this room has and unlimited amount of food as it will always replenish itself magically. The gravity can be changed anytime you wish by a computer within this room. There is so much more about this room that i can't put it all in this one note. You will have to find out for yourself.'

"Oh so its like im in a Time Chamber within a Time Chamber. Well, that's nice." You joked before smirking as you cracked your knuckles. "Time for the real training."

1 Year Later

Its been a whole year since you started your training in this room, and your power has increased far beyond your expectations. In your base form, your power has far exceeded anything you have ever sensed before by a large margin, even while being heavily suppressed to an extreme degree. Unless Cell was also heavily suppressed to the same degree, which you doubt, you wasn't really worried about him anymore.

During your training, you finally became a Super Saiyan and fully mastered it to the point that it took no stamina at all to use, which only took a month to do so. Along the way, you also discovered Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 and mastered those forms as well so that they don't drain stamina either.

Your transformations wasn't the only thing you mastered. You also mastered your large arsenal of techniques. For example, you can use the Instant Transmission without even needing to have an energy signal. You can basically go anywhere with it now as long as you have visited the place at least once and as long as the place isn't in a separate universe/dimension/timeline.

"Hmm, since i have been training in here for a year now, i think its about time i get back to where i was before." You said as you put the strange necklace around your neck and channeled your ki into it, sending you back to the normal Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Hyperbolic Time Chamber

"It would seem rather suspicious if i just walk out of the time chamber right now since not even a day has passed yet." You mused, looking at the clock. "Oh well, i guess i should train for another year, but in the normal time chamber this time. Besides, the extra power wouldn't hurt."

1 Year Later (1 Day in the outside world)

You spent the rest of your training 5,000 miles from the main building in 250,010x gravity further honing your skills, transformations and techniques. And now, today was the day that you would finally go back to the outside world after so long. At this point, you felt that your power has increased to the point that Cell is a non-issue now. As you approached the exit, you decided to transform into a Super Saiyan but keep your power level heavily suppressed as you didn't want anyone to sense your true strength. You was saving that moment for the Cell games. Grabbing the door handle to the exit, you smirked wondered what everyone's reactions would be.

Meanwhile Kami's Lookout

"Grr! What is taking that brat so long! Doesn't he realize that more important people like me need to use the chamber!" Vegeta shouted in irritation.

"Father, please calm down. We have plenty of time to train." Trunks told him to which Vegeta just crossed his arms and huffed.

Just then, Goku and Gohan appeared on the lookout getting everyone's attention.

"Ah, you guys waiting for {Y/N}?" Piccolo asked.

"Yeah. Were going to get him and take him home." Gohan replied.

"I wonder how strong he's become?" Goku asked out loud.

He soon got his answer when they heard the door to the chamber open and the moment they began to sense your energy, their jaws dropped. The power they were sensing was even greater than Goku's. Once you stepped out into the open, everyone saw you in you Super Saiyan form wearing a battle damaged Saiyan armor with a confident smirk on your face.

'That's {Y/N}? I can barely recognize him.' Piccolo though, as everyone else was having similar thought.

"Hello everyone. It's been a while. Well, for me it has." You joked as everyone just stared at you. "Also, why is everyone looking at me?" You asked innocently. Although you knew the reason, you just found their looks of shock funny.

"{Y-Y'N}, is that really you?" Goku asked.

"In the flesh." You smirked.

"I can't believe this! Your power is even greater than Goku's" Tien said in shock.

"Just to let you know, this isn't even close to my full power." You stated, further shocking everyone.

"I-Impossible! You must be bluffing!" Vegeta shouted as you smirked, much to his anger.

"Vegeta, i will show you that i am in fact NOT bluffing when the Cell games start." You told him in a serious tone.

"Just how strong did you get in there?" Future Trunks asked.

"If you really want to know, then let me put a number to it. I found out that my base form has a power level of 1 Centillion" You stated before looking at Vegeta, since you know that he's very familiar with power level.

Piccolo and Vegeta was stunned at you statement while everyone else was confused.

"Umm, what's a Centillion? Is it some kind of food?" Goku asked as everyone facefaulted.

"No dad, it a really high number." Gohan replied.

"How high is it?" Goku questioned as Piccolo decided to speak.

"Ok so imagine the number 1 in your head." Piccolo told him.

"Oh, well that's easy." Goku replied.

"Now picture 303 zeroes behind that number 1." Piccolo said as Goku nodded.

Everyone's eyes nearly bugged out of their skulls once their brains began to process this information.

"N-No way! You must be joking!" Vegeta shouted in frustration.

"Does it look like I'm joking Vegeta?" You asked in a cold tone, giving the Saiyan prince a death glare. Everyone felt the tension in the air between you and Vegeta.

"Do you think its high enough to defeat Cell?" Future Trunks suddenly asked to lighten the situation.

"We'll find out when that day arrives." You replied, not wanting to give a clear answer right now. "Anyway, lets go home. I'm hungry. But before i leave," You turned to face Piccolo "Can i have some new clothes please?" You asked.

"What kind of clothes do you want?" Piccolo asked.

"Well, i want a gi similar to Goku's, but i want mine to be light blue and i want a cape like your, but colored black and i want it to weigh 100 Octillion tons." You told the Namekian as everyone jaws crash to the floor.

"Y-You want your cape to weigh that much?!" Piccolo questioned in surprise while you just nodded nonchalantly. "Alright here you go." Piccolo fired his clothes beam at you and instantly changed you clothes to exactly what you wanted.

"Thanks Piccolo!" You smiled, walking toward the stunned Goku and Gohan. "Alright, lets go!" You shouted, snapping them out of their stupor.

"Y-Yeah..." Goku and Gohan slowly replied. With that, the 3 vanished.

439 East District (Goku's House)

"Hi mom! I'm back!" You greeted.

"Oh hello {Y/N} i-" Chichi stopped herself when she saw the golden yellow hair and immediately freaked out. "AAAHHH! The whole family has became full of delinquents!" She complained before passing out while you, Gohan and Goku sweat dropped.

"There she goes again. Freaking out over nothing." You deadpanned as Goku and Gohan chuckled nervously.

After Chichi woke up, everything returned back to how it normally goes around the house with Chichi cooking while Gohan was studying while you and Goku was outside training/sparing, much to Chichi's annoyance since she wanted you to be studying as well. However, you took more after Goku and preferred training/fighting over studying. That didn't meant that you was dumb though, no, far from it! You was still far FAR smarter than the average kid your age. Chichi made damn sure of that.

"{Y/N}! Get over here! I need your help!" You heard Chichi's voice from inside the house.

"I better go see what she need before she get angry." You said.

"Yeah..." Goku chuckled nervously as you went back in the house.

"What is it that you need help with mom?" You asked.

"Well, i need you to get us some more food. Because what we have now isn't going to be enough to feed all of us. Especially considering how much you three eat." Chichi sweat dropped while you snickered. Feeding 3 Saiyans was very difficult and expensive.

"Sure." You replied before flying off. This was going to be an easy task.

Or so you thought.

Oogai Town (2 Hours Later)

"Ok this is getting really frustrating! I have checked every store in several cities and town and all of them are closed! Cell must have scared everyone that they all closed down shop." You fumed. This was all Cell's fault, and you had half a mind to go to his pathetic arena and destroy his ass right now, but you shook off those dark thoughts and composed yourself.

"If its food you're looking for, you could visit my family's restaurant." You heard a girls voice call out from behind. Turning around, your saw 3 girls approach you. They all appeared to be around your age. The one on the right had dark blue hair and eyes and wore a dark blue dress, the one the left had dark orange hair and eyes and wore a yellow dress, and the girl who stood front and center had magenta/pink hair and eyes and wore a pink long sleeve shirt and dark pink skirt.

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