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"There are hunters, and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience, and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim." – General James Norman Mattis


DATE: MAY 31, 2035

TIME: 06:23:14

Fort Bragg is one of the largest military installations in the world with a population of over fifty-five thousand active duty personnel and their families. It is also home to the United States Army Forces Command, the United States Army Reserve Command, and the United States Army Special Operations Command.

Its tenant units were the 82nd Airborne Division of the XVIII Airborne Corps, the 3rd Special Forces Group of the Green Berets, the Army Compartmented Element and the Joint Communications Unit just to name a few.

It is also the location where the selected members of Task Force 117 were to hone their skills further and familiarize themselves with one another; working on their unit cohesion. Seeing as their enemy focuses primarily on close quarters combat, Major Derek Westbrook and his fellow commanders deemed it necessary for the men to further enhance their CQC prowess.

This includes courses in knife fighting, swordsmanship, archery, hand to hand with an emphasis in dirty fighting, etc. They also studied what intelligence they had on their potential enemies and how to combat them; they had prepared some training situations for these as well.

He also shared this concept to COL Summers, and through him, LTG Pearce. MAJ Westbrook explained that all of the troops should, at least, have and hone some skills in bladed combat and archery. It would considerably increase their overall combat effectiveness; especially if they ever ran out of ammunition since they would be sent into a time period where the two weapons would be found in abundance, be it from towns or the corpses of their enemies.

The two agreed with his reasons and LTG. Pearce made the necessary arrangements to have their forces be trained accordingly. The Major liked to believe that this little detail will help his brothers and sisters-in-arms stay alive in the long run.

Right now, he was dressed in full battle gear minus the mask, was marching together with the men and a few instructors. He said that he would personally see to their training and exercises, and he fully intends to do so.

He kept a stern look on his face as he observed the troops. They were carrying full load of gear and were required to march a five miles round trip through a rough hiking trail back to base in only thirty minutes. After that, it would be training all day. They would do this every day of every morning until Derek sees fit otherwise.

"C'mon, you sons of bitches! You call this running?! My grandma could run circles around you! And she's fucking dead!" One of the instructors so eloquently urged the men to move faster. "Oh, what, you can't take it anymore?! Well, why don't you call your mama! I bet she'll do a better job at this than you fucks!"

This instructor's name was Captain Walter R. Rivera. He is an instructor of the Army's John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. A hard and very foul mouthed man like any other armed forces instructor but he was considered to be one of the best at his job.

'Nobody seems to be breaking here. Good.' The Major thought to himself as the men pushed on despite CPT Rivera spitting curses at them.

Currently, Task Force Nemesis consists of one hundred and twenty four personnel, including the Major himself. All of them were some of the hardest and meanest sons of bitches from the Armed Services; and some were some of the best at what they do in their respective fields.

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