Shattered Peace

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"You know the real meaning of peace only if you have been through war." - Kosovar

New York City is one of the largest cities in the United States of America. Before, it was but a small settlement of colonist from Europe. Now, it was literally a floating city - a modern day Atlantis if you were to compare.

This city was one of the major economic hubs of the United States. This was the place where people do business, to make money or just visit the famous sights of the city. There was the Empire State Building, along with taking a stroll around Central Park, or taking pictures down in Time Square at night and watch the lights come alive.

All around, people were going about their own business - going to their jobs, or just plain exploring. It was hard to imagine that not so long ago, the landscape had not been anything like the peaceful cityscape it was now.

It had all changed with the American-Russian War. This war marked the first time an invading army set foot on the American homeland and not only pushed them back, but nearly succeeded in overtaking the capital of the nation, Washington D.C.

It all started on the early days of the Second Russian Civil War and the Middle Eastern Conflict of the early 2010's. Russian Ultranationalists were fighting against the Government Loyalist for control of Russia and an Arab dictator by the name of Khaled Al-Asad overthrew and executed President Yasir Al-Fulani of Saudi Arabia.

Naturally, the United States and United Kingdom could not stand by and watch as the possibility of them turning Russia's entire nuclear arsenal against the world as leverage.

Feeling that action must be taken, the US sends a large task force of several divisions of the US Marine Corps to the Saudi Arabian Peninsula to remove Al-Asad from power. Across the ocean, the United Kingdom's elite 22 SAS Regiment would covertly gather intelligence deep within the war-torn Russia.

Though the US forces proved much more than a match for Al-Asad's armed forces; tragedy had struck when a nuclear weapon was detonated in the heart of the city. Over thirty thousand US personnel were killed in action with the heinous act either from the explosion itself, or the intense irradiation that came soon after.

Fearing another incident like this would occur, the US and UK decided that a joint effort between their remaining forces would be the smartest thing to do. The first priority was to neutralize the nuke launch sites as the Ultranationalists had taken control of it while the secondary objective was to find anything to help them discredit the Ultranationalists so they would not gain any more power.

Leading this operation was Capt. John Price, a hardened SAS operative who had a long and personal history with the people behind these attacks. Coordinating with the American Army Rangers and other Special Operation units, the task force designated as Task Force141 were successful in halting the launch of any more nukes and detonated the ones that had been launched and killed the man behind the assassination of the Saudi Arabian President though not without great sacrifice as all but Price and his second in command survived the last encounter.

Even with the success of the main objective, however, the Ultranationalists ultimately won the civil war and left the US weakened both politically and economically. Yet the Americans maintained their presence in the Middle East to quell further unrest that had been building up.

Years passed and relations between Russia and the Western Powers deteriorated even further because of the actions of one Vladimir Makarov, a known terrorist and Ultranationalist Leader.

Makarov led an attack on Zakhaev International Airport, killing hundreds of innocent civilians and reactionary police officers in the process. Yet it wasn't even close to being part of his true plan. Instead, the killing blow was dealt when he killed a member of his team that was secretly an American CIA agent whose role was uncovered well before the operation was even planned out.

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