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"Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby, you can be the director of the opponent's fate." – Sun Tzu

In a field of bountiful flowers and majestic surroundings, Tuka Luna Marceau was playing a soothing song with her lute while sitting under an apple tree. She smiled as she could see numerous children running through the fields; their joyous laughter echoing in the air as they played to their hearts content.

Just a short distance away was their new settlement at the foot of a mountain and the young Elf could not help but feel happiness swell through her. After so long...after dreaming about it, they had finally done it. The Oflai have finally found a place they could call home and it was truly beautiful.

Tuka could see her little brother, Faelor, finally letting out a true smile as he played with the children – and her father, standing proud and strong as he stood with the other leaders of their people and declared that they shall no longer be nomads.

To Tuka and many others of the Oflai, this was a dream come true. No longer would they wander the land looking for such a place and no longer would they be nomads for they finally found a home.

Tuka let out a contented sigh. It would that the gods had finally showed them mercy and blessed them with their favor. She thanked her patron god, Wareharun, for his generosity and guidance in leading them to their new home.

After she finished her song, the sounds of nature and the peace she felt were slowly lulling her to sleep but before she could welcome it, the scenery slowly changed.

The day turned to night, and the beautiful flowers withered and died. The children who were running and playing in the fields were now being butchered by an army of demons; cut and torn to pieces with the look of terror forever etched on their faces. Tuka nearly screamed when she saw the mangled corpse of Faelor – there was nothing left of him except for his half eaten upper torso.

Tuka shook uncontrollably in horror. How could such a thing happen to the innocent children? However, what she saw next would haunt her for the rest of her life.

A faint glow to her front forced Tuka to redirect her attention and when she did, her eyes widened in absolute horror at what she saw. The mountain which her people had claimed as her home was now an inferno.

The flames and smoke roared high into the sky – a terrible beacon of suffering for every soul to witness. Tuka could hear the pitiful screams of her people as they burned alive. Those that did manage to escape the inferno were so badly burned and disfigured that the young elf just knew that they would not survive.

Most of them were slaughtered by the demons and Tuka felt that they were the lucky ones. Their suffering had ended and it made her sick to her core.

Who could do something like this? The gods know that they did not deserve such a fate! She fell to her knees as she desperately tried to cover her ears to spare her the screams and the roaring flames. A river of tears flowed from her eyes as the Elf wept at the horrendous fate of her people.

She slowly looked up and that was when Tuka saw what she knew was the one responsible for this. Standing just a stone's throw away from her; amidst all the carnage and terror was a lone dark figure. It had no face not did it possess eyes. She could feel it looking at her and it made her shiver because she could feel nothing but the stench of death and malice coming from it.

Tuka thought that she was staring at the very embodiment of Death itself and she could do nothing but cower before it. However, she noticed that it was holding something and she screamed in despair at what it was. Held in its hand was the severed head of her father.

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