Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: New Threat

Next Day - Oogai Town - Yotsuba TV Station

You, Mana, Rikka and Alice were standing inside of the Yotsuba TV station building, for the sole purpose of meeting one person.

Makoto Kenzaki

Unlike all the other people wants to meet her, you wasn't here for her autograph. You wanted to know if she had thought about your offer, and if she is really willing to team up with you and your friends.

"How did you find out that Makoto was Cure Sword?" Mana whispered, keeping quiet so that only You, Rikka and Alice could hear.

"They have the same energy signature. It was pretty obvious." You replied quietly as they nodded. Their ability to sense energy wasn't as advance as yours, so they couldn't really detect it like you could. Not to mention the fact that Saiyan's, much like the Faunus, have enhanced smell, hearing and sight to help.

There was a security guard blocking the way to Makoto's studio. However, due to her stature and the fact that her family owns this building, Alice managed to get all of you past him.

After that, you opened a door and heard music. Entering the room, you saw Makoto in the middle of rehearsing her song. Mana was immediately excited to see her, which you noticed.

"Ok, now that we're here, we should stay quiet and don't say or do anything rash." You said, looking mainly at Mana, making damn sure she got the point. The 4 of you stood and admired Mokopi's performance on stage.

Nearby, a girl was jealous that Makopi was getting all the attention and spotlight.

"Everyone should be paying attention to me! I should be getting all the spotlight!" The girl said to herself in anger as her psyche stared to become darker.

"Let me make your wish come true." Marmo, who was nearby said as she snapped her fingers, causing the girl psyche to become completely black before it escaped her body and flew into Marmo's hands.

"Go crazy! Release the darkness inside your heart!" Marmo said as she transformed the girls dark psyche into a Jikochuu that took the form of a star. Everyone looked up at the Jokochuu in confusion while you and your friends were annoyed.

"Great. Here we go again." You said annoyed.

"Jikochuu! Take her out!" Marmo ordered, pointing at Makoto.

"I am number one!" The star shaped Jikochuu shouted as it jumped in the air before spinning and diving down at Makoto. Makoto managed to jump back out of the way in time to avoid the attack as the Jikochuu crashed onto the stage, destroying the equipment around the stage. This scared the workers.

"Everyone, get the hell out of here!" You shouted as the workers nodded before running for their lives. Once everyone left, you turned back to face the Jikochuu.

"Now that everyone is gone, we can finally use our powers." You smirked.

"Precure Love Link!" Mana, Rikka and Alice shouted in unison as they instantly transformed into their Precure forms.

The Jikochuu tried to attack Makoto once more only for you to appear in front of Makoto before grabbing the creature and tossing it several feet away. You turned back to see Makoto, who was looking on in shock and smirked.

"I-It's you!" Makoto said, surprised to see you.

"We meet again, Cure Sword." You smirked.

Once the Jikochuu recovered, it attempted to ram into you, only for Cure Rosetta to appear before it.

"Rosetta Wall!" Cure Rosetta said as she created a clover shaped barrier, stopping the Jikochuu cold in its tracks.

"Hmph! You Jikochuu's are so weak, just like the ones who summoned you." You sneered as Marmo snarled at the insult you gave her.

"I am tired of your snide comments! Eliminate him!" Marmo fumed.

"Alright, then hows this!?" The Jikochuu shouted as it began to shine very brightly, causing everyone to close their eyes at the blinding light. Once everyone was unable to see, the Jikochuu took this opportunity to attack you. As the Jikochuu got close, you evaded the attack before retaliating with a right hook, sending the Jikochuu crashing into a wall. You did all of this with your eyes closed. This left Marmo in utter shock.

"B-But you couldn't see. How could this happen?" Marmo questioned with her mouth agape. You simply scoffed and snorted in amusement, before answering her question.

"You villains never really do take true pride in your fighting skills. It takes more than eyesight and a strong arm to be a warrior!" You stated with pride, all while having a mocking smirk on your face, further angering her.

"Well, that Jikochuu is probably took a lot of damage from that last attack. Its time for one of you three to purify it." You turned to face Makoto, who was already transformed into Cure Sword. "Unless you would like to do the honors?" You asked with a smirk.

The Jikochuu managed to get itself out of the wall, but its movement was slow, showing that its weakened from your attack. Before it could do anything, Cure Sword attacked it with flurries of punches and kicks before knocking it back down. Next, Cure Sword prepared her finishing move.

"Flash! Holy Sword!" Cure Sword shouted as she fired a barrage of swords at the Jokochuu, purifying it.

"I'll remember this!" Marmo growled before vanishing.

"Pretty good. I think you're stronger than you were the last time we met." You smiled at Cure Sword. "So, have you thought about my offer?" You asked in a serious tone but Cure Sword remained silent before finally speaking.

"No. I haven't." She replied.

"Well, Mana might be disappointed, but even if you don't want to team up with us, i highly recommend that you at least let me train you for a little bit. That way, you will never have to worry about having problems with the Jikochuu's in a fight again." You said as you began to walk away, but not before turning back and saying this. "Oh, and your singing was awesome! Keep up the good work!" You praised her with a warm smiled, causing Cure Sword to blush slightly.

With that, both of you went your separate ways.

"Come one guys. Let's go get Ruby, Yang and the others and start their training." You said.

"What about Makoto?" Mana asked.

"She hasn't decided yet, but i have a feeling she will very soon." You replied with a reassuring smile. "In the meantime, we have important things of our own to do." You told them as the group left the building.

Timeskip - Beacon Academy

You, Mana, Rikka and Alice were walking down the hallways of Beacon towards team RWBY & JNPR dorm rooms.

"So this is Beacon Academy? Amazing!" Mana shouted.

"Shhh! Keep quiet. We don't want to upset the teachers or headmaster." Rikka scolded.

"Oops. Sorry about that." Mana replied quietly while you and Alice chuckled lightly.

Once reaching your destination, you knocked on both teams doors. A few moments later, the leaders of said teams opened the door and you greeted them.

"Hello, Ruby, Jaune." You greeted.

"{Y/N}!" Ruby beamed as she hugged you. Mana, Rikka and Alice were pouting at this while you sweat dropped.

"Um, {Y/N}, what is it that you wanted?" Jaune asked, getting your attention.

"Ah, that's right. I want you two to call the rest of your team mates out here before, i telling you what i want to do." You replied as Ruby and Jaune nodded before going back into their rooms to get their team mates.

Few moments later, and teams RWBY & JNPR had all gathered around in the hallway, waiting for what you had to say. Upon seeing Mana, Rikka and Alice, Weiss decided to speak.

"{Y/N}, who are these people?" Weiss questioned with curiosity.

"They are Mana Aida, Rikka Hishikawa and Alice Yotsuba. The four of us along with Ruby and Yang have been friends since childhood." You stated as they nodded. "Mana, Rikka, Alice. These guys Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna. They are on a team with Ruby and Yang that's called team RWBY. The rest are Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. Their team is called JNPR." You informed them as they nodded.

"Yotsuba. I know that name. You must be the heiress of the Yotsuba Enterprise. I heard that her family ran an extremely successful business. Our family tried to work with them, but they politely refused." Weiss stated.

"Maybe it's because of your family businesses bad reputation." Blake added as Weiss growled.

"SHUT UP!" Weiss scowled as everyone chuckled.

"Anyway, are these the people who are going to be on your team?" Jaune asked as you shook your head no.

"Nope. I have someone else in mind for them." You replied as everyone grew curious.

"Oh, is that so? Then why are you all here then?" Weiss questioned to which you smirked at.

"Doing what i promised i would do. Train you and Blake." You stated as Weiss started smiling. Blake showed no emotion, but she was happy. Turing to face team JNPR you asked, "Do you guys want to join us too?"

"Of course i do!" Nora chortled with lots of energy.

"I expected that you would, Nora." You smirked.

The other members of team JNPR exchanged looks before shrugging.

"Sure. Why not?" Jaune said.

"I'm curious to know what kind of training you do." Ren said.

"As am i. This could be fun." Pyrrha smiled as you clapped your hands together.

"Awesome! Now, before we do our real training, i must first train you all so that you bodies can handle my real training." You stated as everyone tilted their head to the side in confusion.

"Wait. Why can't we just start the 'real training' right now?" Weiss asked in confusion.

"To answer your question Weiss, if i started giving you all the real training right now, you would all die before it could even start." You replied in a dark tone that sent chills down everyone's spines. "The only one's who are prepared for that are Ruby, Yang, Mana, Rikka and Alice, and i won't start it until everyone else is ready." You finished.

"Holy crap! Is your training THAT deadly?!" Jaune asked.

"It can be if you're unprepared." You replied.

"Hey, Alice." Weiss whispered out, getting the girls attention. "Do you have clue as to what this real training that {Y/N} has in store for us?" Weiss asked.

"No. I have no clue myself." Alice replied nonchalantly as Weiss face faulted.

"Is there anything that we should know before we start our training?" Blake asked Rikka.

"Don't expect it to be easy. That all you need to know. In fact, it will likely be the most difficult training you have ever had by far." Rikka replied.

"Oh yeah. You will probably be completely exhausted by the end of the day." Mana added.

"Really?" Blake asked.

"She's right. We can confirm that." Yang said.

"After all, he trained the 5 of us since childhood." Ruby finished.

"Alright! That's enough chit chat everyone. We will begin our training NOW!" You barked out.

Beacon Academy - Outside - Hours Later

After several hours of nonstop training, everyone was completely exhausted and were panting heavily. First you made everyone wear heavy ass weighted clothing, then you made them run 100 laps around Beacon Academy, which was a lot of ground to cover considering how massive the land surrounding the academy was. Next you made them do 1,000 pushups and situps. Some preformed better than others, but you didn't really expect them to complete these yet. You just wanted to work them to the point that they would break their limits. The only ones who could complete this training regimen was Ruby, Yang, Mana, Rikka and Alice due to the fact that they have trained with you for years. You simply told them to continue until they were exhausted as well.

"Damn! You weren't kidding! This was the most difficult training ever!" Jaune stated in between breaths.

"I... I can barely feel my legs." Nora whined as she found it extremely difficult to stand.

"Seriously!? You are a slave driver, you dolt!" Weiss shouted as you chuckled.

"Maybe, but you can't deny that you all have gotten stronger today." You smirked as their eyes widened.

"True. I do feel like i have become far stronger than i have ever been." Pyrrha stated.

"Indeed." Blake agreed.

"Great. We will do this again tomorrow. Actually, we will do this every day for at least a week or two. By then, you all should be ready for the real training. In the meantime, get some rest. You all have earned it." You smiled warmly as you walked towards Mana, Rikka and Alice. "Come on. Let me get you three back home." You motioned as the 3 girls held on to you and you all vanished.

Timeskip - East District 439

You and the family sat at a table eating dinner, discussing random things.

"So, how was your day today {Y/N}?" Goku asked as you shrugged.

"The usual. Jikochuu's attacked again, but we quickly solved it. Also, i have started training some new people alongside Mana, Rikka, Alice, Ruby and Yang. I think it will benefit them greatly if they become strong enough to defeat any grimm without problems." You answered.

"These Jikochuu's and grimm seem to be causing a lot of trouble lately." Gohan noted as he narrowed his eyes.

"And the random criminals don't help either. But i'll do whatever it takes to defeat all of them." You stated as you left and went into your room to sleep.

Next Day - Oogai Town

As you, Mana and Rikka were walking down the usual path to Mana's house after school, only to find that her house was surrounded by a camera crew, causing the 3 to raise an eyebrow.

"Eh? What's going on here?" Mana asked.

"Maybe your family's restaurant has gotten popular lately?" You smirked.

"Lets go in and find out." Rikka said.

Once entering Mana's house, you greeted Mana's family before asking what everyone wanted to know.

"Why are the camera crew here?" You asked Mana's family.

"A popular idol is visiting us today." Ayumi replied.

"Really? Who could it be?" You asked.

You got your answer when the front door opened, revealing to be none other than Makoto Kenzaki, along with her manager.

"Hello everyone." Makoto greeted as Mana smiled while you smirked.

"Makopi! Im glad you're here at my house!" Mana said as she wanted to shake her hand but knew that Makoto probably wouldn't accept it, so she refrained from doing so.

"Nice to meet you again." You smirked as Makoto turned her head away.

"I'm only here for work. Is this your house?" Makoto asked.

"Yes. I'm Mana Aida!" Mana introduced.

"I'm Rikka Hishikawa." Rikka said.

"And I'm Son {Y/N}." You finished. "Now, lets see how good you are at cooking." You smirked.

"Were going to be cooking our family special, Omelette Rice!" Kentaro stated, looking at the camera. Upon hearing this, you started to get hungry.


It was a disaster. Makoto was constantly failing at cooking. She used dish detergent on the carrots, cut the entire cutting board in half and crushed the eggs with her hands, causing it to spill everywhere. Sokachi got angry and left the room.

"Aww man! I wasn't expecting this to happen." You said, scratching the back of your head. "She's almost as bad as i was when i first started." You sweat dropped.

"Nah. You was still worse when you started." Rikka deadpanned.


"Makoto was here?" Alice asked in slight surprise.

"That's a surprise." Lance said.

"She's probably here to get information on us." Raquel said seriously.

"I don't think so." Rikka replied.

"Yeah. I doubt that she would do that." You added.

"I'm worried about her though." Mana said.

"Me too. I noticed that when she tried to cook, she was treating everything like she was still on the battlefield." You told them before standing up. "I think we should go talk to her."

"Good idea! Lets go!" Mana shouted as you both were about to leave.

"Wait! Do you two even know where she is?" Rikka asked as you smirked.

"Don't have to. I can simply sense her energy and use Instant Transmission." You stated as Rikka face palmed.

"How could i possibly forget that?" Rikka asked herself as Alice chuckled.

With Makoto

As Makoto was walking down the street back to Mana's house only to have you, Mana, Rikka and Alice immediately materialize right in front of her, startling both her and her manager.

"Oh! Sorry if i scared you. It seems that using this technique wasn't necessary since you wasn't very far from the house." You said.

"H-How did you do that?" Makoto asked in shock.

"Its called Instant Transmission. One of the best ways to travel." You smirked with pride.

"Enough about that. I want to know if you want us to help you in making omelette rice?" Mana asked.

"Will you guys really help me?" Makoto asked.

"Sure." Alice replied.

"Of course!" Rikka said.

"We've been trying to do that the whole time." You deadpanned.

The rest of the night was spent teaching Makoto how to properly male omelette rice and it was a great success. You couldn't wait to see how she would do for the main event tomorrow, which will be airing on TV.

Next Day

You, Mana, Rikka and Alice watched with baited breaths as the camera crew was filming Makoto cooking. She managed to do everything perfectly and made a massive omelette rice that was big enough for at least 5 people. Mana helped her put ketchup on the omelette rice with the shape of a heart. After that, Mana invited you, Rikka and Alice to join her and Makoto in eating.

"Amazing! This is delicious!" You shouted.

"Indeed. This taste great!" Alice agreed.

"This is very good!" Rikka said in amazement.

"Yeah. Makoto, you should try some!" Mana offered as Makoto took a spoon and ate some.

"You're right! This does taste good!" Makoto said as she smiled.

"Heh. That is the first time i have seen you smile when you're not singing." You smirked.

Meanwhile, the camera man was getting jealous and wanted to eat some himself. He even wanted to stop filming for it.

Unfortunately, Ira heard his thoughts and decided to grant his selfish desires. Next thing you know, there was another Jokochuu. This one took the shape of a pig. The first thing the pig Jikochuu did was start eating everything, even the things that wasn't edible. It was causing destruction around the house.

"Here we go again." You said annoyed as Sebastian arrived to the scene.

"Everyone, get out of here right now." Sebastian ordered as everyone obeyed.

"He's right. Let us deal with this oversized pig." You said as Mana's family nodded. They knew what you were truly capable of, so they knew that this would be a cinch for you and the others. Once everyone left, the girls all transformed into their Precure forms and immediately got to work. They were surprised to find out that Makoto's manager was also her transformation partner.

"Flash! Holy Sword!" Cure Sword shouted as she swiftly purified the pig with her finishing move.

"Grr! I'll remember this!" Ira snarled as he disappeared.

"Well, that was easy." You smirked.

"So all of the Precure have finally gathered. Good. I have been waiting for this moment." You heard a mysterious voice. Turning around, you and the girls were met with an old man with a lolipop in his mouth. You could sense the darkness within him. It was more evil than Ira or Marmo.

"Who are you?" Cure Rosetta asked.

"I have no need to give you my name. Because this will be the last time you all will see me anyway." The elderly man replied as you narrowed your eyes dangerously at him.

"And what makes you think that?" You asked in a serious tone.

"This is why." He answered as he took the lolipop out of his mouth and used some weird dark red magic that you was unfamiliar with. This opened some sort of dimensional portal that sucked you and the Precure in it, sending all of you away.

"Farewell Precure and your assistant. This world now belongs to the Selfishness." Bel said with an arrogant smirk.

Or so he thinks.

With You - Trump Kingdom (In Another Dimension)

You found yourself in the middle of a desert.

"What is this place? I can sense Mana, Rikka, Alice and Makoto. I can't sense anyone else energy. What's going on here?" You asked yourself before sensing another power. But this one was evil. The evilness in the energy almost rivaled the evil in Frieza and Cell's. Before you could think more about it, you was suddenly group hugged by Mana, Rikka and Alice.

"I'm glad that everyone's alright." Mana said as you smirked.

"Its going to take more than that to take us out." You replied.

"Yes, but how did we get here?" Alice asked.

"It was magic. There are two ways to make a dimensional portal. One is through magic and the other is through sheer power. That old man's power level was far to weak to do it through sheer power, so he used magic." You answered.

As the sandstorm settled, the group saw a giant scary looking monster in the distance.

"W-What is that thing!" Rikka asked as you narrowed your eyes.

"This is the source of dark and evil energy i just sensed is from. I wonder if this is the creature Makoto has been fighting against." You said.

"It is." You heard a voice from behind. You looked and found Makoto standing on a rock formation. "Don't worry, the Selfish King is in a deep sleep right now." Makoto stated.

"I see." You replied.

"Who are you really?" Rikka questioned.

"I am Cure Sword, the last warrior who protected the Trump Kingdom." Makoto stated as you rose an eyebrow.

"Ok. Then what happened? Tell us everything from the beginning." You said as Makoto frowned.

She told you everything. From how the Trump Kingdom was once a peaceful kingdom and how she used to sing for the Princess of the kingdom until the Selfish trio appeared, to how the Princess managed to temporary turn the Selfish King into stone. In the end, the only people who were left was Cure Sword and the Princess, who went missing after she forced Makoto to go through a magic mirror that sent her to your world.

After hearing Makoto's tragic story, you could feel your anger rising. Its been a while since you have been this angry. The last time you recalled was against Cell 7 years ago. You glared up at the towering creature before smirking and creating a MASSIVE Super Big Bang Attack. The size was easily 100x bigger than a normal one.

"Well then, let me finish what the Princess couldn't do." You said as you pointed the giant energy sphere at the dormant Selfish King. Makoto's eyes widened in horror at what you were about to do. Even Mana, Rikka and Alice seemed surprised.

"Fool! What are you doing!?" Makoto shouted.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to take care of business." You smirked coldly.

"No don't! If you do that, you might accidentally awaken the Selfish King and it will be over for all of us!" Makoto panicked. You tilted you head to the side in confusion.

"Well, there's no need to be rash. We can deal with that once we cross that bridge. First, we need to find our fairy partners." Alice added. You calmed yourself down as you slowly dissipate you energy sphere.

"You're right. We need to find them before the Jikochuu's do." You agreed.

"When we do, we can use the magic mirror to return to our world and plan from there." Rikka added.

"Yes. Finding the fairies and getting back home should be our priority for now." Mana insisted.

"True. Also, i already have a plan B in case we can't use the magic mirrors." You grinned.

Short Timeskip

You all made your way into the main city while also avoiding the legion of Jikochuu's that were patrolling the area. It's not that you or the others couldn't defeat all of them, its just that without the fairies, it would be pointless to fight them since you don't want to kill them. Soon Makoto lead you and the others into a palace that had a bunch of mirrors in it.

"So many mirrors." Alice said in amazement.

"The magic mirror is further inside." Makoto informed.

"I'm afraid you're too late." You heard that same old mans voice from earlier. This time the old man was hold a mirror that was brighter than the other mirrors. You assumed that that must have been the magic mirror. "Is this what you were looking for?" Bel asked as Makoto gasped.

"The magic mirror!" Makoto shouted.

"This is the only way to travel between your world and the Trump Kingdom." He said as he dropped the mirror on the ground, breaking the mirror. "Now you are all trapped here forever!" Bel said as he started laughing while Makoto looked as is she gave up all hope. You on the other hand, calmly stared at him unimpressed, not the least bit worried by this. Things got weirder when Mana started laughing as well, surprising everyone and even caught you off guard.

"Why are you laughing?" Bel asked.

"Since you sent us here, all we have to do is make you send us back. Its that easy." Mana stated.

'She does have a point.' You thought.

"And what makes you think that i will send you all back?" Bel asked before he heard your knuckles cracking.

"Well then, i guess we will have to beat you until you do send us back." You said with a sadistic smirk.

"You all actually plan on fighting me in your current forms?" Bel questioned arrogantly as you scoffed.

"Our base forms are more than enough for trash like you." You sneered as Bel growled at you. Before anyone could do anything, the chandelier was suddenly dropped on top of Bel. Turns out that this was the fairies doing.

"Sharuru, Raquel, Lance and Dabyi! We've been looking all over for you guys. Now that everyone's here, lets crush this old bag and get back to our world." You smirked as the girls nodded and all transformed into their Precure forms. With Makoto finally joining in, they now call themselves the Doki Doki Precure. "Heh. Its about time." You said.

"Hmph! Even if you've transformed, it won't change a thing." Bel said arrogantly, rushing you and the girls with a tackle but everyone managed to easily avoid it. Makoto was having a little trouble keeping up, but that was understandable, since she has never received the level of training that you and the others had.

Next, Bel fired energy blast at everyone. Using your superhuman reflexes and speed, you quickly took grabbed Cure Sword bridal style, causing her to blush slightly, and gracefully avoided all the blast. The others did the same. Honestly, this guy was a non issue in terms of power and overall threat level. Cure Rosetta sat up a Rosetta Wall to block the attacks while Cure Heart took advantage of Bel being distracted, and landed a hard fist into the old mans back, sending him flying as he screamed in pain. Next Cure Diamond appeared in front of him as he was flying towards her and planted her foot firmly into Bel's midsection. This got another roar of pain from the old man as he was sent rocketing into your direction. With a smirk, you took your fist and uppercut Bel in the face so hard that he went crashing into the ceiling of the palace before crashing back down to the ground.

"Damn! I have never been hit by attacks this powerful before!" Bel snarled as he spat out a good amount of blood.

"Whats the matter? Is this the best you could do?" You asked in a mocking tone, angering Bel.

Bel tried to get up off the ground, which took a lot of effort to do due to his heavily weakened state.

"You may have defeated me, but you're all still stuck here so i will have the last laugh in the end." Bel said with a weak smirk. You snorted in amusement.

"That is where you're wrong old man. I have some tricks up my sleeve as well." You stated as everyone rose an eyebrow while you stood in the center of the room. "Watch and learn." You said as you began to charge your ki, causing a clear aura to form around you. The ground shook violently and kicked up furious winds under your overwhelming power. Next, you let out a high pitch scream that created a dimensional portal back to your world. (basically what Super Buu and SSJ3 Gotenks did in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber except your portal is much bigger since you are leagues above both of them along with everyone in the Buu Saga)

"Alright, lets get back home everyone!" You ordered as everyone just nodded dumbly. They were unaware that you was capable of doing such a thing. Especially Makoto, who had her jaw on the floor at your power and abilities.

"I-Impossible! He created a dimensional portal through sheer power alone!" Bel said in pure shock. 'These people are far more powerful and dangerous than i thought. I can understand how Ira and Marmo were defeated so easily. These people may even pose a major threat to the Selfish King. Especially that boy.' Bel thought as he glared at your back while you and your friends went through the portal, which soon closed once they were all gone.

Earth - Oogai Town

"Well, that was quite the adventure." You chuckled as everyone regained their bearings.

"That's an understatement!" Rikka sweat dropped.

"For a moment, i didn't think that we would be able to make it back." Alice sighed in relief.

"Will we be able to return to the Trump Kingdom using the same method?" Makoto asked.

"Of course. But first, we need to think of a plan on how to liberate that place and we also need to make sure that you are all strong enough for whenever the Selfish King does awaken." You replied as she nodded.

"We also need to help Makoto find the Princess." Mana added.

"Yes. That too." You replied. "Well, it looks like we all now have a good reason to train now." You said as you glanced at Makoto. "So, will you train with us now? I'll make sure that you will be prepared for the Selfish King for when we inevitably have to face him." You offered.

"Will you all really help me with all of this?" Makoto asked in surprise.

"Why yes!" You replied, looking back at Mana, Rikka ans Alice. "Isn't that right girls?"

"Yeah!" The 3 girls shouted.

"And i have other friends that will help you against this monster as well." You smirked.

"Thank all of you!" Makoto smiled as she shook your hand. This was the beginning of a new friendship. "So, when will you be training me?" She asked.

"Tomorrow. I'll come and get you with my Instant Transmission. Then, i will introduce you to my other friends. They will also be training alongside you." You replied as she nodded.

With that, everyone went their separate ways back to their respective homes, preparing themselves for the training that you will give them tomorrow.

End of Chapter 8

A/N: Yeah. I kind of rushed this one because there are a list of things i want to do before certain time. I still need you to finish everyone's training, meet Penny, meet Regina etc. Also, i decided to give everyone that trained with you this chapter a 5x increase from the training. I know that might sound insane, but in the grand scheme of things, its nothing compared to how strong they are going to get. I recently finished vol 3 of RWBY and most of the things that happened in it couldn't happen in this story due to how OP everyone is. If Pyrrha fought Cinder in this story, she would clown the shit out of her lol.


Base (Heavily Suppressed): 500
Base (Less Suppressed): 1 x 10^197 (100 Quattuorsexagintillion)
Base (Max): 5 x 10^904 (50 Trecentillion)

Base: 5 x 10^63 (5 Vigintillion)
Cure Heart: 5 x 10^64 (50 Vigintillion)

Base: 5 x 10^63 (5 Vigintillion)
Cure Diamond: 5 x 10^64 (50 Vigintillion)

Base: 5 x 10^63 (5 Vigintillion)
Cure Rosetta: 5 x 10^64 (50 Vigintillion)

Base: 8.6
Cure Sword: 86

Ruby: 5 x 10^63 (5 Vigintillion)
Yang: 5 x 10^63 (5 Vigintillion)
Weiss: 575
Blake: 575

Jaune: 325
Pyrrha: 825
Nora: 550
Ren: 550

Glynda: 240
Ozpin: 300


Selfish King
Estimated Power Level: 18,000
Actual Power Level: ?

Bel: 205
Ira: 195
Marmo: 195

Cinder: 250
Emerald: 195
Mercury: 195
Torchwick: 175

OP Male Saiyan Reader x Precure x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now