Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Second Day at Beacon

Beacon Academy - The Next Day

Your eyes slowly opened before eventually becoming wide awake and back flipped out out of your sleeping bag and landed on your feet with style and prepared for whatever today was going to bring. From what you heard, everyone will be fighting against some grimm today. You got excited just thinking about the fact that you will destroying more of those abominations. You also wanted to show that you are far more powerful than what most here probably think. But you didn't want to show off too much power or they might get suspicious.

"Its morning! Its morning! Its morning!" You heard Nora sing while Ren looked like he was bored.

"Well, it looks like someone shares my excitement for today." You deadpanned.

Timeskip - Locker Room

After getting dressed into your combat gi, you waited as everyone got their weapons out of their lockers. You decided to strike a conversation with your apparent number 1 fan, Nora.

"You seem like you're ready to go. Are you as excited as i am to smash some grimm into oblivion?" You asked.

"Oh yeah! They won't know what hit them!" Nora replied as she summoned her weapon, which appeared to be a hammer.

"I'm sure that the Golden Warrior would be proud if we did that." You said as her eyes lit up.

"You really think so!?" She asked as you nodded.

"Yeah. The stronger you are the more likely he will take notice." You told her as she nodded.

"In that case, i will just have to become super duper mega ultra strong!" Nora chirped with a grin.

"I can help you reach that level." You stated with a smirk.

"Do you really think its possible for us to reach the kinds of insane levels of power that the Golden Warrior, Cell and those other guys at the Cell games?" Ren, who was standing nearby, questioned with doubt.

"Of course you could if you train hard enough. Everyone had to start somewhere. I highly doubt the Golden Warrior started out with that overwhelming power." You explained to them as the nodded slowly.

"I'm curious. Just exactly how strong are you? You seem very confident in your abilities." Ren asked as you just smirked.

"You'll see a small hint of my power soon." You said vaguely as you walked away.

Meanwhile, Weiss was having a chat with Pyrrha, trying to team up with her.

"So Pyrrha, have you given any thought on what team you would like to be on?" Weiss asked the red haired girl. "I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong well know individual such as yourself."

"Did someone say strong?" You asked, suddenly jumping into the conversation.

"Ugh! What do YOU want!?" Weiss growled as you completely ignored her and had your full attention on Pyrrha, which made Weiss angrier.

"Hmm, you do seem pretty strong. I look forward to seeing how you preform on the battlefield." You smirked.

"U-Um, thanks." Was all Pyrrha could say.

"Hey! Are you trying to steal my spot on Pyrrha's team!?" Weiss shouted in indignation as you shrugged.

"Not really. I honestly don't care what team i end up on. I'm just excited to see everyone's power." You said honestly as Weiss stared at you in suspicion.

"Is that so?" Weiss asked.

"Yeah." You replied nonchalantly.

"Actually, the teams are comprised of 4 students each. So its possible for all three of us to be on the same team." Pyrrha stated as you rose an eyebrow.

"Oh. Well that's great." Weiss said as she started scheming in her mind.

"For once, i agree with Ice Queen." You smirked before Jaune suddenly jumped into the conversation himself.

"You know what else is great? Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune said with pride while Weiss got annoyed. Meanwhile, you was standing several away from him, causing everyone to raise an eyebrow.

"Umm... why are you standing so far away?" Pyrrha asked.

"Because i don't want him to vomit on me." You replied, pointing at Jaune.

"Oh come on! It only happened because i get motion sick on the airship!" Jaune ranted as you tilted your head to the side.

"Really? I thought that vomiting was your special ability or semblance." You replied honestly as the other 3 face faulted.

"Anyway, i was thinking that we could make a good team. What do you say?" Jaune asked, trying to flirt with Weiss but failing at it.

"I said this earlier, but teams usually consist of 4 members." Pyrrha informed.

"Well hot stuff. Play your cards right and you could join with the winning team." Jaune said as you snorted in amusement.

"Wait! Jaune, do you have any idea who you are talking to?" Weiss interrupted.

"Not in the slightest." Jaune said.

"Is she supposed to be well known or something, because i have no idea either." You stated as Weiss glared at both of you.

"You two are so hopeless. This is Pyrrha, she graduated at the top of her class at Sanctum." Weiss stated.

"Never heard of it." Jaune shrugged as Weiss grunted in anger. You lightly chuckled at this.

"Ugh! She won the Mistral Regional Tournaments 4 years in a row. A new record." Weiss explained as you got excited.

"Oh! I love tournaments. But i still never heard of her until now." You said honestly as Weiss got even angrier.

"SHE'S ON THE FRONT COVER OF EVERY PUNPKIN PETE'S FLAKES BOX!" Weiss shouted in frustration as Jaune gasped.

"That's you? They only do that for athletes and cartoon characters!" Jaune said as you sweat dropped.

"I bought that cereal before, but i didn't pay much attention to who was on the cover though. Me and my family usually eat through several boxes of cereal at one time." You stated as everyone gave you blank stares. "Well, judging by the power i am sensing from you, i can understand how you have a great reputation. You are easily the 4th strongest in our year." You stated as Weiss, Pyrrha and Jaune rose an eyebrow.

"Who are the other 3?" Weiss asked as Pyrrha and Jaune were curious to know too.

"That's for you to find out." You replied with a smirk before walking off, leaving a confused Weiss, Pyrrha and Jaune.

"Did he just say that he could sense how strong i am?" Pyrrha asked.

"Perhaps that's his semblance." Weiss theorized.

"I just want to know who are the 3 that are stronger than Pyrrha." Jaune said.

As they were trying to figure this out, you went back to Ruby and Yang.

"So what's the game plan {Y/N}?" Yang asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"She mean how much power we should use." Ruby informed as you nodded.

"Well, i think that we should hide our true strength for now and suppress our power down so that its slightly above the strongest in our year besides us. And that person happens to be Pyrrha." You told them as they nodded.

"Would all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation." The voice on the intercom said.

"That's us!" You said as everyone left the locker room.

Beacon Cliff

Everyone was standing on launch pads with Ozpin and Glynda standing before them, ready to give their instructions.

"For years you have trained to become warriors." Ozpin said, started his speech.

'That's an understatement. I have been training all my life.' You thought.

"And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin continued.

"Now, im sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow me to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates. Today." Glynda stated in finality before turning her gaze onto you. "Except for you." She finished as you and all the other students rose an eyebrow.

"Umm, why isn't {Y/N} being put on a team?" Nora asked.

"Sorry, but we cannot reveal the reason right now." Glynda said as everyone grew even more curious about you.

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone you can work well with." Ozpin said as a few people started feeling nervous while your expression remained neutral. "After you partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die." Ozpin finished as Jaune and more students became nervous. Meanwhile, you were getting excited.

"I already planned on doing that anyway." You replied with a sinister smirk that made many students shiver.

Ozpin then proceeded to explain the objective of this initiation. He also mentioned something about a landing strategy, which you scoffed at since you could fly. And even if you couldn't, you are so powerful that you could survive the fall without any injuries whatsoever. Same goes to Ruby and Yang.

Next everyone was getting launched into the forest one by one. You, Ruby and Yang exchanged smirks before being launched high into the air. You stopped your fall by using ki to float in the air. Simple. Since you have trained them for the past 7 years, Ruby and Yang are also capable of flight, but decided against using it right now and used their own landing strategy.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" You heard Jaune shout as he continued falling towards the ground. Unlike the other students, Jaune clearly didn't have a landing strategy at all and was about to fall to his demise. You quickly flew down to him and caught him by the hood of his jacket. Slowly descending to the ground, you dropped Jaune onto the ground. He stared at you with a slack jaw. The others were also stunned to see someone capable of flying. The only ones where weren't surprised were Ruby, Yang, Glynda and Ozpin. Before Jaune or anyone could question you, you left, flying straight to the main objective. The abandoned temple.

"How the heck did he do that!?" Jaune questioned, but didn't get an answer.

'He can fly!? Is that his semblance?' Nora asked herself.

'So he can fly and detect people's power?' Pyrrha noted as she narrowed her eyes.

'So he decided to reveal that power now.' Ruby and Yang mused.

Weiss and Blake narrowed their eyes dangerously at this as their suspicions grew.

With Ozpin & Glynda - Beacon Cliff

"Well, it looks like {Y/N} is going to reach the temple first." Ozpin noted as he took a sip from his coffee mug.

"I should have known that he would do something like this." Glynda sighed.

With You - Emerald Forest Abandoned Temple

"So this is the place huh?" You mused. "Well these pieces aren't really any good to me since im apparently not going to be assigned to a team." You said before an idea popped into your head. "I know. I'll just wait for the others to get here." You said before hearing a roar from the nearby forest. You immediately knew that it was grimm.

A grimm beaowolf jumped out of the foliage at you with the intent to kill. You smirked before delivering a powerful back fist to its body, causing its body to explode (like what SSJ2 Gohan did to the Cell Jr.s or Bojack's henchmen).

Soon, larger grimm arrived to the scene. One King Taijitu, One Nevermore, and One Death Stalker.

"Well, this will be a good way to waste time before the others arrive." You smirked as you got into Vegeta's fighting stance. After revealing that you could fly, you had a feeling that people were getting suspicious of you, so you decided to use a different stance and use different techniques from the ones you used when you fought Cell 7 years ago. That way, no one will be familiarized by the anything else you do today.

The Death Stalker grimm thrust its tail at you in an attempt to poison you with its stinger. You caught its tail and used your overwhelming strength to lift it off the ground and swung it around by its tail before tossing it into the Nevermore, knocking it out of the sky. The King Taijitu tried to eat you by opening its big mouth. Huge mistake. You fired a quick one handed Light Grenade straight into its mouth, causing a massive explosion that rocked entire forest.

Next, the other two large grimm managed to regain their balance. The Death Stalker tried to grab you with its claws, but you jumped over the attack and placed both your hands above your head and charged a golden ki attack.

"Masenko!" You bellowed, firing a yellow beam at the scorpion like grimm, engulfing it and vaporizing it into nothing.

The Nevermore flew towards you at high speeds, but you simply pointed your index and middle finger at the large bird grimm and used the Dirty Fireworks technique that you saw Vegeta use. This caused the Nevermore's body to explode from the inside out. Everyone arrived to the scene just in time to witness the final attack, and was left aghast by how killed that Nevermore like it was the easiest thing to do. Ruby and Yang face expressions remained neutral as this was pretty normal to them now.

"Well, that's done." You smirked before looking over to see Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Ren, Nora and Pyrrha. "It's about time you guys got here! Come one and grab the relic pieces." You said snapping everyone out of their stupor as they went to choose their relic pieces. (its the same as canon)

More large grimm appeared from the forest. Anther Nevermore and another Death Stalker.

"Neat. More grimm for me to kill." You said in pure glee as Ruby and Yang stood in front of you.

"Nah. Let us handle this." Ruby said as Yang nodded.

"Yeah. We can't let you have all the fun you know." Yang added.

"Fine by me." You shrugged.

"What!? Do you two plan on fighting these things alone!?" Weiss shouted.

"Don't worry. Ruby and Yang are both super strong. They'll be fine." You reassured, crossing your arms.

Ruby changed Crescent Rose into its gun form and fired a ki enhanced bullet at the Nevermore, which hit its wing, heavily damaging it. Next Ruby changed her weapon back into its scythe form and jumped high in the air using her semblance to increase her speed and sliced the Nevermore clean in half. Yang activated her semblance and punched the Death Stalker while firing ki enhanced explosive rounds into its body. The blow was so powerful that it sent the Death Stalker flying into the sky before its body exploded from the explosive rounds, which had a delayed reaction.

"See? Nothing to worry about." You stated with a smirk as everyone else was left speechless. During these 7 years of training, you have taught them how to use ki and how to infuse it into their weapons. You had to thank Future Trunks for this since we was able to infuse his sword with ki, making it so that it won't break easily in a fight. The only way the weapons could break now is if they were fighting against an opponent stronger than them. Not to mention the fact that their auras were greatly strengthened by the training as well, so they could literally face tank everything a grimm threw that them and their aura would not deplete in the slightest. Again, the only ones that could actually deplete their auras were those stronger than them, and there weren't that many people out there that could do that.

"So quick and efficient." Ren said as he stared with wide eyes.

"Well, i think i now know who the 3 strongest in our year is now." Pyrrha said in shock.

"Now that everyone got their relic pieces we should head back to Beacon Cliff." You told everyone was they just nodded dumbly.

"Umm... right. We should go before more grimm come." Weiss said as you scoffed.

"If they come, i'll just destroy them all." You replied.

"After seeing your performance, i don't doubt that." Nora deadpanned as everyone chuckled. As everyone started to leave, you were thinking about your other friends.

'I wonder how they're doing?' You wondered to yourself.

With Mana & Rikka - Oogai Town

Mana and Rikka were currently walking around town until Mana saw the strange man she met yesterday.

"Hey! That's the guy me and {Y/N} saw yesterday!" Mana pointed out.

"Then lets go see him! We need answers." Rikka said as she dragged Mana with her. As they approached the man, they noticed that he was holding a box heading to a building.

"What are you doing?" Mana asked.

"Well i didn't think that we would meet again on the day that i open up shop here." The man said as Rikka glared at him in suspicion.

"Ok, strange man. Who are you and what sort of connection do you have with the cure loveads!" Rikka demanded the blonde man.

"Hey, where is the boy you was with from yesterday?" The blonde man asked changing the subject.

"You mean {Y/N}? He isn't here right now. Actually, he wanted to know if you had another one of those cure loveads for Rikka." Mana replied as the man eyebrows rose past his hairline.

"Umm sure. In fact, you can have this one. I found it while i was sorting through my goods." He said as he took out another cure lovead and gave it to Rikka. Rikka wanted to ask something until the fairies appeared and whispered to them, telling them that another Jikochuu has appeared. The two girls immediately left towards the location.

Short Timeskip

Once Mana and Rikka arrived to the scene, they saw a goat-like Jikochuu eating the mail from the mailbox. Ira was also there smirking like and idiot.

"Hey. Where's the guy from before at?" Ira asked.

"He's not here right now." Mana answered.

"Really? Then this should be an easy win then." Ira said arrogantly. He had no idea how wrong he was.

"Don't underestimate us! Even without {Y/N}'s assistance or guidance, we are still leagues above you!" Rikka growled.

"That's right!" Mana shouted before looking at Sharuru. The immediately knew what to do. "Precure Love Link!" Mana shouted before instantly transforming into Cure Heart.

"You know, since you have a cure lovead now, you should be able to do the same thing now." Cure Heart pointed out as Rikka rose an eyebrow before nodding.

"Precure Love Link!" Rikka as she mimicked the process that Mana just did. Rikka used Raquel for the transformation.

(This is Rikka's Precure transformation)

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