Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: First Day at Beacon

Clover Tower - Elevator

As you and Mana rode the elevator down to the first floor of the tower. Both of you knew that you would have to explain why you were both so late. The fairies warned you not to tell anyone about the Precure, which you didn't plan on telling anyone anyway.

Once reaching the first floor, the elevator door opened and Rikka, Mr. Kido, who was your homeroom teacher, and several other students was there waiting for both of you.

"{Y/N}! Mana! Were were you two?" Mr. Kido asked with concern.

"We were enjoying the view on the observation deck!" Mana told them as you nodded in agreement.

"What about the giant crab that was attacking everyone?" One of the students asked as you came up with a quick like.

"Giant crab? What are you talking about? I've seen no such thing!" You lied as everyone just rose their eyebrows before shrugging it off. Rikka, however, knew that you was lying and narrowed her eyes at you.

"Well, at least i know that you two are safe. Let's get back on the bus." Mr. Kido said as you both nodded. You noticed that Rikka was staring at both of you.

"I'll tell you what really happened later when schools over." You whispered in Rikka's ear as she nodded as everyone headed to the bus.


Once school was over, Mana and Rikka were walking back to their home and you tagged along because you had something important to tell Rikka.

"Ok, its time you two tell me what really happened today." Rikka demanded as you both nodded.

"Sure." Mana replied as she told her everything that happened at Clover Tower today. Rikka was amazed at the news.

"If you had told me all this 7 years ago before we met {Y/N}, i would have thought you were crazy, but this isn't even surprising to me anymore." Rikka sighed as you grinned.

At this moment the 3 fairies appeared and seemed pretty pissed.

"Hey! We told you two not to tell anyone about this!" Sharuru scolded both you and Mana.

"Don't worry guys. Rikka's strong, smart and trustworthy. The only other people i plan on telling this information to is Alice, Ruby, Yang and the Z-Fighters." You replied as you scratched the back of your head.

'It's likely that Alice already knows since she owns the tower.' Rikka thought.

"That's too many people already!" Raquel shouted.

"Like i said, i'm only going to tell this to the people who i trust and are used to this kind of things." You protested.

"But if you tell these people, their lives may be in danger." Lance warned only to get a snort in response.

"Pfft! Trust me, if those 2 fools from earlier try to attack anyone of the people i tell they will be in for a rude awakening. Because all of them are leagues stronger than those two." You stated as the 3 fairies were surprised that this world had this many strong people in it.

"So, what do we do now?" Rikka asked.

"Oh! I know! How about you and Alice become Precure too!? Mana uses Sharuru to transform, but Raquel and Lance don't have a transformation partner." You suggested as everyone eyes widened in realization.

"That's a great idea!" Mana exclaimed.

"And with more Precure, we will have an easier time fighting against the Selfishness!" Sharuru added.

"It's not like we had any trouble fighting them in the first place." You deadpanned. "But you're right, the more the merrier." You smirked.

"There's just one problem." Mana frowned as everyone rose an eyebrow.

"What's that?" You asked.

"You need the cure loveads to transform into one, and we don't have any more." Mana replied as you face palmed.

"Damn! You're right!" You grumbled.

"Where did you get yours from?" Rikka asked.

"Mana got hers from some weird salesman back in Clover Tower." You answered.

"We need to find out who this weird salesman is and find out if he has any connection to them." Rikka said seriously as you nodded.

As she said that, you stopped in front of Rikka's house.

"Oh. Were here already? Guess i got too caught up in the conversation to notice." You chuckled. "I'm sure that we will find more of those cure loveads and probably meet that weird man again in the process. In the meantime, i'll see you all later." You waved bye to Mana, Rikka, Sharuru, Raquel and Lance before disappearing with Instant Transmission.

439 East District

"I'm home everyone!" You shouted as you was greeted with Goten tackling you with a hug.
"Big brother! You're back!" Goten shouted as you smiled.

"Yep. So what have you been doing today?" You asked.

"The usual. Training with dad and/or playing with Trunks. Well, as much as i can before mom get angry." Goten replied as you laughed.

Soon, the rest of the family entered the room.

"So, how was your day at Clover Tower?" Chichi asked.

"Well, it started off normal, but things got weird fast." You replied as everyone's eyebrows rose past their hairlines.

"Really? What happened today? Are people starting to get suspicious of you as well?" Gohan asked as you shook your head.

"Nah. The only people who saw me use my powers today were Mana, Rikka, Makoto and the 3 fairies." You stated.

"Makoto? 3 fairies? What are you talking about?" Goku asked as he was completely lost on all of this. You didn't blame him this time because it was a little confusing even for you.

"Pull up a chair everyone. This may take a while." You sighed as you began to explain the events that happened today.

"Did those bad guys hurt my son?" Chichi asked with worry as she hugged you. You just sweat dropped.

"Nope. Their powers were pretty weak. Seriously, the average Frieza solider is stronger then those two." You said as Goku and Gohan chuckled.

"Well, its disappointing that they were weak. I was hoping for a new tough opponent." Goku said honestly.

"Is that all you think about?" Chichi deadpanned.

"In any case, we should be on the lookout for when they attack again." Gohan added as you nodded in agreement.

"True. We should also be prepared for their leader that Makoto mentioned as well. According to her, the power i displayed to her today would still not be enough to defeat him." You mentioned as Goku got curious.

"So how strong do you think their leader could be?" Goku asked as you shrugged.

"I was heavily suppressed, but going by the power i was using, their leader should be about as strong as Vegeta when he arrived here with Nappa." You theorized. "However, it is likely that he could be far stronger than even that." You explained as they nodded.

"It may not be much to us anymore, but that amount of power is still enough to destroy the entire planet, so we must stay cautious." Gohan noted.

"Agreed. If they do attack, i'll be ready." You stated with a smirk.

"Come on {Y/N}! Lets play!" Goten shouted.

"Alright, we'll play a little, but i will have to go out again soon." You said as everyone rose an eyebrow.

"Where are you going this time?" They asked.

"Well, i promised Ruby that i would get her some comic books." You said with a shrug.

Later That Night - Vale

Currently, you was walking down the streets of Vale with Ruby, explaining the adventure you had today.

"And that's what happened today." You finished telling your story about what happened today. Meanwhile Ruby was excited.

"Wow! So you guys met some cute little fairies, fought a gigantic crab, beat down some villains and Mana gained a new power? Man i wish i was with you guys today." Ruby squealed in excitement.

After walking some more, you and Ruby decided to go inside a nearby dust shop. Mainly because Ruby wanted to read some comic books. You stood nearby, leaning against the wall. Soon you heard several people enter and they all looked very suspicious, especially that guy with the white coat. You saw one of the henchmen point their gun at the store owner and they began to steal all the dust in the shop. Upon seeing this, you sighed in annoyance.

"Hey! Put your hands in the air!" One of the henchmen shouted at you and Ruby, but Ruby couldn't hear because she was listening to music. You tap her on the shoulder to get her attention and took her headphones off.

"Huh? What's going on?" Ruby asked, completely oblivious to the situation. You couldn't help but chuckle.

"Apparently, these goons want to rob us." You answered with an amused look.

"That's right! This is a robbery! Now put your hands up you two!" The henchmen demanded as you and Ruby looked at each other before laughing out loud. This got angered looks from the henchmen.

"What is so funny!?" The henchmen demanded in anger.

"Because you choose the wrong people to mess with." You replied as you unleashed a kiai that sent one of the henchmen flying out through the window for several miles. Everyone was shocked to see these turn of events. "I'll leave the rest to you Ruby. I'll protect the store owner." You said as Ruby nodded.

"Thanks {Y/N}!" Ruby shouted with a grin as she jumped out through the broken window and took out Crescent Rose, her scythe.

"Get them!" Roman ordered his goons as they surrounded Ruby, but she just swung her scythe 360 degrees and knocked all of them out instantly. You knew that she was holding back greatly, because if she went all out, these guys would have been reduced to blood splatter across the concrete. Roman Torchwick was surprised by how fast and easily his men were defeated. He dropped his cigar and gripped his cane/weapon tightly.

"Well, this has been an eventful evening. And as much as i would love to stick around, i'm afraid this is where we part ways." Roman said as he pointed his cane/weapon at Ruby.

"And i'm afraid not." He heard your voice behind him, but before he could react, you slammed your fist in the back of his head, knocking him out instantly. "All in a days work." You smirked.

"Thank you two for stopping them." The dust shop owner said.

"No worries. You should be safe from these assholes." You replied.

Soon you and Ruby rounded up Roman and all his goons and tied them to a lamp post with a sticky note attached to them that says 'Arrest us' on it.

"Didn't expect that i would have to stop crime twice today, and i still didn't use my alter ego." You said to yourself as Ruby ran up to you and hugged you.

"We did it!" Ruby shouted.

"Yep. Now you can't complain about not being at Clover Tower today to stop the criminals." You replied with a smirk.

"Hey! You two!" You heard a voice behind you. As you two turned around to see the source of the voice, you saw a blonde woman with glasses.

"And you are?" You inquired.

"I'm Glynda Goodwitch. Anyway, there is someone who wants to speak with the both of you." She informed while you as you and Ruby exchanged looks before nodding.

"Fine. Let's go see who it is." You shrugged.

Interrogation Room

"I never expected you two to defeat those criminals so easily.  It would seem that the rumors about you were true." Glynda said as you rose an eyebrow. "Anyway, there is someone who wants to meet you two." She said as a man with green clothes and silver hair.

"Ruby Rose and Son {Y/N}." Ozpin said as he stared into Ruby's eyes. "You have silver eyes." He stated as both of you rose an eyebrow.

"Ok, how do you know our names and what does Ruby's eyes have to do with anything?" You asked.

"Patience {Y/N}." Glynda scolded.

"So how did you learn to use a scythe like that?" Ozpin asked.

"It was my uncle Qrow that taught me how to use a scythe at Signal Academy." Ruby answered.

"And how did you gain this overwhelming strength?" Ozpin questioned.

"I was the one who trained her to achieve this kind of strength." You answered as Ozpin rose an eyebrow.

"Oh. Well that certainly explains why she is so powerful then. {Y/N}, i know that you are the Golden Warrior and i know that you are the one who really defeated Cell 7 years ago." Ozpin stated as Ruby gasped wile you narrowed your eyes dangerously at him.

"And how exactly do you know all of this?" You asked in a serious tone as Ozpin decided to continue.

"I also know that you are the son of Son Goku, the one who single handedly crushed the Red Ribbon Army and defeated Demon King Piccolo many years ago." He stated. "Don't worry, i am not going to release this information to the public." Ozpin reassured.

"You sure know a lot about me and my family." You said as Ozpin decided to change the subject.

"Do you two know who i am?" Ozpin asked.

"You're Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy." Ruby stated.

"What business does the headmaster of Beacon Academy have with us anyway?" You asked with suspicion.

"That's simple. I want to know if you two want to join my school." Ozpin said.

"More than anything." Ruby said.

"Well, yeah. I wanted to join your school for years now, but i still have a few more years to go before i can actually join." You said as Ozpin smirked.

"In that case, you are both accepted into Beacon." Ozpin as both you and Ruby was surprised by this.

"Wait, what? But aren't we both still to young to join your school? I mean, is this even allowed?" You questioned.

"I am the headmaster of Beacon, and i can pull a few strings to let you both in." Ozpin replied as you smirked.

"Aww yeah! This is going to be fun!" You smirked before realizing something. "Wait. I am currently in my final year at Oogai First Middle School and i kind of want to finish it before i fully join your school. Think you could make some arrangements?" You asked as Ozpin nodded.

"Of course. But i would like for you to stay for at least the first 2 days. I'll notify your teachers and principal about this." Ozpin replied as you nodded.

"Perfect." You smirked before vanishing with Instant Transmission.

439 East District

"I'm back again everyone!" You stated as everyone entered the room.

"Oh. You're back just in time for dinner." Chichi said as you smiled.

"So how did your date with Ruby go?" Goku asked smirking, but you ignored him.

"Let's just say that my time with Ruby was just as eventful as my time on Clover Tower earlier today." You stated as you sat on a chair at the dinner table.

"Alright, what happened this time?" Goku asked as you told them everything that happened tonight. Everyone was surprised that you got accepted into Beacon Academy much earlier than normal, and was even more surprised when they found out that the headmaster, Ozpin, knew about this family's achievements.

"So you're going to go to Beacon tomorrow?" Chichi asked.

"Yep. But i will only stay for the first 2 days since i want to finish my year at Oogai First Middle School before i fully join. Ozpin has arranged a special schedule for me." You stated as everyone nodded.

After your conversation with your family, you ate dinner and went straight to bed.

Meanwhile - Back in Vale

A woman with glowing amber eyes and red clothes was seen cutting Roman Torchwick and his goons out of their bindings.

"I am very disappointed in you Roman." Cinder said.

"Seriously!? What happened to you out there? How could you possibly fail such a simple mission?" Emerald demanded.

"I don't know! Everything was going smoothly until these two teenagers showed up and ruined all my plans! Next thing i knew, i was knocked out by one of them." Roman snarled.

"Do you know who they were?" Mercury asked.

"One of them was called Ruby and the other one, the one who instantly knocked me out, was called {Y/N}." Roman replied as the 3 eyes widened in shock.

"T-That name..." Cinder trailed off.

"Isn't that the one we were told to avoid at all cost." Emerald asked as Cinder nodded.

"Yeah. That's the guy we were told about. Apparently he holds overwhelming power that even make the maidens powers pales in comparison, even when he's not serious." Cinder stated much to the shock and horror of her subordinates.

"So basically if we were to fight against this guy, he would crush all of us in an instant?" Mercury questioned.

"Pretty much." Cinder confirmed. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew that she was outclassed in every way.

"No wonder Roman failed. I just hope this {Y/N} guy doesn't find out about us." Emerald said as the others nodded hoping for the same. Because they would be screwed if he did.

Next Day - Oogai Town

You had gotten up early this morning and wanted to tell your friends Mana and Rikka that you won't be going to school for 2 days. Soon you heard people screaming and running for their lives, which you rose an eyebrow at.

"What the hell is going on?" You asked yourself before sensing a familiar dark and evil presence nearby. "Those fools again." You sighed in annoyance before running to the location. Once there, you saw Mana and Rikka, both who had also just arrived. You also saw a weird creature that looked like a traffic light.

"Must be another one of those Jikochuu's." You whispered before glancing at Mana. "Mana, you know what to do." You said as you decided to take a backseat from this fight since the only thing you could really do was beat the Jikochuu down, but Mana and Rikka could already do that.

"Precure Love Link!" Mana shouted before instantly transforming into Cure Heart.

"Amazing!" Rikka said in awe.

"Indeed." You agreed. "Mana, how about you try ending this as quickly as possible. I have something important to tell both of you, but i am in a bit of a rush. Besides, since your power level is significantly higher than the Jikochuu, you probably won't even need to weaken it by fighting it. You could probably purify it with your finishing move fight now." You suggested.

"Let's give that a shot. Sharuru!" Cure Heart shouted as she prepared her purification technique. "Reach out to you! My Sweetheart!" Cure Heart shouted, firing a pink beam from her heart brooch and engulfed the Jikochuu before purifying it instantly. You smirked.

"Simple as that." You said with a smile.

"Grr! This Precure is far stronger than Cure Sword to immediately defeat my Jikochuu without even fighting it first!" Ira growled as you looked up at him and gave him a smug look.

"Tell your leader that he has to try harder than this if he wants to take our world. Seriously, these Jikochuu's are pathetically weak and so are his worthless henchmen." You sneered with a mocking smirk as Ira growled in rage.

"You'll never be able to beat our leader!" Ira snarled as you rose an eyebrow.

"Is that so? Well, i hope he will provide us a better challenge than you weaklings." You sneered as Ira glared at you in anger before disappearing to his hideout.

"Well, that's over with." You said as Mana reverted back to her normal form.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell us? Also, why are you not in your school uniform?" Mana asked.

"Oh crap! I almost forgot! I wanted to tell you two that i won't be going to school today or tomorrow." You stated as they tilted their heads in confusion.

"Why?" Both Mana and Rikka asked at the same time.

"Because i got accepted into Beacon Academy yesterday. I told the headmaster that i wouldn't completely join until i finish the school year here first." You told them.

"Alright, but you better be back here after tomorrow." Rikka ordered.

"Yes ma'am." You sweat dropped.

"What if those guys come back?" Mana asked.

"Well, you and Rikka along with Alice are all fully capable of defending this town without my help. And the Jikochuu's aren't that strong, so you shouldn't have any problems with them. Mana, you will continue to purify them whenever they appear. Rikka, you will be able to fully help once you find a cure lovead and become a Precure yourself. Anyway, i gotta go quick. See you later!" You shouted as you vanished.

Timeskip - Vale - Airship

You stood on an airship with Ruby, waiting for the ship to arrive to its destination. Honestly, you didn't really need to be on an airship since you could just simply fly, but that would probably attract too much unneeded attention right now. Although, you didn't need to hide your powers much here in this side of the world since people here have semblances and many people here are used to seeing people with powers. But even then, your powers are still so astronomically massive, even by their standards.

Soon someone wrapped their arms around both you and Ruby and pulled you both into a hug.

"Aww, i am so glad to see that my little sister and future husband is going to Beacon with me!" Your heard a female voice shout, as you turned to face the one who said that.

"Yang! I should have known it was you." You exclaimed as Yang smirked.

"Can't breathe. Need air." Ruby said slowly as Yang let go of both of you. "Also, can you please stop calling {Y/N} you future husband. You've been saying it a lot lately."

"I'm used to it now." You deadpanned.

"Yeah, but i think it makes Mana, Rikka and Alice a little angry." Ruby replied as Yang rose an eyebrow.

"You got mad when i say it as well. Admit it. You want him too." Yang pointed out as Ruby blushed.

"W-What?! N-No i don't!" Ruby shouted in denial.

"Anyway, are you two excited about this?" Yang asked, changing the subject since Ruby was getting flustered.

"I can't wait to see all different types of weapons people will be using." Ruby said in excitement.

"I'm curious about the different techniques each student will have. However, we need to keep our excitement in check. Its very likely that the three of us are leagues stronger than anyone else who will be attending Beacon." You told them as they nodded.

You overheard a news report on the TV monitor about Roman Torchwick. Apparently, he managed to escape from his bindings you and Ruby put him in and is still on the lose. You narrowed your eyes at this. Either he had help getting away or the Vale police are incompetent or a bit of both. Next, the news cut to something about the White Fang. You heard about them for a while now, and how aggressive they've been lately towards humans. You had a feeling that you will eventually have an encounter with them before they get completely out of hand.

'And if i do, they will be dealt with like all my other enemies.' You thought darkly as you glared at the TV screen.

Next, a hologram of Glynda appeared and she gave a speech about protecting the world and keeping it peaceful. Something that you have been trying to maintain for these past 7 years ever since you defeated Cell and became the new leader of the Z-Fighters. Of course, you knew that there will always be evil people around no matter what. Such as guys like Frieza, Cell, Ira, Marmo, Roman Torchwick, the White Fang, and whatever the villain Makoto was talking about, but you are determined to stop those that threaten this world.

Once Glynda's speech was done, the hologram disappeared. Ruby was looking out the window.

"Look! You can see Signal from here." Ruby said. "I guess home isn't too far after all."

"Beacons our home now." Yang said. You were about to correct her until a blonde boy passed by and started vomiting on the airship.

'The hell is up with that guy?' You sweat dropped.

"I wonder what kind of people were going to meet." Yang said.

"I just hope they're better than vomit boy." Ruby replied as you started snickering.

"Agreed." You deadpanned.

"Eww! You have puke on your shoe Yang!" Ruby pointed out.

"Gross gross gross gross gross!" Yang shouted as she ran around trying to get it off.

"Get away from me! Get away from me!" Ruby shouted as she ran away from Yang. You just stood there with a blank stare before face palming.

Timeship - Beacon Academy - Outside

Once the airship landed, the blonde boy quickly ran out to the nearest trash can to vomit in it while you, Ruby and Yang calmly walked out.

"I see that vomit boy is still vomiting. Perhaps that his special ability or semblance. If so, then that is one ability i do not want to mimic/learn." You deadpanned as Ruby and Yang laughed their asses off.

As the group were walking, you stopped to admire the view of the academy.

"Wow!" Ruby and Yang said.

"This place is huge!" You exclaimed as a girl with orange hair approached you and stared at you intently. You rose an eyebrow.

"Who are you? And why are you staring at me like that? Its getting kind of weird." You asked, snapping the girl out of here trance.

"Oh! Sorry! I'm Nora Valkyrie! Its just that you sort of resemble someone i met a few years ago, but you don't completely match the description since the one im looking for had a golden blonde hair." Nora shouted happily while you narrowed your eyes.

"Is that so? Well, my name is Son {Y/N}. Its nice to meet you." You smiled as you shook her hand. Soon a guy with black hair with a magenta streak on the left side of his hair appeared.

"Nora! Where you looking for the Golden Warrior again?" Ren asked.

"But Ren, i thought i found him this time!" Nora whined as Ruby and Yang's eyes widened.

'Damn! I literally just got here and someone already thinks im the Golden Warrior. Although it is true, but i don't want to reveal it yet.' You thought.

"Please give it up Nora, and stop bothering random people. I doubt the Golden Warrior would be here of all places." Ren said as Nora nodded.

"I guess you're right." Nora sighed in defeat, but you were curious about something.

"Wait. Why do you want to find the Golden Warrior so badly anyway?" You asked.

"To answer your question, he saved our lives from a horde of Grimm years ago. After that, Nora here really came to admire him." Ren replied as you nodded in understanding.

"I see." Was all you could say as Nora and Ren left.

"Well it looks like someone has a crush on you. Too bad she doesn't realize that you and the Golden Warrior are the same person." Yang teased as you shook your head at her antics.

"Whatever." You said.

"But that was a close call though." Ruby added.

"Indeed." You agreed as Ruby accidentally ran into someone's luggage, knocking it all on the ground.

"What are you doing!?" A girl in a white dress screeched.

"Oops. Sorry." Ruby said.

"Sorry? Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused!?" The white haired girl shouted.

"Look, it was an accident. No damage was done so there is no need for you to yell at her." You came to Ruby's defense. The white haired ponytail girl glared at you.

"This doesn't concern you!" She growled.

"Actually, this DOES concern me since you decided to verbally attack my friend." You replied in a serious tone.

"Why are you two here anyway. Aren't you both a little to young to be attending Beacon? This isn't your ordinary combat school you know. Were here to fight monsters." The white haired girl sneered.

"Bitch! Don't you think we already know that!? Hell, i have been fighting monsters and all sorts of weird creatures all my life. I likely have way more experience in this than you do, Princess!" You snapped.

"Please calm down, {Y/N}." Ruby said softly.

"Its heiress actually." A voice said as everyone looked to see the source of the voice and saw a girl with black hair and amber eyes walk up. "Weiss Schnee. Heiress to the Schnee dust company. One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world." She said in monotone.

"Finally! Some recognition." Weiss said before glaring at you and Ruby, although you didn't give a damn who she was to be honest.

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionably business partners." The black haired girl finished as you started snickering.

"What! How dare you!" Weiss growls.

"Considering her attitude, i wouldn't be surprised if all of this is true. I wonder if all Schnee's act like they have a 10 foot pole up their asses." You joked out loud as Ruby snickered before laughing out loud. It even made the black haired girl smirk. Meanwhile, Weiss was pissed and growled at the 3 before turning and leaving. Soon the black haired girl left as well.

"I promise i will make it up to you!" Ruby shouted.

"Just great. Looks like i have to deal with someone with who as a superiority complex here." You deadpanned before realizing something. "Wait. Where the hell is Yang!?" You asked, finally noticing that she wasn't here.

"I think she went ahead of us." Ruby pointed out.

"Fine. We should get going ourselves. I'll race you to the building!" You shouted as Ruby smirked.

"You're on!" Ruby replied as you both disappeared in the burst of pure speed. Both of you made it to the main building in less than a millisecond. Literally.

Beacon Academy - Inside

As you and Ruby entered the massive building, the first noteworthy person you saw was Yang waving at both of you.

"Hey Ruby, {Y/N}! Over here! I saved both of you a spot!" Yang called out as you both ran up to her.

"Good. I think vomit boy was standing right behind us." Ruby sighed in relief.

"Yang, why did you ditch us? I was about a few seconds away from kicking someones ass a while ago and you weren't around to stop me." You complained.

"Yeah. I accidentally ran into some mean girls luggage and she started yelling at me. That's when {Y/N} came to my defense and a heated debate almost started." Ruby said as Weiss was standing right behind everyone, hearing the entire conversation.

"YOU!" Weiss shouted as Ruby jumped into Yang's arms.

"Oh no its her again!" Ruby panicked.

"Oh great. Its the spoiled little Ice Queen again." You said with sarcasm as Weiss glared at you.

"And you! I heard what you just said. Do you actually think you could beat me?" Weiss asked as you smirked.

"Yes. And quite easily to be honest." You said plainly as Weiss growled at you. "Look, i know that you're quite strong yourself. Especially compared to the average person, but my power is on a whole different ball park." You explained as Weiss narrowed her eyes dangerously at you.

"You must be bluffing. I find it hard to believe that someone your age would be this strong." She countered.

"And that's your first mistake. Most of my opponents always underestimate me because of my age." You smirked.

The conversation was cut short when you heard Ozpin's voice on the microphone. He gave a speech and called everyone wasted energy which you scoffed at. Next Glynda gave everyone instructions for tomorrow before dismissing everyone.

Later That Night - Ballroom

"So this is where we'll be sleeping tonight?" You asked.

"Yes. At least until we get assign to our dorms." Yang answered as Ruby was too busy writing something.

"I see..." You replied as you took out a capsule and pressed a button before throwing it on the floor, revealing your sleeping bag.

"Its like a big slumber party!" Yang said.

"With the exception of {Y/N}, i don't think dad would approve of all the boys though." Ruby replied.

"Well, {Y/N} is the only one that matters to me." Yang smirked as she glances at you.

"By the way, what are you writing Ruby?" You asked.

"Im writing to my friends back in Signal." Ruby replied.

"Aww that's so cute!" Yang squealed only to get a pillow thrown to her face.

"Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. Its weird not knowing anyone here." Ruby said.

"Ouch! So im not your friend, Ruby?" You asked with a frown.

"Of course you're my friend! I didn't mean to say it like that!" Ruby shouted as she waved her hands defensively, causing you and Yang to chuckle as you heard someone light a candle nearby, getting the group attention and saw the same black haired girl from before reading a book.

"That girl..." Ruby said.

"She's the one from earlier." You stated.

"You two know her?" Yang asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not really. We met here when we were arguing with Weiss. She gave us some useful information about Wiess's family and how bad they apparently are at running their dust company." You joked as the two sisters snickered.

"Cool! Let's go talk to her." Yang said as she dragged both of you over to the black haired girl. You and Ruby tried to protest, but Yang wasn't listening.

"Hello~" Yang greeted the black haired girl as the 3 slowly approached her. "I heard that you 3 know each other." Yang said as the black haired girl glanced at you and Ruby.

"Weren't you two arguing with Weiss earlier today." The black haired girl asked.

"Yep. That's us." You stated plainly. "By the way, my name is {Y/N}, and these two here are Ruby and Yang. What is your name?" You asked.

"Blake." She answered with a slight huff.

"Interesting." You replied with a smirk. Unknown to everyone else, you have already had her figured out.

"What book are you reading?" Ruby asked as you got curious.

"Its about a man with two souls. Each fighting for control for its body." Blake answered.

"Already read it. Great book." You smirked. Considering the amount of books Chichi made you read, there aren't that many books that you haven't read.

"I love book. Yang used to read me stories of heroes and monsters. They're some of the reasons i want to become a huntress." Ruby said.

"Why is that? Hoping you would live happily ever after?" Blake asked with sarcasm.

"Judging by the tone of your voice, i guess you don't really like those stories huh?" You asked.

"Because the real world isn't the same as the fairy tale." Blake replied.

"Well, those fairy tale stories aren't so farfetched considering what happened 7 years ago. The Golden Warrior saved the entire world from Cell and everyone lived happily ever after." Yang added.

"Well, he was the exception." Blake said in denial as you narrowed your eyes dangerously.

"Then perhaps we should make it the norm." You interjected as Blake rose an eyebrow. "If anyone threatens the safety of this planet, they will be dealt with." You said in a cold tone that made shivers run up Blake's spine. She was surprised by how your demeanor could change from kind and carefree to cold and ruthless.

"True. We should all work to make this world better." Ruby smiled.

"Aww im so proud of my baby sister!" Yang said as she hugged Ruby.

"Hey! Let me go!" Ruby shouted as they started comically fighting while you and Blake sweat dropped. Soon Weiss arrived to the scene and she looked pissed. But then again, you haven't seen a time where she wasn't pissed so far. You stopped the two sisters from their 'play fight'. Mainly because you are the only one here who can. Even when they are just playing/fooling around, they are still far stronger than everyone else here besides yourself.

"What is going on over here!? Don't you realize that were are trying to sleep!" Weiss fumed before seeing you, Ruby and Yang.

"Oh not you again!" Yang and Weiss said at the same time.

"Alright! Quiet down everyone. Lets go to sleep before Weiss bitch at us again." You said.

"Oh so now you agree with me?" Weiss asked.

"Only because i don't want to hear any more of your complaining." You replied with a sneer as Weiss huffed before going back to her sleeping bag.

Before going to your own sleeping bag, you walked back over to Blake and whispered in her ear.

"I know that you're a faunus, Blake." You whispered so that only she could hear it. Blake eyes widened at that statement. She stared at you in shock while you went to your sleeping bag lightly chuckling to yourself.

'How was he able to figure me out? I need to keep an eye on this guy. There is definitely something strange about him. I can't put my finger on it though.' Blake thought to herself before blowing out the candles and going to sleep herself.

End of Chapter 6

A/N: That's it! I'm adding Nora to the harem (and likely Pyrrha as well) lol. Also, there is a split between the people who believe who defeated Cell (unlike the main series where everyone unanimously believe it was Hercule). In this story, some (the dumb ones) believe it was Hercule while others (the smart people) believe it was the Golden Warrior (aka You). Speaking of that, these are the people who know that you and the Golden Warrior is the same person so far: The Z-Fighters and you family (obviously), Mana (and her family), Rikka (and her family), Alice (and her family), Ruby, Yang, Taiyang, Qrow, Ozpin, Glynda and probably Salem. Also, since basically everyone in RWBY uses a weapon (and some Precure uses weapons as well), i have been thinking about having you use the power pole as your weapon. What do you think?


Base: 1 x 10^904 (10 Trecentillion)

Base: 1 x 10^160 (10 Duoquinquagintillion)

Base: 1 x 10^81 (1 Sesvigintillion)

Base: 1 x 10^80 (100 Quinvigintillion)

Base: 1 x 10^63 (1 Vigintillion)
Cure Heart: 1 x 10^64 (10 Vigintillion)

Base: 4.2
Cure Sword: 42

Rikka: 1 x 10^63 (1 Vigintillion)
Alice: 1 x 10^63 (1 Vigintillion)

Ruby: 1 x 10^63 (1 Vigintillion)
Yang: 1 x 10^63 (1 Vigintillion)
Weiss: 115
Blake: 115

Jaune: 65
Pyrrha: 165
Nora: 110
Ren: 110

Glynda: 240
Ozpin: 300


??? (Villain Makoto mentioned)
Estimated Power Level: 18,000
Actual Power Level: ?

Ira: 195
Marmo: 195

Cinder: 250
Emerald: 195
Mercury: 195
Roman Torchwick: 175

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