Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Identity Revealed

1 Week Later - Beacon Academy

It has been about 1 week since you have taken Makoto (Cure Sword), Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Nora, Jaune and Ren under you wing for training. Everyone was surprised to see a popular idol training with them. You told your friends about the current situation, surprising them even more. Ever since you traveled to Trump Kingdom, you was determined to to help Makoto save it. Because of this, you have been training everyone far harder than usual. Even Ruby, Yang, Mana, Rikka and Alice noticed this.

Right now, you are sitting in Glynda's class, which happened to be your favorite class in Beacon Academy. Its not that you didn't like your other classes, it was because Glynda's class focused more on combat and training, which goes hand in hand with your Saiyan heritage.

Janue was currently in the ring 'fighting' against Cardin. It wasn't really much of a fight because Jaune was easily blocking and avoiding everything Cardin threw at him with the greatest of ease.

"Alright Jaune! Stop fooling around and end this pathetic charade already!" You shouted from the side lines as Jaune nodded.

Cardin swung his mace and hit Jaune straight in the face with it. To this shock and horror, Jaune did not flinch or take any damage at all since his aura meter was still at 100%. Jaune swung his sword and hit Cardin in the chest with it, and sent the bully crashing into the Academy wall. Cardin's aura went from 100% to 0% in a single hit. To say that Glynda was surprised and impressed would have been an understatement.

"T-This duel is over." Glynda stated, still shocked at the results. "As you all can see, Cardin's aura has been completely depleted. In a tournament match, if your drops to red or lower, then this would indicate that Cardin is no longer fit for battle and the officials may call the match." Glynda stated as You, Team RWBY and the rest of team JNPR clapped at Jaune's victory. The other students were too shocked to say or do anything.

"Great job out there Jaune." You grinned, patting him on the back.

"Its thanks to your training that i was able to become this strong." Jaune replied as Glynda rose an eyebrow.

"Is that true {Y/N}? Have you been training Jaune?" Glynda questioned as you nodded.

"Yes. Its true. For the past week i have been training both team RWBY and JNPR along with some of my other friends." You confessed while Glynda nodded in understanding.

"I see. But still, for someone to become this strong in such a short amount of time is rather impressive." Glynda noted.

"The funny thing is that i am still the weakest out of the group of people that {Y/N} have been training." Jaune admitted shocking Glynda even more.

"A-Anyway, just remember that the Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before the students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing." Glynda informed. Everyone was getting excited as they couldn't wait to show the world what they were capable of. Even you was feeling giddy since you loved tournaments and couldn't wait to see what kind of abilities the hunters/huntress from the other kingdoms had.

"This Vytal Festival is certainly going to be fun." You noted as team RWBY & JNPR nodded. "But in the meantime, lets eat lunch!" You shouted as everyone face faulted, including the teachers.

Timeskip - Lunchroom

You along with team RWBY and JNPR were sitting together at the lunch table discussing various thing while eating.

"Once classes for today is done, we will continue our search for the Princess and we will also need to deal with those people who keeps stealing dust from dust shops." You said.

"But didn't the two of us deal with them a week ago." Ruby asked as you nodded.

"We did, but apparently they managed to avoid the police. They must have other associates." You replied.

"Regardless, we need to act quickly before those other guys find the princess." Pyrrha added as you nodded.

"Indeed. I wouldn't want to know that would happen if the selfish trio found the princess before we do." You agreed.

"They're quite annoying. Attacking us every single day." Blake noted.

"Well, they aren't really a problem to us in a fight. I mean, we have been kicking their butts every single day." Yang added.

"True. Your training has taken all of you far. Both the Grimm and Jikochuu's are not an issue." You said.

"Speaking of training, are we anywhere close to starting our 'real' training soon?" Weiss asked to which you rose an eyebrow at and smirked.

"Actually, im pretty sure that all of you are probably already ready to take on my real training." You replied as everyone tilted their heads to the side.

"Oww! That hurts!" A girl shouted from another table, interrupting the conversation and getting everyone's attention. The group saw a girl with bunny ears being bullied by team CRDL, who were pulling her ears, hurting her. You narrowed your eyes dangerously at them.

"That faunus is getting bullied by Cardin!" Ren said.

"I can't stand people like him!" Pyrrha scowled as you remained silent and gave team CRDL a death glare. Ruby and Yang knew that your hatred for bullies almost rivals your hatred for guys like Frieza and Cell. They knew that things were about to get ugly.

"I say we break his legs!" Nora suggested as you chuckled a bit and cracked your knuckles.

"By the time i get done with him, not only will his legs be broken, but his arms, spine and neck as well." You said in a dark tone that made everyone shiver.

Standing up out of your seat, you slowly walked towards Cardin with a serious glare. Suddenly, the temperature in the room began to drop to sub zero levels as everyone in the lunchroom started shivering.

"I suggest you stop bullying that faunus, or i will have to apprehend you." You said coldly as Cardin and his team glared at you.

"And what do you think you can do? If you attack me, you will be expelled from Beacon." Cardin retorted smugly only to get a bored look in return.

"Actually, im not so sure about that. Its obvious that i am far more important to Ozpin and this school than you or the rest of your team could ever hope to be. Not to mention the fact that i hold more credibility in this school than you as well. So if i wanted to, i could report this to Ozpin and he would have you and your entire team expelled from this school." You sneered as team CRDL growled at you before cucking down, because they knew that what you were saying was true.

"Tch! Lets get out of here guys!" Cardin said as he and his team started to leave.

"Good. You guys are a tad smarter than you look." You snidely remarked, making team CRDL snarl at you before finally leaving.

"Are you ok?" You asked the bunny faunus.

"Y-Yeah." The faunus girl replied shyly.

"Good." You smiled. "If they do this again, let me know, and i will make them regret living." You stated as you turned to leave.

"W-Wait! Who are you?" The bunny faunus suddenly asked as you stopped.

"My name is Son {Y/N}." You replied.

"Son {Y/N}? I have heard about you before. You're the guy who effortlessly destroyed every Grimm he faced during the initiation. A-Anyway, my name is Velvet Scarlatina." The bunny girl stated.

"I see. Aren't you one of the second year students here?" You asked as Velvet nodded. "Well, that explains why i haven't really seen you before. Anyway, i better get going. Me and my friends have an important mission to do. We'll talk later!" You waved goodbye and ran out the door.

Timeskip - Oogai Town

Once all the classes in Beacon was over, you and the others immediately got to work and started searching for this princess. Unfortunately, everyone came up with nothing. So, you decided to visit the strange mans lovead shop in hopes of finding clues. Upon entering, you noticed that he was not around. However, everyone's attention was soon drawn towards a strange egg with hearts on it laying on the table.

"An egg?" Mana said in confusion.

"Its pretty big too. You could make a omelette rice for 10 people with this." Alice suggested as Makoto tilted her head in confusion.

"I'm not sure if i would want to make some with an egg like this." You deadpanned.

"Besides, isn't it kind of strange to find an egg of this size lying around?" Rikka asked.

"Maybe its a dinosaur egg!" Mana said with stars in her eyes. "Or its an alien!"

Team RWBY and JNPR stood there trying to figure out what could possible be inside the egg. Mana poked the egg lightly and what happened next surprised everyone. The egg began to crack up and shine in a very bright yellow light as a baby hatched out of the big egg.

"Kyupi!" The baby shouted. There was a long moment of silence as everyone just stared at the baby.

"A-A baby?" Everyone questioned as the baby smiled at them, causing all the girls to squeal. Even the normally stoic and cold Blake and Makoto couldn't resist.

"So cute!" Mana shouted as she hugged the baby along with the other girls.

"Still, how did a human baby hatch from an egg?" Ren asked perplexed as you shrugged.

"I'm not exactly sure if this baby qualifies as a human." You said as you pointed at the back of the baby, revealing angel-like wings. The baby soon used its wings to fly up in the air.

"W-Wait a minute. Is no one going to question how a baby is born from an egg or how it can fly?" Jaune asked as you chuckled.

"Well, to be fair, i also knew how to fly as a baby. So this isn't too weird for me." You admitted while Jaune and Ren stared at you in shock. Meanwhile, the baby flew back into Mana's arms.

"Since you were the first person the baby saw, she thinks you are its mother." Alice explained to Mana.

"Alright, i will be your mother." Mana said, hugging the baby while everyone else sweat dropped.

"That's good and all, but what should we call her?" Pyrrha asked.

"Ai?" Was all the baby could say.

"She keeps saying 'Ai' so how about we call her that?" Alice suggested as the baby smiled.

"Ai-chan! Sound great to me." You smirked as the others starred at you before smiling and nodding in agreement. Soon Ai-chan flew up to you and smiled in approval as you held the baby.

After a few minutes of playing around and feeding the baby, the man finally returned to his shop and saw the group of people here.

"Oh. Well its certainly lively in here today." The man said, getting everyone's attention.

"Hey! Its the strange man again!" You remarked nonchalantly as the man sweat dropped.

"My name is Joe Okada, so please stop calling me strange man." Joe replied in a casual tone.

"Your fault for not telling us after all the times we meet." You shot back, matching the same casual tone.

"Fair enough." Joe sighed. "Anyway, why are you all here?"

"Well, we were going to continue our search and we came here looking for clues." You explained to him.

"Instead, we found a egg that this baby somehow hatched from." Weiss stated, still not sure how this happened, but she hardly cared because she found the baby to be extremely cute.

"In that case, we should think of a name for the baby." Joe said casually as you rose an eyebrow.

"Too late. We already named the baby minutes before you arrived. Her name is Ai-chan." You stated, walking to the exit. "I think we should spend the rest of the day with A-chan and take her out for a walk." You suggested.

"Oh yeah! I'm sure that Ai-chan would enjoy that!" Mana shouted in excitement.

3 Hours Later

While spending time taking care of Ai-chan, the group was once again encountered by the one of the members of the selfish trio, who summoned yet another Jikochuu from a man who got annoyed by Ai-chan's crying. Naturally, it got stomped and purified in less than a second and everything returned back to the status quo. Makoto used her singing to stop Ai-chan from crying, which soon made the baby drift off to sleep. That day, you also found out that Ai-chan had hidden powers.

Note: I'm not gonna write any more fights against the Jikochuu's because you and the others far outclass them in every way. I have someone who will prove to be a challenge to the girls coming soon.
After that whole ordeal, you decided to resign for today as everyone went to their homes. Ai-chan would be staying at Joe's house during the times that you and the others were busy.

Next Day - Vale

Once again, you continued your search. You and team RWBY asked several people in Vale if they have seen anyone who matched Makoto's description of the princess, but came up empty.

"We are getting no where fast." You said in frustration.

"Just calm down {Y/N}. I'm sure we'll find the princess eventually." Ruby reassured with a pat on your back.

"I hope you're right about that." You replied.

"Besides, we have other things to focus on as well. Like the Vytal Festival. Students from Vacuo will be arriving today. And as a representative, of Beacon, it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom." Weiss stated as you snorted.

"She just wants to spy on them so that she will have the upper hand in the tournament." Blake said simply as you grinned.

"Ugh! You can't prove that!" Weiss retorted.

"Not sure why she would want to spy on the other teams when she is probably far stronger than anyone else who will be attending the tournament besides us." You added in a dry tone until noticing noticed a crime scene with police standing in front of a Dust shop.

"What happened here?" Ruby asked.

"Robbery. Second dust shop to be hit this week." The police man replied.

"And they left all the money again." the other officer said as you narrowed your eyes dangerously.

"Must be Roman Torchwick doing." You whispered as Ruby nodded.

"It doesn't make any sense. Seriously, who needs this much Dust?" The police officer asked. "Perhaps the White Fang are involved."

"Hmph! The White Fang. What an awful much of degenerates." Weiss huffed as Blake glared.

"What is your problem?" Blake retorted.

"My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane!" Weiss replied.

"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided faunus." Blake stated. You could fell the tension building up, so you decided to jump into the conversation.

"You really think that they're misguided?" You asked to which Blake nodded at. "Well, i have been hearing a lot of bad things about this group of people lately. Regardless, if they are up to no good then i must stop them. You understand that, right?" You asked as Blake slowly nodded. "Don't worry, i won't kill them unless its very necessary." You reassured.

"Those faunus only know how to like, cheat and steal." Weiss said as Blake got angrier and even you was getting a little angry.

"Now you're going too far! Not all faunus are like that!" You shouted, surprising everyone at your outburst especially Blake. The conversation was cut short when you heard shouting.

"Hey! Get that faunus!" One of the workers on the docks shouted.

"Thanks for the ride guys!" The monkey faunus said as he jumped off the ship.

"You no good stowaway!"

"Hey! A no good stowaway would have been caught. I'm a great stowaway!" The monkey faunus replied before running from the police.

"Hold on. Let me handle this." You said as you vanished in a burst of speed, shocking everyone besides team RWBY, and reappearing right in front of the monkey faunus and slamming your fist right into his midsection, causing him to spit out saliva before losing consciousness as his body collapsed to the ground. "Easy. Although, this is a minor crime so i don't think he should be punished severely for it. Besides, i think this guy is one of the people who will be attending the Vytal Festival." You stated.

Unknown to you and team RWBY, a girl with curly orange hair and bright green eyes was watching the whole thing.

"That was an impressive display!" The orange haired girl said. 'My sensors detect a lot of power from these 5 people, especially him.' she thought to herself as she glanced at you.

You and the others were caught off guard by the girls voice as you turned to fave who it was.

"And you are?" You asked as you narrowed your eyes at her in suspicion. 'Something is seriously wrong here. I cannot sense her energy at all.' You thought to yourself.

"Salutations! My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Penny greeted.

"Hi Penny. I'm Ruby."

"I'm Weiss."


"I'm Yang."

"And I'm {Y/N}." You said.

"Its a pleasure to meet you!" Penny said as everyone gave her a blank stare.

"You already said that." Weiss pointed out.

"So i did." Penny said casually.

"By the way, have you seen a princess around here lately?" You asked as you told her the details on what she looked like going by Makoto's description. Penny just shook her head.

"Nope. I have not detected any princess that matched your description." Penny replied as you sighed.

"Well, thanks anyway friend. We gotta get going. See you soon i hope." You said.

"Take care friend." Ruby said offhandedly as Penny's eyes widened. Next thing you knew, Penny was standing right in front of the group. Although, you and the others could see her move, you were still impressed by Penny's speed.

"What did you two just call me?" Penny asked.

"Who?" You asked.

"You two." Penny replied, pointed at you and Ruby. "You called me friend. Am i really your friend?" She asked as the others felt werided out.

"If you want to, yes." You replied.

"Um, yeah. Sure. Why not?" Was all Ruby could say.

"Sensational!" Penny shouted.

"So what are you doing in Vale?" Yang asked.

"I'm here to fight in the tournament!" Penny stated.

"Wait. You're fighting in the tournament?" Weiss asked.

"I'm combat ready!" Penny replied.

"Oho! This tournament is going to be more interesting than i though." You smirked. "Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you an android by any chance?" You questioned as Penny gasped.

"H-How did you know?" Penny asked in shock, which made the other girls gasp as well.

"Because i couldn't sense your power." You stated, as the others were confused.

"What do you mean?" Weiss demanded.

"I can't sense the powers of robots and androids." You replied. "Who built you?" You asked.

"Well, my father did. He used some advanced technology leftover from Dr. Gero." Penny stated as your eyes widened.

"You were built using Dr. Gero's technology!? Then that explains everything. I bet you're strong like the ones he built too." You said with an excited smirk.

"Sorry to interrupt this conversation. But who is Dr. Gero?" Blake asked.

"I would like to know this too." Weiss said.

"I'll tell you, but you must promise to keep this a secret." You said sternly as everyone nodded. You didn't need to tell Ruby or Yang as they already knew.

After explaining everything to them, Weiss, Blake and Penny were shocked by this news.

"You mean to tell me that that man created androids to get revenge against your father!?" Weiss asked as you nodded.

"And he's also the one responsible for creating Cell?" Blake asked as you nodded again.

"Yes! All true." You replied. "Also, i have one more question to ask you Penny. Are you fully mechanical like Android 16 or are you a human turned into and android like Android 17 & 18?" You asked.

"I was once a girl, but now im an android." Penny replied as you smirked.

"I see. Then that means that you are capable of becoming stronger through training." You said, grinning. Weiss looked at you like you was an idiot.

"Wait. Don't tell me that you're planning on training her too! She's going to competing against us!" Weiss shouted.

"I know. But the tournament would be kind of boring if we one shot everyone in the competition." You sweat dropped. "Speaking of training i think its time to start everyone's real training." You stated as everyone got excited.

"Wait. What about Penny? Will she be able to handle the real training?" Blake asked.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. Especially considering that she was built with Dr. Gero's technology." You stated. "Alright, Penny. Meet me at Beacon Academy. I will gather my other friends and i will show you all what true hell is during training." You stated as the others shivered. "See ya later." You finished as you took team RWBY and vanished.

Timeskip - Beacon Academy

Team RWBY, JNPR, the Doki Doki Precure team and Penny stood in front of you, waiting patiently for what kind of training you was going to give them.

"Alright everyone! I think its time i finally star your real training. It will be far more difficult than anything you have ever had before. But you get much better benefits from it." You stated. "Now, everyone gather around near me and place your hand on me like you would when i transport you with my Instant Transmission technique." You instructed.

"Ok, so what happens now?" Mana asked

"You'll see soon." You smirked as you channeled ki into the necklace around your neck, which made it glow, surprising everyone, even Mana, Rikka, Alice, Ruby and Yang. They have seen you wear this necklace every single day since they were kids, but they have never seen it glow before. Next thing they knew, they were all getting sucked into the necklace.

"WAAAAAAAHHHH!" Everyone but you shouted as you inwardly chuckled, since this was basically your reaction when you first used it.

Secret Time Chamber

When everyone's eyes opened, they saw themselves in a big palace-like building and saw an endless black void outside of it. What they also noticed, was that they all felt much heavier than usual.

"The gravity feels like it had just increased 100 fold." Penny analyzed.

"That's because the gravity IS 100x more than normal." You stated.

"B-But why?" Jaune asked.

"Simple. The gravity will play a major role in your training." You explained.

"When you told us that we would die before the real training could even start, is this the reason?" Weiss asked.

"Exactly. If i brought you guys here a week ago, the gravity would have killed you. The only one's who could have handle it would be Ruby, Yang, Mana, Rikka and Alice. But now, your bodies should be able to handle it without dying in an instant." You told them as if you were talking about the weather.

"So, what is this place?" Rikka asked.

"This is my secret time chamber that i use for training. Although, i have only used it once before." You admitted.

"When was that?" Yang asked, looking around the building.

"About 7 years ago." You replied.

"How long will we be training in here?" Makoto asked.

"1 year." You replied casually as everyone became shocked.

"But father would get angry if i stay gone for this long." Penny said.

"Not to mention the fact that the Vytal Festival is a few weeks away!" Weiss stated.

"And im busy with my idol career and my search for the princess." Makoto stated.

"Calm down everyone! When were in this room, time does not flow in the outside world." You stated as everyone's eyebrows rose past their hairlines.

"What do you mean by that?" Pyrrha inquired.

"Well, we are in an alternate dimension, so we could spend as much time as we want in here and not a single second will have passed in the normal. Also, we don't age at all while we in here." You informed, shocking the others further.

"What about food and water?" Blake questioned.

"There's plenty of it and they magically replenish every day." You informed. "Now enough gawking everyone, its time for training. But first, i think you all deserve to know more about me. I'm sure some of you had suspicions about me. Follow me! I am going to show you something special that might be a shock to some of you." You gestured as you walked out of the building.

"What are you going to show us?" Nora ask to which you smirked at.

"Nora, its time that you and the others know the truth about me. Mana, Rikka, Alice, Ruby and Yang already knew years ago, but the rest of you don't. Now that were in here, i can finally show my true power without anyone else seeing." You stated as you gave a lout shout and began to power up as your aura flared around you, causing your hair to spike up and turn a golden blonde color along with your aura. Due to your mastery over the transformation, you could easily enter your Super Saiyan transformations in an instant.

To say that everyone was speechless would have been the understatement of the century. The only one who weren't surprised were the ones who knew you years ago.


"No way!" Ren muttered.

"Unbelievable!" Pyrrha gasped.

"What amazing power! I'm not even sure if the Selfish King could stand a chance against this." Makoto stated as the fairies were too shocked to speak.

"Y-Y-You're the Golden Warrior!?" Blake asked as you nodded.

"Yeah. {Y/N} and the Golden Warrior are one in the same." You stated.

"So cool!" Jaune gaped.

"I-I can't believe it! It was you all along!" Nora shouted as she ran up to you and gave you a hug, which surprised you.

"I knew something was strange when you told me about Dr. Gero and how he created Cell. I was going to question you on how you knew so much, but i think i have my answer now. You're the one who destroyed Cell 7 years ago after all." Weiss stated.

"Ok, now lets get to business. Remember, we have a goal. And that is to make sure you're all strong enough to face the Selfish King or any other threats that come." You said in a serious tone as everyone nodded with serious expressions.

"I have one question before we officially start our training." Yang said as you rose an eyebrow.

"What is it?" You inquired.

"What are those other doors that are in this time chamber?" She questioned curiously while you tilted your head a bit.

"Umm, from what i read, these doors lead to other worlds/dimensions separate from here or our world." You stated.

"Have you ever been through one of them?" Ruby asked as you shook your head.

"No. I haven't. Remember, i was here strictly for training because i wanted to defeat Cell. That was the one and only time i entered this place up until now." You stated as they nodded in understanding.

"Well it certainly paid off. You killed that freak like he was nothing." Nora stated, remembering the time she watched your fight with Cell 7 years ago on her scroll.

"Right. By the time we're finished, you should all be at least as strong as i was when i fought Cell 7 years ago. I plan on making you all go through an even harder training routine than what i did when i was last here." You stated as everyone's eyes widened.

"Are you sure that we can get that strong?" Jaune asked, unable to believe what you just said.

"Of course. Now prepare yourselves! The real training begins NOW!" You stated as you got into your fighting stance. The others summoned their weapons while Mana, Rikka, Alice and Makoto transformed into their Precure forms.

1 Year Later

After spending 1 year of hardcore training under 100x gravity, which you increased by 100x each week, the harshest weather conditions know to man, and under the tutelage of a Super Saiyan, they were bound to get astronomically stronger. Teaching them was also easier than you expected because oddly enough, this time chamber had countless books and a computer that had information about Huntsmen/Huntress, Semblance, Precure powers and even the Saiyan race.

Mana, Rikka, Alice and Makoto had mastered their Precure transformation. During their training, they came across new loveads that gave them weapons called the Love Heart Arrow, which looked like a crossbow. This gave them new techniques that they also mastered to perfection. Mana learned Heart Shoot, Rikka learned Diamond Shower, Alice learned Rosetta Reflection and Makoto learned Sparkle Sword. When used together, they can preform a group attack called the Lovely Force Arrow. These will definitely be useful against the Jikochuu's or any opponent for that matter, since you also taught them how to enhance these attacks with ki, making them even deadlier.

Team RWBY & JNPR and Penny had upgraded their weapons and were all able to channel ki thorugh them. They also mastered their semblances to the point that it used little to no aura when used. Well, Jaune had to unlock his first, but he eventually did and mastered it. Ruby and Yang already mastered their semblance so they decided to improve upon it even more. In terms of speed, Ruby with her Petal Burst semblance was matched only by you. To the untrained people, it would look like 1 million clusters of petal on the battlefield whenever Ruby uses her semblance. That's how damn fast she was. Yang's Burn semblance basically doubles her strength and that's without taking damage. You trained her so that she could tank as much damage as she could without collapsing. Although you were suppressed, those same attacks that Yang are tanking would have killed the likes of Cell a trillion times over. When Yang dishes the attacks back out after taking them, she is easily the strongest one there besides yourself. Its even deadlier when she combines it with the Kaioken. Everyone knows when she uses her semblance because her eyes turn red and her hair glows similar to yours as a Super Saiyan. Blake can now create thousands of clones with her Shadow semblance. Although you question on if that many is needed since just one will be more than enough to shit stomp any grimm. Weiss has improved her Glyphs semblance so much that she can slow down an opponent so much with time dilation that it almost looks as if they have been frozen in time. She can use the same thing to speed someone up so fast that their speed could almost rival Ruby's. She also mastered the ability to summon, which is now even better than her sister Winter at it.

Jaune's semblance was Aura Amp, which allows him to to strengthen his or someone else aura or even heal them. With his current power level and mastery over the semblance, he could do thinks like enhance the others semblances and could do all of this to multiple people at the same time without draining much of his own aura. Nora semblance, High Voltage, was similar case with Yang's semblance. The more electricity she absorbed the stronger she become. After mastering her semblance, you theorized that she could absorb the electricity from the entire planet without suffering negative effects. Ren's Tranquility semblance was improved to the point that his emotion could never be detected by Grimm, even when he's not trying. When he does try, he could mask the entire planet with it, making sure that Grimm could never detect anyone's emotion (sorry, i didn't know what to do with Ren's semblance). Pyrrha's had mastered her Polarity semblance beyond belief. At her current power, she could quite literally pull the metal minerals from straight from the earths core and use it as a weapon against her enemies. Most opponents would not expect it. She was able to do this quickly since she was already pretty damn good at using her semblance, but now, she has way more options now.

Penny did not have a semblance (as of right now), so instead, you taught her how to use telekinesis that you mimicked from guys like Frieza and Cell so that she could control her weapons without the strings. You also taught her how to fly (you taught the others this as well) so that she didn't have to use her weapons or jet pack to do it. After training and upgrading her weapons, she could fire energy beams/blast quicker and stronger than ever before.

And last, but certainly not least, you trained yourself like you usually would, except even harder. You remember reading something about a criminal named Hazel, who could inject dust into his body and power himself with it. Apparently he has a semblance that prevented him from feeling the extreme pain from it. You decided to test this for yourself and and stabbed a fire dust crystal into your arm. You felt immense pain, which made the others worried, but you ate a senzu bean and recovered. Due to your Saiyan biology, your body had adapted to this and now you could use fire elemental attacks without using dust. You soon used this for all the other elements and ten mastered them. After watching the Precure fight the Jikochuu's, you wanted to help, but couldn't since the goal is to purify them, not kill/destroy them, and your attacks/techniques would do just that, so you created a new technique called Stardust Bullet (A Xenoverse 2 mod attack for Gogeta), which allowed you to fire a purifying attack from the tip of your fingers like a gun. You could also control on weather the attack was lethal or not.

All in all, everyone is now on a completely different level than from what they previously were.

You also got to know everyone better in the process. After you revealed that you was basically half human half alien, Blake finally came forward and revealed to everyone else that she was a faunus. You told Weiss not to be so hard on her and she agreed. You wasn't really sure if she agreed out of her respect for you or if she was really giving the faunus another chance. Actually, the real reason was that Weiss didn't want to get her ass kicked by the Saiyan any harder than she already have been during the training. Blake also told you more about the White Fang and Adam. After hearing about Adam and some of the crimes he committed, you got pissed. And when you get pissed, your power increases beyond comprehension (more info about your rage boost later). You promised that you would help defeat them with minimal casualties, although you couldn't say for certain that you would spare Adam's life, because he reminded you of guys like Frieza and Cell. Upon hearing about Weiss family problem's you was a little sad at her situation, but was happy that her sister still supported her.

On the night before everyone was supposed to return to the outside world, something unexpected happened and Ruby had awakened her Silver Eyes powers after having a bad dream of everyone getting killed. Unfortunately, she couldn't control it. You promised that you would help her control and master it one day.

Right now, you and the others geared up to finally return to the outside world.

"Alright, is everyone ready!?" You asked.

"Ready!" They all shouted in unison as you smirked.

"Good. Let's show the world our true power!" You shouted as you channeled ki into your necklace and transport everyone out of the time chamber.

End of Chapter 9

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it. Decided to make Penny more like Android 17 & 18 in this. Also, this is how strong everyone is after training in the time chamber. I might have went a little overboard lol. Next chapter you will meet an antagonist that will act as a main rival/opponent to the Cures, Team RWBY & JNPR, but mainly to the Precures (you might already know who she is).


Base: 1 x 10^1,255 (10 Septendeciquadringentillion)
MSSJ: 5 x 10^1,259 (500 Octodeciquadringentillion)

Base: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Cure Heart: 1 x 10^318 (1 Quincentillion)

Base: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Cure Diamond: 1 x 10^318 (1 Quincentillion)

Base: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Cure Rosetta: 1 x 10^318 (1 Quincentillion)

Base: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Cure Sword: 1 x 10^318 (1 Quincentillion)

Normal: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Silver Eyes: ?

Normal: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Burn (Max Limit): 1 x 10^319 (10 Quincentillion)

Blake: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Weiss: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)

Jaune: 5 x 10^316 (50 Quattuorcentillion)
Ren: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)

Normal: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
High Voltage (Max Limit): 1 x 10^319 (10 Quincentillion)

Pyrrha: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)
Penny: 1 x 10^317 (100 Quattuorcentillion)


Selfish King
Estimated Power Level: 500,000,000,000,000 (Trillion)
Actual Power Level: ?

Bel: 205
Ira: 195
Marmo: 195

Cinder: 250
Emerald: 195
Mercury: 195
Torchwick: 175
Adam: 240

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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