Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Red and Yellow

Island Patch (Next Day)

After Goku went to King Kai to locate the Namekian's, which they were successful at and not long after that, Earth had a new guardian named Dende, Gohan's old friend, who managed to recreated/restored the Dragon Balls. Once learning this news, you immediately stopped your training and went to Capsule Corp. to get the Dragon Radar from Bulma. After getting the Dragon Radar, you immediately started your search for the Dragon Balls.

Right now, you are on a island searching for the last Dragon Ball. You noticed that there was a much bigger continent nearby, but you have never explored it though so you don't know much about these places.

"Ok, its got to be here on this island somewhere." You told yourself as you checked the Dragon Radar before venturing into a dark forest. As you were walking through the forest, it was eerily quiet and there were several pairs of red eyes glaring at you. Soon, you heard a growling sound.

"What the-?" Before you could finish your sentence, a dark beast with a bone like mask over their face lunged at you from the dark shadows of the forest. However, the creature's speed, power and especially skill was pathetic compared to you, so you effortlessly evaded a claw swipe from the monster before grabbing it by its arm and placing you hand in front of its face and unleashed a ki wave that completely vaporized its face off.

Much to your surprise, the headless body of the creature immediately evaporated into nothing, leaving you confused.

"What... the heck...was that...?" You asked yourself, but you didn't have much time to think on that as you heard more growling from all sides before they reveal themselves to be the same creatures as the only you just killed. You simply scoffed at this.

"Pfft! Increasing your numbers won't change a thing." You snorted as all of the dark creatures rushed at you from all sides in an attempt to overwhelm you with their numbers.

Seeing this, you smirked as you focused your ki into your voice.

"YAAAH!!!" You shouted as you let out a shock wave that was so powerful that it instantly killed every creature around you and caused the heavy damage to the nearby trees along with shaking the entire forest. Just like before, they all evaporated into nothingness when they died.

"That was weird." You whispered.

Meanwhile With Ruby and Yang

Ruby and Yang were out wandering around in the edge of the forest by themselves, which wasn't exactly a good idea for someone their age, but they were having fun anyway. That is until they heard a loud scream followed by the ground shaking deeper in the forest.

"Woah! What was that?! And earthquake?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know, but need to be careful. The Grimm could be responsible for this." Yang told her sister as Ruby nodded. While they were quite a bit stronger than the average kids their age due to the two currently training under their father and uncle, they still wouldn't be able to do much if a swarm of Grimm came after them.

With You

As you continued to travel through the forest while checking you Dragon Radar, you once again found yourself surrounded by even more of these hostile creatures.

"Great! More of you fools!" You said in a sarcastic tone. This was like the 8th time and you were getting really annoyed with these things now. Before the dark creatures could react, you simply rose your fist to the sky and did a fist pump (like Gogeta), activating your aura which lit up the entire forest in a golden light and burned so hot that it melted them into into a puddle before they vanished into nothingness again.

"Weak. Wasn't even worth my time powering up." You scoffed before deactivating your aura.

With Ruby and Yang

"Hey! Did you see that yellow light!?" Ruby asked.

"How could i not see it? It covered the entire forest." Yang replied.

"Let's check it out! I want to see what's happening!" Ruby told her older sister.

"I am curious about what's happening right now, but i don't think we should go too far in there." Yang warned her.

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