Terrible Resolve

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"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." – General of the Armies John Joseph Pershing



TIME: 11:53:09

Elves are amongst the most beautiful and long lived races in Falmart; capable of living almost eternally. Though most would think that they are all the same, there are actually three sub species of elves: The High, Wood and Dark Elves, or Rhashae, Oflai, and Druganthi, respectively.

However, millennia ago, there were only the Rhashae and Druganthi that existed. The Rhashae, devout followers of Zufmuut, inhabited the peaks of Thetpar Mountains where they have created their own paradise as the God of Order' most favored subjects. While the Druganthi, devoted worshippers of Hardy, ended up making the Knappnai Mountains as their home.

The two elven races had once ruled Falmart for thousands of years but they also had been at war with each other for almost the same time; due in no small part because of their patron gods. The Rhashae were peerless warriors, unmatched prowess in the mystic arts, and riders of the great and noble Caledor Dragons that were said to be gifts from Zufmuut himself.

However, the Druganthi were their opposite. Where the Rhashae were noble, compassionate and courageous, the Druganthi were deceitful, ruthless, and tyrannical. They possessed magic and martial skill equal and sometimes superior to their cousins, and masters of the dreaded Eslir Dragons.

The two races had fought for supremacy of the continent with many of the other races being forced to choose sides in order to survive. For centuries, they had drowned the land of Falmart in blood and flames but soon enough, the price of war began to take their toll.

Eventually, the Rhashae and Druganthi had lost so much in their war that they were forced to agree on an uneasy truce evoked by the Apostles of Zufmuut, Deldort, Wareharun, and surprisingly, Hardy. With the truce in place, the two races retreated back to their homes as they no longer had the strength to control the continent.

This led the other stronger beings to seize the opportunity and take as much land as they could. This led to a period of feudalism in Falmart.

Over time, the Rhashae and Druganthi strived to rebuild and they did but they were merely shadows of their former selves and had adopted a policy of isolationism. Choosing to stay within their mountain sanctuaries than involve themselves with the outside world again.

In that time, the two races experienced numerous changes. Once, the Rhashae were among the noblest of beings but now, they became exceedingly prideful and arrogant with most bragging and reminiscing about the days when they upheld the order in Falmart as Zufmuut's most favored.

For the Druganthi, they became indifferent about all things not directly concerning them.

Centuries passed and another major change would be known. It started small at first but soon enough; a few clans of the Rhashae were becoming disenchanted about their beliefs and disgruntled about the rigid and stagnant state they have been reduced to. They wanted to break away from this system and believe in something more than just order.

They found it in the serenity of the forests – the domain of the God of Nature, Wareharun. Guided by his Apostle, those clans began to assimilate and accept this new way of life. Decades passed and these clans grew in numbers but they were discovered by their Rhashae brothers and sisters.

The Rhashae leaders saw this as heresy and betrayal of the highest form, and sought to slaughter those clans to purge this stain on their honor. It is only to the interference of the Apostles of Zufmuut and Wareharun that they ceased their efforts and were forced to accept this new development.

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