Extreme Measure

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"If the enemy is in range, so are you." – Infantry Journal


DATE: KOSHA 29, 687 AC

TIME: 05:21:03

Just as the sun was about to rise in the horizon, a MH-60M Black Hawk was on approach from the West. They were returning after a quick exfiltration of Nightmare 0-1 from the Rugcester Territory for they were needed for a new mission objective. Their estimated time of arrival was thirteen minutes.

Within the helicopter, the men took some time to relax a bit. After weeks of surveying the Western Legions, they were grateful to have a bit of a reprieve. 1LT Wilson was enjoying watching the beautiful landscape go by; the light of the rising sun adding to its magnificence.

After spending weeks moving from one vantage point to another just watching some hundred thousand chumps marching across a thousand miles' worth of country, he was glad that they were getting a new objective. 1LT Wilson knew that what they were doing there was an integral part of the operation but damn was it boring as fuck...well, with the exception of that mysterious group that was observing them.

The Green Beret frowned at that. That group gave him some weird vibes and would have been better if they scared them off but that would risk giving away their position; a point made clear by the Major. Though Frost made it clear that they will not engage the group unless they proved hostile, even he was getting some odd feelings about them. 

1ST did not know if he was loopy or something but he could have sworn that those creeps were eye balling the Major more than them.

Speaking of which, 1LT Wilson faced the seat in front of him and there was his commanding officer who had his head down. His eyes were obstructed by his combat goggles but 1LT Wilson was almost sure that he was taking a very light nap. 

Well, he might as well leave them to it. It would be better to get some rest as well and wind down. Taking a deep breath, 1LT Wilson continued to stare out of the chopper's window.

While it was true that Frost was resting, he was also thinking about what was going to happen next. It was yesterday at 1700 hours that they were ordered back to base to receive a new mission directive; a vehicle would be waiting for them once they have returned. The word has been passed to all US forces in the theater: they were to commence offensive operations in less than three days time. The reason was that those three legions traversing the Dumas Passage received new orders to lay siege to Italica.

The Major knew of the strategic value of the city and its future use once this war was over, and the surveillance of the Western Legions can be left to the drones. It was a no-brainer that Italica must not fall into Saderan hands but why re-task Nightmare 0-1 for it as there were still other teams in Relentless? Or, hell, why not send in the regular troops to handle this; this shouldould be right up their alley.

Regardless, orders were orders and in order to formulate an effective defense strategy, Frost needed updated intelligence on who was he up against, who would he have to tolerate inside the city, the terrain, support packages etc. However, there was one problem with this course of action.

'Why not task an airstrike or an AC-130 gunship to eliminate the threat?' Frost asked himself as this would be the most effective and efficient way to deal with that problem as opposed to sending a team in. With those legions out in the open, they were easy prey for airstrikes, artillery, and gunships to take out. Nightmare 5 would be up to the task in conducting search and destroy on their own once the offensive starts.

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