Peace or War

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"Here, in the folds of my toga, I bring you peace or war, life or death. You may choose whichever you like." – Quintus Fabius


TIME: 11:35:27

DATE: KOSHA 24, 687 AC

"That was a satisfying meal, I would say." Duke Pedretti sighed in satisfaction as he leaned back on his chair; his stomach full and happy.

"I wholeheartedly agree." King Corte-Real said with a smile before sipping on his wine. "Lord Caine, you must share with us how you can make such a scrumptious meal with such seemingly simple ingredients." He said with the other kings nodding as well.

"I am sure that King de Lunar will greatly appreciate such a thing when he tastes this." The delegate from Alguna, Count Cesar Rouco, one of the King of Alguna's most trusted subordinates, said.

As the compliments kept coming from the Vassal Kings, Caine could only smile. Things were going exceptionally well for the upcoming talks. At first, they were cordial but he could sense that they did not trust him in the slightest so he prepared the meal – a simple serving of grilled steak, vegetables, and mashed potatoes – to lighten the mood.

Looking to his right, he could see that Count Formal was catching up to King Duran with Lorenz standing by behind them. Listening in closely, he could hear that the King of Elbe was discussing something about Italica. It was something about the continued abduction of children there.

Caine frowned internally but kept to himself and filed that information away for now. It could prove useful in the future.

Of course, the taste of the food was enough for them to relax; even King Duran's personal guard, Captain Elliades and his men had visibly relaxed after seeing how positive the Kings were. That was a good sign to the diplomat because it would make his job easier as experience has taught him.

Caine was confident in his abilities to broker a favorable agreement with the Vassal Kingdoms but just in case, he was informed by LTG Pearce that his protection detail would be on the lookout for those assassins the Saderans sent. They would keep one alive to confess the Saderan's plan to eliminate them and the diplomat would use this to steer the kings in the direction that they wanted.

Of course, it is not as if the entire diplomatic strategy was entirely hinged on the assumed arrival those assassins now. The bottom line of what the US wanted was to have the Vassal Kingdoms declare neutrality; if Caine can obtain some kind of alliance with them then good. Having the assassins come and having one of them confess was just a...secondary insurance policy.

Disregarding the possible assassination plot and subsequent manipulations, his strategy was simple in approach and Caine was confident that it would be enough. Was it underhanded of the Americans to use the assassin situation to their advantage? Yes, of course, but it is also smart not to rely on that assumption entirely.

"I'm sure the chefs would appreciate your kind words." Caine said jovially. "I'll be sure to pass the recipe along for you to enjoy yourselves. We have other treats that I'm sure you'd all like though."

At the prospects of experiencing more delicacies, the other occupants in the room smiled in delight but King Tarokh cleared his throat. "I believe that I speak for my compatriots that we would surely look forward to your generous offer, Lord Caine, but now, I believe that it is the time to focus on our agenda of great importance."

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